— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №20108
bstr: What can students give through networks as a practice?
800: Tracking of traffic
800: Sniffing
800: Spoofing
800: Replacement of DNS
by 800 ))
bstr: They are not admin =)
800 and who? The managers? )
bstr: Economists
bstr: Almost all girls
800: put them in the forehead with the router *rofl*

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №20107
From the browser game eRepublic:
You should be aware that everyone who came to this site first and foremost wants to enjoy the game (except for Romanians, Romanians come here purely from value...)"

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №20106
A request for authorization has arrived. I read the information, say, who is not filled. Click to refuse. Within 20 seconds:
What are you, O’Leary?
The boss was established.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №20105
I drive with the aquariums - a portion of the grass has ripened, replaced several water tanks. Dirty, naturally, splashed out into a sort, and the rush, the infestation, continues to float on the surface, pulled the hole with a flat layer, like in a pond.
Well, I think FIG with her, with time it will drown. And I forgot.
After a while, the husband enters the sorting room, I hear the knock of the lifting lid, the shout of horror and amazement, and the shout of the soul:
Oh my God!! She’s already put it all here!!! to
c) Volha

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №20104
Yes, the girls are bigger now.
YYY: In the sense?
xxx: My 10-year-old daughter, wanted to kill my wedding dress, got stuck and stuck to death! While her husband and her husband were forged out of there, her hands were twisted, all the dress to the hell broke out, sadly, the memory was.
XXX is Oh! Did you get married so early?
YYY: It’s not too early, at 22, just there were no chips or widths in our time!

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №20103
SMS from a friend who serves in the army:
I thought after I cut the woods with a spade nothing would surprise me anymore, but no :) Today I cut the grass with a tail. Yellow"

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №20102
XXX (Department of the Project)
Nikita, do me something to get out of the press sooner!!!! to

YYY (System administrator of the system)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №20101
Sometimes the thought is so deep that it goes through the ass.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №20100
My friend and his two ex-footballers were going to judge a veteran match in another city. On the way, they were stopped by a goat with a great claim to survive. The car was rented by the football federation and the guys, taking a neutral position, missed it. But the driver did not want to break up with the work penny. The fight went on, the time went on, and no one cancelled the match. One, already nervously bored, decided to speed up the resolution of the issue and approached the arguments politely began: "I, sorry, but we involuntarily heard your conversation... We are judges, and we are late" (he wanted to continue - "to conduct a football match"), but watched... When the judge said the face of the goose disappeared somewhere. In this place, there was an EXPRESSION chewed up with unbarred cactus... It was more fun to go with an escort...

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №20099
You are stupid!
But is beautiful.
Who told you?
You are...
And you believed?! to
Of course!
Oh and stupid!
It is beautiful!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №20098
XXX I will cut my veins.

What was TTT scared of?? to

Michael Jackson has died.

TTT again? O_O

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №20097
I take money out of the bank. Aunt is in front of me. Put the card in the slit and let me scream. "Well go, stop checking out my PIN code". I walked away for a few steps, here she gets the paper and let the keys grab. and Scuco Listen "five two eight six" judge O_O

Although there is a suspicion that the aunt is so harsh that she said false numbers.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №20096
At work: a rejuvenating, slightly concerned retirement-age lady, rubbed a mushroom on her foot between her fingers (How? hz)and all day in a row, starting with the boss, that it is not necessary to bother her with requests to go today, because she has a mushroom between her legs! We should have seen the roots of our office men. Reserve of Freud.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №20095
Кр@сотк@ (14:33:57 7/09/2009)
You don’t get along with Nick.

Good to you (14:34:48 7/09/2009)

[ + 98 - ] Comment quote №20094
I read about the shrimp, the frog.

My cat is missing here. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Under the bathroom, under the tables. On the balcony everywhere.
The door to my room was closed. could not pass. Everything happens, I guess.

I entered and left the door open. There is nowhere.
I look under the couch. I watched 2 minutes... carefully. I turn my head...
and she, infected, sits next to me and so slightly bending her head there under the couch looks at me and looks at me and asks - did not find? O_O

This infection was half a day away from me then under the closet.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №20093
What if I were a dumb man, would you stay with me?
I would marry you :)
XXX is eban.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №20092
I have a girl gymnast.
I remember the ball penetrated from the blue-green building I don’t know what yesterday was and where I was.
And she walks around the room on her arms, I thought everyone was sleeping on the ceiling.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №20091
The UG:
Posted in Google Search: "Google is a very crazy search engine"

The first reference:
Yandex, generally a fucking search engine, very gently speaking. Use the Google.

Everything is OK ;)

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №20090
Do you have hot water?

As if yes

It will be turned off all over the city again.

Why is?


Are they gods who send us so many trials?

It is hydraulic 😉

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №20089
Right now :
"There is no more sad story in the world than the story of the end of the summer..."

Just two years ago:
"There is no more sad story in the world than the story of a spelled cut..."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna