— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №18964
My uncle told me:
They lived in the summer at a sports camp near the sea. And one night they wanted adult entertainment (and they were then 15-16 years old). In general, they got somewhere a bottle of wine and went to the city beach, where no one is late at night and where they actually began to devote themselves to alcoholic excesses and swimming - naturally naked.
Alcohol affected the young organisms decisively and unexpectedly – when the bottle of wine ended, they fell asleep.
And when the uncle woke up, he first looked at his genital organ. morning erection), then on the same naked comrades, and then on several hundred holidayers of the Crimean resort!)

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18963
IBM’s data center in Whitecon, Switzerland, built in 2008, heats the water in a local pool by removing heat from a host of servers.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №18962
xxx: Zeka, you don’t get offended, but I remembered how a blonde took me off in the Crimea, I translate the words literally: Well, you turned 360 degrees and go straight!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18961
K-Man: I saw his Seregu in the subway - he was in textiles like seals, in China came out - the shirt was generally smoothed out normally, but the face of day 3 was not shaved - looked like a cowboy:))
In_da_all: A married man who wants to? and :)
in_da_all: T-shirts wife glides
in_da_all: it goes by itself :)

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №18960
xxx: I now do not kiss girls at all, I have an obsessive idea that each of them at least once has sucked someone's hair.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18959
The 1949 year. Writer Valentin Katayev will find out that he will soon have to
Stalin Prize for Literature. Date of award
It coincides with Valentine Petrovich’s birthday.
"Informed sources" that exactly at 16:00 the great speaker
Levitan reads the list of the award-winners. In this regard, the author invites
I have a large number of friends at home. by 4 hours
All the guests sitting at a luxurious table are silent. Katowice
The radio is turned on, and from the dynamic comes the unimaginable voice of Levitan: "From
All Soviet television and radio stations speak.
The Company"

Katie doesn’t know it’s a joke.
Levitan was supposed to broadcast an hour later, and now he was speaking to the microphone.
A small radio station near the village.

Decision of the Committee...
The Stalin Prize in Literature was awarded...

Levitan begins to list the award-winners. Katie's name among them
No is. The writer is scared. In the last minute to break Stalin
Only Stalin could win the prize. Katie knows that this is the beginning of the end.
Then opal, arrest and shooting. Levitan finishes reading the list
After a pause, he added:

Katowice is X!

After an hour, Levitan was broadcasting on the actual Hostel Radio.

[ + 118 - ] Comment quote №18958
The Peters! Be careful! The affairs!
Grybova Darya Alexandrovna removes the house on a daily basis and leases it for a long time. Pay for a month + deposit.
Documents are fake! All of them! As soon as you see the angel's face at the body, the height of 165 and the hair behind the neck, red sponges and plates, immediately break it and pull it into the mould.

I’ve already gotten it, and, giving evidence, it looks like it’s a criminal group. The owner is in a conspiracy with one of the police officers, where they fake documents.

Be careful.

Boys, without pathos and dismissals, many students will go to SPB to study, bring to the top.

by Traxex

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18957
Yesterday I watched my wife and son lay down pens in the school penalty - the preparation for school began. Every hunter wants to know..."Mom (M) dictates, son (C) pushes the appropriate color pencil into the pen.
M is everybody!
C is red.
M is a hunter.
C is orange.
M: I want to!
C is yellow.
M to know!
C is green!
M: Where is it!
C is blue!
M is alive!
C is yellow.
C: Purple... Mom... And the yellow is no longer, only the blue remains...

Two pairs of eyes rush to the father for help.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №18956
Since it was not possible to repair the device itself, they found somewhere a factory rabbit with a drum, rolled the drum, the rabbit was placed over the drive, which was rolled out of the body. Before loading from the discette, the rabbit was launched and launched. And he bubbled around the disc driver's body, not giving a reason to go..."

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №18955
I call a friend, the pipe is removed by his father and the question is answered: "And the wolf is walking somewhere on the street." Everything would be nothing, but the wolf electric welder is 30 years old...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №18954
Love is a disease that only sex can cure. Nick is blue.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №18953
Order of the President of Ukraine No. 161/2009-rp

Order of the President of Ukraine of March 6, 2009 No. 38

38 06.03.2009 Order of the President of Ukraine of March 6, 2009 No. 38 "About cancellation of the Order of the President of Ukraine of December 13, 2007 No. 292"

President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko

31 July 2009

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №18952
The Cinderella:
Did my shoes fit when I got married?
The Prince:
It was a semi-final. Now we will measure Busthalter No. 5.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №18951
The entire day lies the Internet channel from the provider (On the server problem). In the office of aural, the internet is needed (30 comps, all use email).
From the wall is a whirlwind (I don’t know where, I don’t know where). Click, click, the IP is determined automatically. Now the entire office works through the provider "wall telecom". So, comrades, the internet can be in any piece of cable.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №18950
To wash again today the bosses half a day...I’ve already suffered. Working without a boss is blasphemy.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №18949
Please please!! Pirates do not go to the movies smoked, or from your comments I could not see the horror movie normally. Not horror, but a comedy.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №18948
I work as Sisadmin at the Bank, my girlfriend is a database operator in a bookstore.
History of the night we sleep. Here my finger is stuck in my eye, well, I naturally jump out of bed, next to sleeping my girlfriend I ask her:
What are you doing?
Without waking up, he replied:
I write a book...
In the morning, I told her that you gave me the eye in the night, stated that I was reading a book. Her response struck me:
- It's still that you came out a day in a dream in a knee pushed me said that you remove spam, and recently you said to me in a dream that I don't ping...

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №18947
White sharks generally do not eat people, but are curious and taste everything unknown.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №18946
From the "Guide for a Naturalist": The Green Dutch... releases a loud whispering cry of "clay-clay-clay" or a gradually quieting "gluke-gluke-gluke".

I do not know what to think.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18945
There is nothing to eat??? Listen to the audio!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna