— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №16483
XXX: All day terrible things happen to me.
XXX: Eating today
I’m afraid to listen further.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №16482
They sat with the boys at the pool, drank and remembered their childhood.
I learned about the fact that I couldn’t smoke at the senovale at 8 years old, until now, traces have remained.
YYY: Is it burned?? to
HH: No, I was out.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №16481
Love your neighbor, turn off the distant.

[ + 44 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16480
About the companions.

When I go on the road, I always take companions if someone votes.
They are different. They are interesting.

and melomans.

My music in the car is a switch for 12 MP3 discs. What is there only
not there. If the playlist shows this to anyone, you can go straight into the fool.
to form. From a collection of children's songs from cartoons to Bašlalchev
The same thing. And the loser is always in the random track mode, I don’t like it.
of uniformity. My wife calls it that regime. “Radio Dure”

And here one night, behind Tver, a pair, a goose and a goose. Guitar and skin.
chain-clamps, the shorter attribute reflects a brightly expressed style,
Only I don’t understand them very well.

They sat down, and I was not painfully speaking, I made the music louder. there
Shevchuk just sang about "... on the road columns crowns as lighthouses of lived
“That’s like a pack of cigarettes. I see it, I like it,
the heads so in tact whisper, the gargarot from behind even sings quietly, on the
Half-octave doesn’t really get, but it’s a fist. It is nice when people
The taste is similar to yours. Then another like Leo there with B-2 about the big ones.
The city is singing...

And then once! - hopes out boldly so Yura Щатунов and begins "Nimnoga"
“Type by Stiklow, but the wicked Moroccan.”
How they turned! Probably the dentist didn’t care about it.
Then how did Muromov say about apples in the snow, or Barykin about
I will ride a bicycle for a long time. No, understand me right, I am not a sadist. but
Not even a DJ. I’m just crawling the bear. I look at them now.
full of. I think it's okay, only if the heart doesn't catch up. And when my
"Beyond the yellow apple of the moon, by the red apple"
Sunset,” they asked to stop.

So we went out in the rain at night. and melomans. I would say I would turn it off.
* * * *

The artist.

And another time took the artist to Valentine. I was driving at ETU.
Valentina, who understands, is a well-known place behind the Wolf, where these
The artists gather, they have a bedroom there. You go, you go, you go, you go, you go, you go.
fishing, and they stand and stand along the road with their
And they paint everything, they paint something, they look at the distance.
Frogs, frogs and frogs!

Well, I picked up this artist. Then I think, I’d rather be him.
stunned and sat down. My whole brain is drunk. The dog behind is crazy.
She came down, she had never heard anyone talk for three hours in a row, and
Not the TV. At the end, I started nervously screaming over his ear, and I was behind his ear.
At first I was very worried, and then I think: yes, he was with him, Van Gogh didn't bother.
Yes is.

It happened that time.
* * * *

The Grandmother.

I put my grandmother back again. Early in the morning, probably around five. She Long
She stood, wept, and said, “Oh, how warm you are.
Car, oh what a good car you have, and you can't hear how it's driving, oh
You stopped well, or I thought I was going back home.”

I also love old people, only when they’re not speechless.
The grandmother quickly understood the matter and kept quiet. Calmed, heated and
Seems to sleep. And I do not look. Half a hundred kilometers for refuelling
I thought, fucking, where did my grandmother go? I did not ask. I will so
and carefully. It turns out that she is five kilometers away from home, and she must go to the church.
By the dawn. A big party. I think it is nonsense,
They prayed.

What to do? The grandmother must be brought back. In order to plant and
to go on. She says, “From the old fool! Burn it, my son. No is
Go back, don’t go back anyway. Someday I’ll get well, and I’m up.
At the turn. Here she says, “Son, don’t you go through the Torzhok?”
“Not by, but by” Oh! See also! Take me to the torch, dear! I have
There is snow! I hadn’t been there for seven years!”

Go to Torch. At home he says, “Posignal, son. Snow will see what.
I came to the car, her eyes will fall to the floor,” I squeezed, not difficult.
People right through the windows. Well, I played again while she knocked on the door.
I looked, I jumped out, I ran away from the car, I opened the door to her, I shake my leg. I still
from work, lapsard, stickers, border coat... such, nothing to yourself,
The Capital Six. I get my grandmother out of the car.
and carefully. No hurry to get the beauty of the moment behind the curtains
to record.

Here the snake rushes, the eyes hold with his hands. Grandma was pleased.
They dragged me into the house, tea and cakes.

There were black cakes.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16479
A condom is not a betrayal, right?
and ah! And with a glue, it is not a murder...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16478
She: If a woman goes down with her head, she has a lover. If a woman goes with her head proudly raised, she has a lover. If a woman holds her head straight, she has a lover. If a woman has a head, she has a lover.

Faina Georgijevna Ranevsky women

He is: Scuchi...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №16477
More about Roosevelt. He himself told me in an interview.
Once invited a great violinist to play with some university orchestra in the U.S., they do - invite the great with ordinary amateurs to play. There was a student from Russia. And one girl, an American, very much wanted to express her admiration for the great musician necessarily in Rostropovich's native Russian. I asked a Russian student to write this phrase in transcription to learn. And the concert day, the success is complete, everyone is pleased. A student approaches Rostropovich and says:
“Master, well your mother!” our people.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №16476
in the subway saw a picture: comes a blonde becomes at the police station next to the emo head, the car is touched by the trembling hand of the emo climbs, he falls and catches for the biggest thing that is nearby, for the blonde, and he adds a sleeve here the dialogue takes place
He is from sex: why? Is it coincidence?
She is the voice of a turtle from the Kung Fu Panda: coincidences are not coincidental!
The wagon lay

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №16475
Alex-zlo: May 9 went to the country, in front of the old BMV (German car), on the rear glass the inscription - TROFEY and on the sides of the inscription Soviet stars :)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №16474
Fo4ka: the whole world arranges the “Earth Hour” and only all Russia has long thought about it and every summer arranges the “two weeks of hot water”.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №16473
GRaFIN (23:08:59 11/05/2009)
I love Uralmasch, EP...
I went out to the balcony and saw a beautiful picture.

GRaFIN (23:10:04 11/05/2009)
He walks a very uncertain walk.
He holds it in his hands. (pics)

GRaFIN (23:10:23 11/05/2009)
Cannabis bush
normal such a bush, along with the roots
Recently removed somewhere.

GRaFIN (23:11:25 11/05/2009)
Filed to:Jamaica, Fuck

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №16472
Lppt: Spring... the girls move their weights to summer time.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №16471
"You will be cursed" now with success can be replaced by "Yeshua you in grandchildren";

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №16470
xxx: I would go anywhere
YYY: go to you naked

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №16469
"I don’t want to go"
Photo of a girl looking out the window of the car.
The comments:
The 1st. A good photo, a good title
The 2nd. What a train? Is this Moscow? And why does the inscription "Do not smoke!" duplicate in English? This is an international car, right? Even if so, the inscription in Russian should be higher, and in English - lower, not the opposite!
Third th. This is no smoking. Can you smoke in a non-working tub?? to
The fourth. Why is this a non-working tamper?
The 5th. Which station do you want to leave?
The 6th. I don’t want to, so why are you leaving?
The 7th. How to decide: not to go, not to smoke, or no smoking?
The 8th. I would entertain you all... Photography with photo, but commentary at school level for intellectual retarded children!! to

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №16468
Panterra: Listen... Are you gay?? to
Therion: I am not gay! I love women!! It is not my fault that I see a woman in every creature.! to

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16467
My friend works at the prosecutor’s office. This is a recent story (real story):
A 18-year-old girl argued with her boyfriend because she refused to start sex with him. In troubled feelings at the stop, I met the young man, went with him to the cafe. A little later, four of his friends sat down with them, and at the end of the evening she agreed to come home to one of them to continue a pleasant conversation. There, she was raped by all five in a row, but by two o’clock at night she managed to escape from the apartment without things and clothes. On the street she met a man who listened, wiped her tears, entered the position and kindly offered to check out at his home until morning, and in the morning promised to take to the police, the good that lives nearby. At home, he also raped her, then locked her home, went after a friend, with whom they continued to rape her until the morning. As a result, the examination revealed that before that the girl was a virgin, and that night she had seven men.
I understand that women with logic are bad, but not so much!!! Girls, do not meet at the stops, do not go through the apartments of hardly known guys!!! And, in the end, do not reject your loved one!!! Fuck health, do not make virginity a cult!
Z is. I do not justify the violent people, let them suffer the same fate in the area!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №16466
In general, yes, but I didn't sleep, the cat was noisy
This fool goes down on a pot and can then scratch it for half an hour until you drive it out.
In the morning in the apartment already such screams "Veeenyajajajajajaja!!!and "
The name of the cat
That he did?
Well, scratch - it doesn't let you sleep...then the newspaper started scratching
Was it he who pulled the ass out? and lol:

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №16465
I wanted to jump with a parachute. Seeing on the site of the parachute sports "Page of memory" as it was even wasted(((

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №16464
XXX: Oh yeah men! How did you travel to Bourgogne? As the sea?
You need to learn English urgently.
WOW: Well, I lived in the center, to the sea had to be reached either by public or by taxi. Well, a crazy man, on vacation with a notebook left, caught wifi, and instead of using a translator, came to you, on the fb-forum... I ask the people in the forum chat: “How to say in English: “I want to see the sea.” The answer is: I want to see the sea. I go out, I buy a taxi, such a happy-satisfied I say: "Hey font you are." And he took me away, took me to the bordell ))))))) And when I said "Shit, at sea, I wanted," the taxi driver told me in pure Russian: "And huli didn't say right away?, si-si, si-si..."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna