— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №23268
From the sect:
The girl’s travel album, a photo of the monkey with the spinning little heads, and the first comment from her friend:
"Anchor, how you are squeezing!! )))) andquot;

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №23267
xxx (00:01:41 4/12/2009)
The Rambler News
"Dutch sailors themselves captured pirates"

xxx (00:02:02 4/12/2009)
I have been waiting for this news for a long time.

zzz (00:02:37 4/12/2009)
and ?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №23266

The subject of British scientists. They recently put a lot of articles in open access. Among them:
Meet among the articles and funny. For example, there is a 1770 work in which the author Denis Barrington studies the young Mozart in order to find out whether it really is a young genius or just a disguised dwarf. Based on the fact that the 9-year-old composer likes to play with a cat rather than a musical instrument, Barrington concludes that he is really a child in front of him.
It turns out it has long since begun :)

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №23265
starcream (07:22:19 4/12/2009)
You are not sleeping?

Behemot (07:22:38 4/12/2009)
I sit on the net.

starcream (07:23:04 4/12/2009)
Great, and I’m in guests.

Behemot (07:23:11 4/12/2009)
to whom?

starcream (07:23:21 4/12/2009)
You have

Behemot (07:24:20 4/12/2009)

Behemot (07:24:30 4/12/2009)
Fucking forgotten

[ + 65 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №23264
News on NTV, 3 December 2009:
Rostov mushrooms found in the forest 92 artillery shells from the time of the Great Patriotic War.

Explain to me, what heroes were the mushrooms forgotten in the forest in December?! to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №23263
I watch a movie with my husband. I was in a chair, he was next to me, on the floor. He recently destroyed his head capitally, almost healed. Here he scratched her, and then thoughtfully said:
Did you chew crops from morning when you were a child?
I was chewing, I said.
Hold on!
and!!!!? to
And here he is with such a childish insult in a trembling voice:
I can say I’m getting rid of myself...
It was not his destiny to finish.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №23262
The Sunday. 7 in the morning. I go to work. Gai is stopped. They are asked to go to duty. I walk, I sit at the table opposite the goose, who sits behind the compot.
He is:
G – You look strange. have drunk?
and no.
Guyz, striking his eye, stretches into the box of the table, gets from there a piece of newspaper wrapped in a bullet. It stretches me.
G is breathing.
After five seconds of silence, I breathe out in the "alcohol tester". Gajz relentlessly brings the bullet to the nose. He breathes.
G is clean. Let’s try the fines. The name.
- I am embarrassed to ask, and will you send a request by mail?

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №23261
Hello Valentine Petrovich!
Unfortunately, after the last delivery of paint products when unpacking the pallets in the warehouse, a marriage was found. Documents with the signature of the warehouse owner and the director, as well as photos attached.
With respect Svetlana.

by dude.doc (53 KB)See
JPG (248 KB) See also
See also: JPG (250 KB)
Tagged with: jpg (262 KB)

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №23260
Marina: Okay, the most important thing in any language is the question "sorry, where is your toilet?"

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №23259
Fossi: I read in the book: "The hair on the eyes from purple-red turned into saturated yellow". Before I realized what I really meant, 10 seconds tried to imagine hairy eyes.

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №23258
I just don’t need to lie that you never hanged in front of the iron toilet, watching through the sludge, how the scales of the jd-tissue run down!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №23257
But did you know that if a donkey is soaked with pepper under its tail, it will move twice as fast?
Listen, you are a genius.
XXX What?
YYY: After your advice our not only go to the next world championship, but also win lol
xxx: Call to Hidding :D

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №23256
<OxCODER> people think:
<OxCODER> what kind of progu mona to write coab spread rapidly?
<Sam_Gold> The Worm
<OxCODER> mixed=)
<OxCODER> I am about useful=)
<Sam_Gold> the shellworm

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №23255
My mother told me a story from her student life. Sometimes they gathered together with a fellow, drank. And, as is usually the case, there was a need to go for the supplement. The problem was in the guard, so once it was on the first floor, one guy usually went out the window and ran into the campsite.
They sit down, so one day in the winter, they drink. Another group already. Drinking is over and, according to the habit of this guy is sent out the window. They wait, they wait, and they are not. And then everyone remembers that the third floor is... Everyone is in shock!
Then it was discovered that he broke his leg. Only not from falling from the third floor, but sliding on the doorstep, when he was already returning with a bubble. She saw it and called an ambulance.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №23254
Yes, I am like that :)
YYYYYYYYYYYYYY! You are so myriad! Like a cocktail after drinking.

I have not received such compliments yet.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №23253
I heard a piece of conversation today:
The president is alone. by Vladimir Putevedev.

[ + 79 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №23252
and more:
to this:
Never ever!! Again I repeat NEVER suck the fire from the gas plate with the vacuum cleaner!!! to
The author of the quote, whoever you are, remember! It was exactly three o’clock in the night on December 2, 2009 that I started to hate you!!! to
Do not lead to sin – that was it?

Do I think everything is obvious here? The fire through the pipe goes to the dust-gatherer bag, and all you suck, it’s the beast of woolots, boemaagki, and all the other shit (lightly flammable, you need to note...) rreeshelbe kelme shsheitanam! It explodes! Well, and if the vacuum cleaner is still blowing out... not bad probably will be a dragon :)

[ + 95 - ] Comment quote №23251
Q: What kind of hair is this in your hair?
It is the head!

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №23250
Everyone has black stripes in life, but it is up to you how wide they are.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №23249
A story about the "Student's Breakfast" (the chef told).
You want to believe, you want to not, but it was so.
In 1988 he was on a mission in the Voronezh region. And in the farmhouse of the village Ramone found canned foods with the label "Rilla pigs in their own juice" (composition; rilla pigs, fat, salt, sugar, black pepper, production of New Animal Conserves).
The gross weight - 560 grams, the price for the second belt - 98 kopecks (see - the memory of a person!) To refrain from the temptation to try the chef could not, and bought this masterpiece of the Voronezh conserve industry in one copy.
He purchased it and went into sackweed, because he ate mostly in the colloquial dining halls (citation: "b**, you don't even imagine what healthy, healthy and delicious food there was!“ )
About the bank, the chef remembered only in the coupe of the train "Voronezh-Moscow", when the companions put a "battery" on the table and offered to go for acquaintance. Since the boss has all the travel and other means have long been spent on scourge and ruin, he exhibited only a sugar Voronezh selfie in a beer "cheburashka" and a bowl with pork rills.
The right word, the chef did not even think that the pork rilla would outperform even the Finnish salami of the companions! Somewhere in the area of Michurinsk, the rylla had already been greedy swallowed, the "own juice" was drunk, and the bank was wiped out with bread crusts to shine.
All those present unanimously wished to return for the rails, but the train was going to Moscow, where he arrived at Pavelecki station at 7.15 a.m.
The men split up in silence.
Everyone understood that such luck is only once in life, and no one will ever get to enjoy the rills... so it went.)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna