— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №16663
xxx: I have no imported sound
YYY: What mistake do you make?
XXX: The Pump...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №16662
1mm0rt3s: Real men don’t watch Eurovision. They either watch hockey or raise a gay parade.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №16661
The first part of life is interfered with sex by parents, the second part - children.
Therefore, grandchildren are so desirable - they no longer bother anything :)

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №16660
This story was told by my acquaintance. They have trouble with rats and mice.
Uspensky: they do not knock on the spoon, but they sit at the table.
To solve the problem, his family decided to have a cat. They brought, only
The cat was not ordinary. He is not like rats, mice are afraid of trembling.
In the knees. But not to throw away is a living creature, not the furniture.
The neighbor chases mice and the cat is afraid of them. and recently,
Valer (this neighbor) went to the dacha. He took a bottle of vodka and came.
A drink and not with anyone - only babies and children small around, with a man
Working week with family rest. Drinking alone is the first way.
to alcoholism, here is Valera and decided to involve the cat in the case. Gave him
A cup of valerian, a cup of vodka. Sitting together two. The neighbor’s bottle
I promised, the cat drunk.

After drinking, the cat walked on the floor for a while, then stood up, stumbled
Then he went to the barracks where the rats had their nights. “You can’t imagine,
I almost opened the door with a pinch of my legs,” says Valera. The cat broke.
In the sarai, after a while fell out of there with a dead rat in the teeth,
He dropped the rat at the doorstep and went to sleep on the roof.

In the morning, the neighbor woke up before the cat and went out to smoke. Following
He pulled out the cat, pulled back and... Here the cat saw him killed in the evening.
The Rat. The cat's hysteria about this Valer could not be expressed in words.
“Eli has calmed me!”

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №16659
How do you know Armenian so well?
My teacher at the school was an Armenian.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №16658
<DeadMoroz> "The United States is outrageous that the authorities of Belarus use the Russian language"
DeadMoroz outraged that U.S. authorities use English instead of Indian

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16657
XXX is
Everything is going to be crazy)
Add the brown (beer) and the black (white)
=) is

Brown is enough, but it’s not beer.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №16656
Author of Quotes:
Loneliness is something we invent when nobody tells us three simple words.
I love you.
So cool, so complacent. Let’s post pictures of cats here.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №16655
How to draw icons?

To draw the icons, first you need to take the sanctified lip boards, a timber and get a blessing.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №16654
Prim: I have a conspicuous plan
Prim: We should send Ariya to the next Eurovision
Prim: Then they will remember that the Finns sent lords and they will understand that they need to send a rock band to Eurovision
Prim: And gradually, from a pop contest, Eurovision to turn into a rock festival!
Prim: The dream of an idiot.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16653
If the alarm sounds, it doesn’t mean I need to get up straight!

[ + 47 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16652
from ZH:
His husband opened the series "Doctor House" for himself, and for a few weeks, coming from work, he is watching it. I’m upset that I just don’t seem to exist for him now, but I could handle it. But this series had a huge impact on him. He stopped shaving, walks in dumb shoes, when he comes home – he doesn’t say goodbye, and almost accuses me of lying. Hamit not only insulted everyone, he recently insulted my mom when she called. Everyone makes a diagnosis, but not a doctor at all. Our concierge (God’s grandmother) put syphilis, and it’s all in that spirit. To try to talk, to find out the relationship answers "yes, I am such a difficult person, girls like it". Evil is missing. And foolish jokes about the wolf constantly. The most unpleasant thing – I was disappointed in this man, I didn’t expect that he was an adult with two in/o, could go crazy because of some stupid series.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16651
Did your wife drown?? to
Kattie_me: No, I have had lunch.
Pashy: My mother is on her bare feet, who dares to offend my treasure?
Kattie_me is you!! to
I will kill the cattle.)
Kattie me: thank you.
Kattie_me: It’s got easier for me.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №16650
I go in a dog.In front of the seat, 1 in 1 Keanu Reeves in his youth...Oh, I think, kiss the guy's nickname Neo.Look, and he gets a textbook on C++ from his backpack about_O
I am scared.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16649
and yes. Before there were no screws - the BAM was built, the revolutions in Cuba were arranged... and now they fought in the JJ and calmed down.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №16648
I may not be the worst in the world. Sitting recently, by contact sharril. I thought about the group "Fans of group sex". Number of participants: 1

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №16647
Q: How is life?
Wow, shit, but I still try to look at things positively.
XHH: for example?
WOW: No example...I’m just trying to inspire myself.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №16646
xxx (21:57:13 15/05/2009)
Here I do not understand.

xxx (21:57:21 15/05/2009)
How is it possible

yyy (21:57:35 15/05/2009)
? to

xxx (21:58:31 15/05/2009)
with nick "I Love Only Him" being on the avatar in underwear... a hint that "I Love Only Him, But Fuck With Everyone"?

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16645
D: I have a whole porn porn day dreamed... gesture just...
M is cool...
M: Will you let me see?

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №16644
The story the author observed on the bank of the river. The sight was sent by SMS in the online mode.

I watch the scene of family clashes between a husband and wife with a morrow.

The witch has pulled up, they are already beating him with his legs.
Both are crying!

Not at first he told her as possible with a living husband, and people aged 30 may be less. He lies, they are gone. The pipet.

Fishermen approached him as if he was alive.

and crying. His wife and a friend changed, and himself for 4 months, a gesture! The fishermen took vodka. My wife is back, the show continues.

Fishermen kick off a man from his wife, the spectacle is more!

The witch again. Now 3 on 2. The fishermen treated with understanding, will not offend.

husband and wife. She says to him, “You’re so good,” and he cries. Fishermen drink vodka.

Everybody finally left. and silence.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna