— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №20048
2 of September. The evening. Students sit the last couple in the crowded audience. The teacher doesn’t want to let us go sooner. While we are re-writing the proposal of the lecture, the lecturer looks into his diary and joyfully says: "Ba! Tomorrow we will be working with you all day. Per then it doesn’t break up?" Students tired voices: "Yes you what!!! O_O We will here then completely fade away!..." Prepod not breaking away from the daily newspaper: "Oh, what will happen to you, you are well disputed........"

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №20047
Comments on the striptease video:
1 especially the old Soviet switch on the wall)
2 And I thought she would press on him
3 movements corny angular switch worthy of respect
4 interruptor is interrupted. One bad thing, this aunt constantly overlooks the review ((:
The 5 Most Effective Video with a Switch

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №20046
A long line in the store. At the box, where sweets, condoms and cigarettes are usually located, there is a family. A little boy says to his mother, pointing to the condom package:
Mom, what is it?? to
I do not know.
You bought it yesterday!
Dad looked at Mom. The whole line is filled with laughter.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №20045
From Contact:

Interests: I love small dogs and girls in pink sports costumes with strawberries who have lots of photos from cool nightclubs and from Turkey. I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it day and night. I would have gathered them all together in a bunch and in a common bowl to hear the wild scream and the whispering of the burning bushes. Well, let the smoke go pink and pink and pleasantly sparkle XD

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №20044
The sister of the wife sent a SMS where she shares her impressions from her own wedding. "It is so great. As if it was not with me. Feelings like when I was a kid kad tamagochi gave me." For some reason she immediately felt sorry for her husband.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №20043
HHH: Listen, the nibuga you have on the look at home, let the thread get stuck!)
WOW, WOW, WOW is a book.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №20042
A bouquet of roses was presented today. I put his vase over the TV at home. The husband came from work, splashed onto the couch, turned on the football and sat on the dinner. He did not even notice the bouquet, and I go home and think, now he is tormented by interrogations, suspicions, and he is at least hone. I asked him, and if I had come home in a new coat he would not have noticed either. On what he said he would notice, because it is summer.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №20041
I’ve just been upset recently by the foolishness of our advertising:
"These bags contain only whole tea leaves that are fine-cut". The puzzles, comrades

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №20040
xxx: I am now reading on torrent "Blin no 500 kB of all, well add the speed of the slide! Do I have to run for 2 hours now?and "
YYY: Here’s a new generation... xD

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №20039
The news is burning:
Dutch police mistakenly deprived scientists of hemp
(c) Adskiy_Satana

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №20038
Oh, what would you think if you saw two people in the Mac buying a happy mile and collecting machines who is faster?
XH: people 20-23 years
WOW: I would hunt for the happy milk and join them.

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20037
And where can I download the new MS Word with the new rules of Russian language? He emphasizes everything in red.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №20036
Trigger: Well, I don’t like Hammer, big not reversible
NiGGeR: Don’t one of my acquaintances said after a trip on it, the legs there move on their own.
NiGGeR: I want Hammer!
Trigger: wow, I wanted it too :)

[ + 74 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20035
I am good. He found the phone in the bus and returned it to the owner.
My boyfriend said I’m dumb but I’m proud of myself.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №20034
Well, why are they all rushing to a woman with a cupcake, whose husband is kindly talking to Doshirak? I cook my husband a delicious and varied food every day: borsches, cocktails, baked foods, cakes, cakes and other homemade delicacies, but he still gets to eat this notorious Doshirak once a month. I like the taste, what now? And I can't cook home Doshirak with all the desire, well I don't have E451, E1256 and anything like that.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №20033
Meeting with a real Captain.
A man goes like this, with a deer.
I see a lot of brownies.
I ask unknowingly: "Dad, where did you get those?"
Answer KO: "In the woods.. there they dohuya.."

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №20032
True laziness is when laundry is washed in the washing machine.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №20031
I swear that it is true...
The strange and incomprehensible humor of the staff of the organs, or rather their bosses...
Lighted my acquaintance a very bad trip, for a month, in exchange, shorter, far and long. There was no desire to go, of course. And the ments strictly, did not repel in time - they are stuck to the hell on the knives. Here was a gift to the boss. He said he invented the whole night. However, before the eyes of the king, all the reasons went somewhere, probably, the brain stroke did not withstand. And therefore, a friend found nothing better than to lament: "I can't go on a business trip, especially for such a long period. My wife for this time runs to the left, she’s crazy for me, one day without sex – fucking everything that moves.” I swallowed and I swallowed myself. The chief trembled from the soul, then scratched the pumpkin (see, the same house) and said, "Well, what to do, I will send a replacement, go to yourself." Wrecked by such a rapid success and a failed trip, a friend sparks out of the chief's office. And to drive to the acquaintance was the same night, in the morning, practically.
In the morning he is at work, straight from the threshold receives a pencil for not leaving for a business trip, after 2 minutes calls his mobile wife and whispers: "There is a lieutenant with a paper signed by your boss and says he came to replace you!!“!”
The acquaintance for a long time murdered: "Why did this phrase not seem strange to me right away?“?”

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №20030
Two cows are talking:
You know, I think they feed us just to drink.
our milk, and then kill and eat.
Get rid of your conspiracy theories! The whole herd is over you.
will laugh.

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20029
Ladies and gentlemen ‎(16:12):
The trees are like women, first beautiful and then naked.

Bandit ‎(16:12):
They were small and thin, then big and rough.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna