— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №18424
I am the shop :-*
He: And I am the bench :)

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №18423
A colleague opens a pack of cookies: "Attention! Package is damaged! Data integrity can be broken... yes, cookies are broken... *thinks* Data can be heavily fragmented! They are not broken, but fragmented. Available in the same volume, but the rate of absorption has fallen sharply - you have to forge the cookies in pieces :("

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №18422
RIA "News": Strong heat is expected in the Rostov region in the coming hours

The Russian Summer

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №18421
The Russians are peaceful. We need peace. The whole world.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18420
111: Well you are, it is deadly.
111: approximately as deadly as a gay on a bike ride to look
222 of Ag. Or a biker on the geek slate.
111) and so on.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №18419
Until I got to work, I did not understand those who climb the abyss.
Usually not enough time.

[ + 114 - ] Comment quote №18418
Today I called the MTS, wanted to talk to the service operator. I called before, but recently they started asking how to call you? And since I was a little under the closet, I cried "Call me MY LORD".

This is the service, I was called for almost 10 minutes "My gentleman"

MTS respect to you.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №18417
My brother bought a Chinese car, now I call him Cherry-Pashka.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №18416
<cos> boys are familiar fucking mute. In the fourth, eight girls were taken from the fortress to the cottage and there all night with each other.
<[HTK]innervision> and the girls what did?? )))))

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №18415
We are in the Ice Age. The scene when the White runs away from her White to the nuts. A man in front of me: “Oh shit, straight like I go fishing!”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №18414
Cleaning is when strictly in certain places.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №18413
Mercedes bought the car factory.
Restarted production, launched the conveyor.
The Bats! At the exit of Gigi!

They dismantle equipment, drive new from Germany, install, adjust, launch.
and!! Jigsaw again!

They dismiss the entire plant staff, bring workers from Germany, set up, check, launch.
by Scuco! At the exit again – Gigi!

Near the factory is a hill, where the chief engineer and director of the factory rest.
(Both with the “X”) They look at all this.
Engineer to Director:
I told you, the place is damned. Hands from the ass, hands from the ass.
The ass...”

[ + 75 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18412
Customisation in different OS.

User: "I need a bronze statue of a mermaid!"

Linux: "Here you have a bronze cube 1x1x1 m and a piston"

Gentoo: "Here are you copper, lead, and domain stove"

FreeBSD: "Here is a circle and helmet with a light bulb. Mine with copper - on the other side"

Ubuntu: "This is a statue of a mermaid"
User: "But here is only the tail!"
Ubuntu: "Please enter apt-get install body of a mermaid, apt-get install head of a mermaid, apt-get install hands of a mermaid..."

MacOS: "Here are beautiful naked girls"
The user: "Oh you! Can you touch it?"
MacOS: "Pay 200 euros and activate the "Selling Naked Girls" feature

Windows: "No I think – you definitely need a cast iron statue of Chapaev..."

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18411
Flame: Throw, Anton called me again in the movie, you straight as you knew)when I said that once writes a sign not just so)strange, on the move only I can write just so, nothing hoping))
What I'll see, Slavik)))) although I've already agreed, and I'll still watch, I'll tame again))
No, I give myself the installation - I will not stumble)

You are... very wrong.)

Flame: the pedets

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18410
Once in the subway, on Sunday, in the morning (not so early) entered the car at the second stop, and from the final was a police officer in the rank of a captain, and, in general, he was drunk until he was completely lying. But in shape, and his cap fell on the floor and rolled up. Well, I put a little bit of clothes and 10p in it. And after several stops, a crowd of bourgeois tourists crashed into the car and saw, as in Moscow, in the subway, the representatives of the force structures begging... Fuck, caroche, as I remember the expression of their faces, I really want to apologize to the menta. The people!! I didn’t think it would come out like that!!! Sorry to!!! to

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18409
Social Survey: "Imagine that the Internet is gone — entirely. What do you feel about it?"
Question: "Eye... well a double feeling... well imagine that you are a drug addict, and you have your drag dealer shot in front of your eyes..."

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №18408
He: I sit with the dentist in a chair, falling on the back of the shoulder, the tooth is very young. In general, I have already relaxed from the injection of anesthesia and then he cleverly jokes: did you not think about what feelings a girl makes? And the scarf is shaking!! mla, I wanted to remove, and if it wasn't a boron-machine, then Dohtur't have time to explain that I was joking, and I would still walk with flux((
What about the name Doherty? Which Dentistry?
Does the tooth hurt?
She: No...
Meaning of Yes

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18407
Somewhere in myth
X: I won’t buy hotdogs today.
Y: And why then?
X: They are so harmful... I watched the show yesterday – harmful, there is no strength... Cholesterol is raised and all that. I will not buy today.
Y: And this is what a man who sits 100 meters from the reactor and 50 meters from the Neutrin Water Detector says xD

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18406
I was touched! I await you! Come soon! I miss it.
I’ve always known that you’re not well with your head.
XXX: I go home in the train!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №18405
Listen, and if a butterfly flew into the apartment is a good sign?

RedJoker *[pm]
I do not know...

Fuck... and if this foolish girl for the fan flew up and she broke up naked, is this the norm?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna