— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №16423
A Chinese journalist wrote:

The flu is a joke. At the time of arrival, he stood in line for 2 hours - people were measured the temperature by border guards in respirators and rubber gloves. If you have a questionnaire, I will send it to the newspaper for the article.
Among other phrases - "Did you have close contacts with pigs last week"?and :)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №16422
xxx> listen, the victim of online games!! When I wrote that I congratulate all veterans, this is not what you thought!! to

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16421
I go with a friend in the bus suits the conductor paid for the trip. A minute after 10 comes the controller (a healthy woman 35 - 45 years old) and walks the bus ticket check, approaches me:
Show the ticket!
I: Show a document certifying that you are the controller
I have documents I will show you now.

And goes to the other end of the bus, I am heading for her bus stops she sharply jumps out of the bus door and got into the courtyards of the houses...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №16420
Played in TES4:Oblivion. He killed a terrible hairy troll in a cave and found seven crown circles! What did he measure in his own home, being alone in the cave?! to

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №16419
I go to the balcony. I am going to smoke.
And after the rain the smell is so cool on the street, and fresh...Looked out, breathed the air.
He threw out a cigarette. Throw out the whole package.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16418
a cat, a sunny, a small problem, an iris... b@#$%y, what a caviar ignorance list I have.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №16417
I'm just a fool who doesn't take the chance when the girl is drunk??? Because I know that a sober would not agree, or because a sober would be better.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №16416
YYY: I love and they love me. Do I need something else?
XH: Stay with it.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16415
Once a year they gather together and have the Canadian national team in front of the whole stadium.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №16414
I decided to start life from a clean sheet and discovered that to fill it -
Definitely nothing.
by Yuri Tatarkin

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №16413
We had one prep - I don't remember the name - whose eyes are shaken. and
You will not understand where he is looking. He is watching, somehow.
Exam, so that no one can write.
He sits, stuck in some text... suddenly he rises his head sharply:
The young man... Yes, it’s you. Get up and put on the sparkle.
I am on the table.
From all the ends of the audience, a man of ten stands up and puts the spurs.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16412
Tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 12 a.m. is a Saturday. The appearance of all
Desire is mandatory. Anyone who does not wish is obliged to notify
the unwillingness of the head of the unit to provide
a documentary confirmation with the justification of its unwillingness. Listings
The unwanted will be given to the administration and nothing will be done to them.
What will happen will be decided by the administration later.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №16411
I want to take my ass off the chair, lose weight, find a girl, live a real life, learn, prove to everyone that my brains are worth something. And I will do it.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №16410
I was in the movie on people, so there was a guy who gave up, fell asleep at the beginning of the film.Now everyone was roaring over his snoring,who then even called the guard,but the fuck was when he was awakened by the guard,at the same moment in the movie the door opened and the old grandfather asked the question,Have you slept?and :)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №16409
Has anyone noticed that Google doesn’t celebrate Victory Day?

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16408
Celebration is when you are in line to suck in the garages.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №16407
Answer to quote...

These girls say they want business guys...I am 21 years old. I can: cook (and not bad), wash (with and without a machine), clean the house, sew everything you can, including socks, repair household appliances, so that everything works. I do a little sport, do not smoke, do not drink. I will soon get a higher education (or 2), I have my own apartment.
So why fucking as soon as I get to know a girl and we get more serious, she tells me to stay friends, and in a week I see her along with some bitch-hop, for whom seeds and beer are the main values in life????? to
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Yes, the girls of Goppa is also a reality. And they begin to fuck together (the herd instinct). You are looking for a girl in the library, maybe there are still untouched Gopnitsk-Ublidovo-Ebučim-Sukana Bydlatska education.

If you find it, sign up, we are experiencing the whole department here.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №16406
I remembered a funny case when my grandmother played the compass:
My grandmother will stay.
She: God save us

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №16405
Hubble is the most expensive trick to create desktop wallpapers!!! to

[ + 1078 - ] [11 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16404
I go on May 9th, I walk, I walk through a crowded place, on the way home, and I see a picture of how three gopniks fuck up to the VETERAN! In his celebration! I don't know what they needed from him, I first thought what a friend might, but when one of the bastards pushed him, the veteran cried. Apparently from the pain, from the fact that he understood what he fought for, for which he risked his life. And the fools did not stop, they called for something out loud from him. And all who passed by, walked around them, and only struck. And then I, the weak guy who was offended all his life, could not stand. If the situation were a little different, I admit, I would have left there faster, but I approached and gave one of the Gandons a mouth. I’m not going to say I beat them all, why should I lie. I was beaten, if not by the veteran, from whom they turned away by beating me. He went to the town and called the police. I am now lying in the hospital with a brainwashing, and I am shaking over this world. But I would do it again because he once did the same for me.

I am so proud that there are people like you! Thank you for not letting the memory of veterans go away, you can't let this go down! The boy, the boy! I acted like a real man. I will do the same myself!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna