— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №16783
My parents have two daughters, I and my younger sister, Anya. I have been married for a long time, but the younger chose a worthy candidate, to the dissatisfaction of my mother. And here, recently, a sister announced that she would bring her chosen man to meet. In "See" I was also invited. At the appointed hour, the door ringed. When Annie saw her mother, she was shocked. Because on the threshold stood... the officer of the Internal Forces. And our mother, having a philological and historical V/O, does not like the military very much, V.V.N.H. hates as the heirs of the NKVD and the destroyers of the people, and as to the praporshniki - it is not necessary to explain. To our surprise, this quickly broke through and proved that he was an "atypical broker" - polite, educated and educated, in general, my mother had a second shock in the evening. In the midst of the seating we had a drink of tea. The drawer is filled with dirty dishes. Anka stood up and wanted to pour the teaspoon with cups - the teaspoon did not get under the crane. The officer stood up, intercepted the teaspoon, went to the bathroom, filled the teaspoon and put it on a plate. Slowly, my mother said:
We have six highest on four. We were washed by a wardrobe.
With a dignity to which the English lords would be envious, the praporchnik, restraining his smile, objected:
Not any one! and the senior officer.

[ + 23 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16782
I will see in the best abyss – I will quit smoking.

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №16781
Prehistory No. 1: Our cat is able to open almost every door in the apartment. One of the regularly opened doors completely blocks the entrance to the kitchen.
Preview No. 2: My sister is waking up gradually. Like many somnambulists, her awakening is subject to a clear schedule: she got up, went to the kitchen, drank water, then the toilet, bathroom, etc.
We sit in the kitchen with daddy, drink morning coffee, with a whistle and shovels, a cat runs into the kitchen. Stumbling, he rushes to the precious door and feverishly opens it, having time to jump into the kitchen. Sitting in front of the door. He looks at her without murmuring. Behind the door in 10 seconds: "Sleep, Sleep, Sleep and BYBZDHYYN!!! The sister stumbled at the door with all the unawakened body! I looked at the cat: I thought he was sitting and roaring!!...

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №16780
I go to town today. The entire flow of cars is so carefully stopped before the pedestrian crossing. The first thought was a goose, but no... It turned out that the pedestrian quietly crossed the road and the fox, raising his left hand high, held a 1000 ruble note.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №16779
Paul [This Way] Shilov 15 October 2008 at 13:30
Development: I do not smoke, do not drink, do not use drugs.
Development: I don’t listen to sad music, I don’t ananish
Carrie: “Takes with a stick”
Development: Alive
Carly: What about Nahuya?

♂ htmlacosteTM♂

[ + 512 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16778
I work as an admin. During the seven years that I worked in my office, I had the impression that I was treated here as a “Screw” and not perceived as a person, but as a “self-moving application to a computer.” And of course no one will congratulate even with the New Year, not to mention DR. There is one exception, however, this guy is equally polite with everyone. Friday, my dr, the mood was shaken by a slope with bugs. I sit down and cook rolltons. I hear a knock on the door, the above-mentioned “exception” comes in:
Hello to Nate. Happy Birthday to you, and put on the table a “traditional” box of candy, a bottle of Chianti and a bag of cakes. Don’t get rid of Rolton.
I don’t have time to thank him, as he gets a giant bouquet of fresh roses out of his backpack. I have never had so many flowers in my life as there were in this bouquet. As I look at the bouquet, a slide appears on the table:
This is a sweater. and self. I hope I evaluated your figure correctly and he will be on the right track, - here the guy silences for a moment, looks at me and smiles. Your facial expression is like, “Thank you, of course, but I would like the processor.”
I smile confusedly. The guy puts on a backpack, says goodbye and says at the exit: "The sweater is wrapped." I turn out. The GeForce GTX295
I sit at home, in a soft, warm, cozy sweater and socks (which he didn’t say), drink Chianti, eat cakes and think, “what am I, fucking stupid, if I’m most pleased with a video card?”

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16777
Seraphim: Nuts... let’s play?

Angel13: Your move :)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №16776
I am not dumb, I strictly follow the instructions.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №16775
The year in 1997 immediately after Tarantino's movie "Criminal Chapter"

At 8 am I go to the district department and the staff immediately gives papers and three children. by V
In the office I find out that they stole something unhealthy, no victim,
No matter, I think to release them, but remembered the phrase from the movie, I liked,
And so for prevention I repeat to the minors: "Now two blacks will come.
with soldering lamps and plates, and they will arrange the Inquisition for your ass.”
They’re relaxed and know they’re coming out. At this time I knocked on the door.
There are two blacks in the cabinet. One with a bag. There was no camera.
to record horror on the faces of minors, huge eyes, shaking hands and
The feet. I wonder what black people are. They were shrinking tonight.
In a bar, my partner took their passports and called them in the morning.
I talked, but I forgot to warn.
After a while, there were rumors that there were two people working in the district.
A black man, and one in the bag wears a solder lamp and a flat blade.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №16774
How to Get to Heaven (Philosophy)

On a long, wild, exhausting road walked a man with a dog.
He was tired and the dog was tired too. In front of him is an oasis.
Beautiful gates, behind the fence - music, flowers, a river,
In other words, rest.
What is it? The traveller asked the guardian.
This is paradise, you are already dead, and now you can go in and rest.
and really.
Is there water there?
- As much as you want: clean fountains, cool pools...
Will they give me food?
Anything you want.
With me a dog.
“Sorry Sir, I can’t go with dogs. It will have to be left here.
And the traveller passed by... After a while, the road brought him
at the farm. There was also a guard at the door.
I want to drink, the traveler asked.
Come in, there is a well in the yard.
What about my dog?
Next to the well you will see a drink.
And to eat?
I can give you dinner.
And the dog?
There is a bone.
What place is this?
It is paradise.
How is it? The doorkeeper at the palace nearby told me that heaven was there.
He blames everything. There is hell.
How do you endure this in heaven?
This is very useful to us. Only those who don’t leave go to Paradise.
their friends.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №16773
We asked the Americans how they celebrated the New Year. What she answered us:
“Well... everyone is happy, drunk, walking until night...such as you do here every Saturday.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16772
My sister was born yesterday! My family!! to
A jump of years?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №16771
The Russian people are invincible. The headquarters blocked the access of drivers to the gas tank, so they now pour water from the office cooler in half a cup home.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №16770
I went out to the yard in the morning. I stand and smoke. Nearby neighboring boys ride in the sand, play some kind of "daughters-mother" thing. The girl asks the boy:
D: Let’s go here to really hide it...
M: What is it?
D: Well, we’ll hide it here... as if it were real... human graves...

I dropped a cigarette and, trying not to make abrupt movements (no much!He entered the house.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №16769
I am a history teacher. The girl comes to take the exam (brunette, in the appearance of an adhesive). He said the questions well and without quarrels. The second question is about the reforms of Peter I. I ask, and why did Peter move the capital? The question caught the girl in a stupor, after which she gave out: "Well, the French captured Moscow and burned it, he decided to postpone it."
The first time he laughed, he didn’t even laugh, but ran over the man in his eyes and couldn’t do anything with himself.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №16768
Ra: I started watching Angels and Demons, but when my aunt said she was specializing in quantum biophysics, he got scared, fell under the bed and cried for a long time.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №16767
> Shhas walked for a new feed, on the way back went to the "Buyer" - buy to chew to chew at work.
I put the feeder in the camera, the aunt asks – isn’t it a bomb? Type suspicious glandular with a bunch of wires)
I answer her honestly – it’s not a bomb, it’s a power unit.
> Yale kept to not add "for bombs" )

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16766
He is:
Tell me about your first time.
She :
I was stuck in the battery.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №16765
XXX is
The fifth edition of the edition (
What is that?
You know, I’m a deer at a beer factory.
Has he been signed forever?
If it were. In fact, the first four for drunk and fired, but the latter is a complete fool (
So what did he do?
It is the fool who has entered the process-controlling trunk and changed one of the lines of production, for, in his words, “I like the dark more than I like it,” isn’t it a fool?

[ + 72 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16764
B-ReD: I am on schoolchildren of the present... 90% calmly drink 3-4 jaguars every day at least.
Remington: And they won’t catch the fucks...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna