— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №17884
Interestingly, in our age of universal shrinkage of meanings, will many for the first time correctly understand the phrase "suchia bukha"?"

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №17883
D. Medvedev said he loved hard rock, B. Obama admitted in an interview that he listened to rap. I feel like they don’t agree today.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №17882
Congratulations, I have a new collection!!! to
YYY: And what one?
At least once in my life I broke every string on my guitar.
Yyy: Did you play with your teeth on her and bite her?)))
XXX: Yes No
xxx: watched porn and at the same time set up the guitar
xxx: looked at the telecar and turned the bell
xxx: and fucking I understand that it's rotating tightly, but there the girl cries "don't stop" well I kept rotating
xxx: came back only when the string in the palm of the palm

[ + 70 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17881
by Rimfa:
The boy fell from four stairs and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls from 40 steps?

by AzazeLHAck:
The answer cannot be unambiguous.

by Rimfa:
In the sense?

by AzazeLHAck:
We don’t know whose leg he broke.
2) Not the fact that for every 4 steps he will continue to break one leg (whether for himself or for someone else).
If his legs are still, then after the first eight steps his legs will end, and he will start to break everything else, and by the end even his ears will be broken.
The size of those 40 steps is important. If the scale is 1:10, it still breaks one leg.
5) If you take into account the theory of probability, then the stairs can break, not the legs.
Gravity and the force of friction.
A difficult task.

by Rimfa:
One is broken! The first is already broken on 4 steps!! to

by Rimfa:
You are difficult, not a task!! A computer piece!! to

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17880
Love is a difficult thing:

It became difficult for Tatiana with Ivan.

If a man is Gondon, the relationship with him will be tense.

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17879
I watched 2x2. There is a new show. The relay is false, but the last fragment just killed: the man presents a new armor jersey and issues the following text: "Ladies and gentlemen! This jacket is completely bulletproof! Sir, I ask you to shoot the ordinary Smith wearing our coat! Shoot!.........B*@#%, well not in the head!"

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №17878
Fuck it...

Never suck in your ass a heated oatmeal.

Maybe there is a fool.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №17877
In this pharmacy, a pregnancy test is sold for 4 rubles.
Romance is it?

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №17876
Approved 2007-09-03 at 08:21
Damn what are you busy with?
Root: adhesive cryogenic chamber for screw
Root: from cardboard
Stifler: Chevrolet
Root: I hardened, gave the stature to repair, he repaired it for a week, tried it all - it repaired specifically
Root: said that the info is not to restore... said, "today there is no such technology to restore information, you do not form it, let it lie. In the next two years, a new concept will be invented"
Root:...I glue cryogenic I will put a screw there, I will write - open in 2009, I will put it on the shelf, and the next time he will see the world completely different... new :)
Stifler : :D
Root: a terrible future... 2009... a post-nuclear civilization...
Root: and the hard disk, getting alive, breaks the cryocamera’s lid from the leg.
Root: The first of the decipticons!
Stifler: You are easy dalpaeop)
Root: You’ll remember my words in 2009!


Wow, so is it there guys?? to

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №17875
Today came SMS from the subscriber "10 in the third degree", there is no text, but the date of sending 23:59 31/12/1969.
After that, the phone hanged, restarted and deleted all the data.

The Soviet scientists in the past? O_O

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №17874
Oh, I understood how to distinguish an emo boy from an emo girl, if a girl has a kadyk, then it is a boy))

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №17873
We go with one group in the subway, the hour of pic-people
Tomorrow in Pediatrics
He screams through the car.
Are you busy tonight?
– No
Then I’ll come to you to do the kids.
and step
The Grandmother Offielli

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №17872
Q: Do you know how to swim?
She: No, my dad said I didn’t drown and I didn’t study.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №17871
The People! Who needs a cat, white, gray eyes, quite adequate. Age of 2 months. The mother slept on the processor and gave birth next to her. The rope does not bite, the tapes are not attached.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №17870
A friend told me:
They walk with friends, sit down in the store.
Remembering the spell about the cunnilingus and the boy said - the boy did, decides to touch him.
He says to the guy: "tell cunnilingus"
Those who know this joke thought out "no, I’d rather say mine";
The guy sitting next to him (the shuffler 2x3 meters) gently embraces him and modestly smiles and says "the guy said-the guy did" =)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №17869
I’m sorry, I made a stupid mistake. I love you!
She: Why didn't you think when you fucking with her, I don't need you.
You weren’t out of the window when we met.
She: I was on the guarantee, and you in the wasteland to surrender long over! >.<

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №17868
and youth. Video about small pigs in English, comments are also English. Everyone is admired by the beauty of this spectacle, and here, in the midst of a bunch of enthusiastic comments, one is seen - terribly obsessed, opened, looked, got a minute of healthy laughter. Do you know what was written there?
"Ah, these small Americans are so cute..."

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №17867
GreenHedgehog: How was your wonderful day? =) is
Arine: I have already all got the descriptions that I have the best sex in my life with Stepan, so I will not talk about how the day went.)
GreenHedgehog: all of them???? = is
GreenHedgehog: Was it transmitted by ORT? Have I missed something?
GreenHedgehog: *happy music* Emergency news....Arina and Stepan are now having the best sex in their lives. We give the word to the reporter who arrived at the scene. and Ivan? A fun music again.
GreenHedgehog: Yes, thank you Natalia. Indeed, the people of Russia, the Middle and the Far Abroad are discouraged. Arina and Stepan really have the best sex in the world. Authoritative sex scientists are struggling to uncover this stunning fact. The world ended up waiting for the moment when this secret would be uncovered. A number of television companies already offer multi-million contract to create a series of reality shows based on their outcomes. Hollywood is hiring the best actors to film the so-called biopic about our heroes. But the actors acknowledge their insolvency and refuse. At the same time, many porn stars are already ready to leave their profession, on the basis that their contribution to the porn industry is just tiny compared to the sex of Arina and Stepan. Literally a minute ago I was informed that millions of marriages around the world have been dissolved as all the inhabitants develop a terrible complex of inferiority. We will keep an eye on the developments, stay with us. by Natalia?
GreenHedgehog: kind of that?

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №17866
There is a little boy in the bus with his mom.
and Maam. And if the chicken has peeled out, then how will it get stuck back????...

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №17865
A familiar businessman said:
I recently met a fellow student here, studied together in the institute. Well, we talked about this, and then he with such pathos begins to tell how he bought a 3-room apartment in a residential complex, and at the same time looks at me with poorly hidden superiority. I was even somehow ashamed to admit that he bought the apartment in MY complex.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna