— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №18624
T: house-2 pork farm some) Eat, sleep and reproduce.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №18623
I have a bag in the laundry. You know, the microwave has such a function, when it stopped heating, and the food forgot to get, it constantly picks to get the foods, say, I finished, free the room? So, in my washing machine, it seems that something similar was also tried to program, but apparently the assembly, however, is not German, because when you do not get the long-pressed underwear, it begins to wash it again after some time)))))))
>Zloi_kak_sobak: she just looks - not removed... the owner is dissatisfied!! I have to wash it! :)
Durnaya_: But I calculated, if you put on a fast wash in cold water and it stretches it twice, it takes less powder and electricity than to put on a long with warm! And the quality of laundry is the same, even more careful is more economical)))
>Zloi_kak_sobak: well, again the machine is smart)) she thinks that she has stretched a fig and tries to please the hostess in every way )) And if you violate her - she will stop eating powder at all ))
<durnaya_: She just probably saw me throw out the tea bar, which was calculated at 2.5 liters, but boiled completely only when there was no more than a liter of water in it. And I thought that, well, her naphyg napartit chonit, will go down from the 11th floor and will not even ask how they are called)))) Here in Krasnodar in general is a miracle-technique! There is also a straw that begins to self-clean from boiling exclusively on light things))))
>Zloi_kak_sobak: he just has a weak stomach

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №18622
I sit with my daughter (2, 5 years old) in the bath, poured foam. The bathroom. My daughter eats foam.
At the same time, the husband in the kitchen pouches a glass of beer to himself, the foam in the glass is also dull... begins to drink...

I (daughter) loudly: Let’s stop eating the foam!!!...
A couple of sec. Silence... the angry rooster of her husband... He runs and says - this is why you will never get horns, providence...

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18621
Scanned recently here. Question - "Waiting for a student.", 4 letters. He understood that it was necessary to change the tactics of learning in the universe, when after a long search for alternative answers, the old man suggested "Par".

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №18620
I walk down the street and see a blonde rolling oil into the car. Offigel... I approach closer not all normal oil is poured into the dishwasher tank.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №18619
Exit from Churchill.
I go along the shell and I see something strange of bright blue color, and the whole salon is covered under the curtain, even the front passenger, something very bright and varied, absolutely fantastic colors - in general a fairy spectacle. I’m going closer to see – and that’s... The Mothers!! Fuck, a full salon of different colours! Behind the wheel of this bath-washing miracle sits a lady with a very sad face and wearyly moves in the direction of the area.

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to Russia!and :)

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18618
Berlin police detained a tourist bus that its passengers – 48 Danish nationals – jointly pushed through the city from a bus station in Charlottenburg.

The bus did not start, and tourists departing to Copenhagen after visiting the Berlin sights hoped to let the motor off the speed. The police first watched what was happening and then ordered the tourists not to interfere with the traffic.

— — — —
And you say "such only in Russia".

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №18617
xxx: Wonder Street of Krestinsky, which itself is parallel, perpendicular and twice crosses the street of Schwartz.
пруфлинк: in what dimension is your provincial town of Yekaterinburg built?)

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18616
Ivory Alone
How is the weather on the street?

%nickname %

%nickname %
Weather not seen.

[ + 129 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18615
A look at the situation. By GangrenaGastrit, Russia, Saratov. †READ ME†

Some Ermakov - the host of the megaphone launched the action and prepared a cloud of documents where it is appropriate to cover the residents of the Russian Federation or make it as difficult as possible to access such means of communication as aska and skype and, simply speaking, to block free and most importantly safe communication. I’m breaking my megaphone. He went on. By the end of the week, more than 100,000 sims will go to wastewater.

What to do?

Getting rid of the megaphone service is all. Personally, I don’t want to use the MF number right now – why? Because the same MF wants to take away my freedom of communication.

just if the MF has everything out - the rest of the operators are also a shake-up and we will all find ourselves in such a situation that there will be ONE uncle Corry asks a lot to talk and if not to pay. Except for yourself, no one will talk to you.

One thing I know for sure. If you do not resist, you will drown in a milk bank. Globalization is making its way. By the way, about Swine flu - my personal opinion - is a subtly thought-out conspiracy, that there would be where and for what to send money, so that it could be legally laundered and that everyone would be afraid. It is important for the people to live in fear. Here is this.

Wake up, if everyone who reads a quotation and breaks their MP sims, and the quotation flies around the country, we will all say no as one. Jermaikov will regret not being born a grandmother.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №18614
I am an engineer at one of the major internet providers, so I will open my eyes to everyone! In fact, there is no free cable, but the Giant Golden Router, standing in a giant underground bunker, under San Francisco, and generating the internet, but not from the air, but from the blood of the Neapolitan Virgins! (there is a special wreck, through which they are poured) The size of it is a Khrushchev five-story, and the cables are not as miserable as your miserable computers, but huge 5 meters in diameter! All providers are included.
Drop off...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18613
I was told that I was the most literate person in the group.

by Aks404
She has a good sense of humor.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18612
Only a real resident of the community can grasp the whole mess of the weekend alone in the block!

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №18611
I walk with a girlfriend and her little son (3,5 years old).

We walk next to the bench where the youth (m) is sitting. The child (r) began to talk to them, we stood a little further away.

What will you be when you grow up?
c) The Captain
M – What would you want?
The yacht...
M – Why?
(p) - I will sail on a yacht on the sea, around the water... and I will fall overboard and fish will eat me!
Why are you eaten by fish?
Because I am a fucker!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №18610
Oh, it wasn’t: I’m registering for classmates!
A man with dollars.

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №18609
A few months of long caring for a girl...And, I still decided to hint on sex. ...I expected anything, but her fist in the air, and a jump at a la Balan with a scream "I will be given!^_^" were a bit unexpected O_O''

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №18608
Let’s give a guy with dollars a symca of megaphone... just so... from a pure heart.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №18607
Encento: and this is St. Petersburg, the cultural capital of our country, here works the first, and the last, in the world of the standard sexual orientation!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №18606
Announcement from contact:

I really want to find it (((
I am looking for a boy with whom I was riding 24.07. in trolley bus No. 27. And who went out for honey. school))) High brunette with black charming beads and beautiful sponges: RESPONSE...)))))))!!! to

Whoever finds a seal will hurry.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №18605
I don’t understand... the Aztec Odmin in the army? The cat died? Has the shredder broken? Where are you all?
At such a pace, the emo will soon come here and will write pink bookcams on the black background of the poem about love.
We will squeeze on the bow.
Captain obvious, come here more often, although you...
P.S I don’t mind that they’re overlooked!
P.S to P.S Despite the poem...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna