— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №15563
She: Well, I didn’t smoke at all. I would like to try.
He: Yes, nothing is good. Only unreasonable fun, dumb behavior and sweet hunting.
She: Mmm, if you think I’m always in that state.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №15562
A writer, I have gone. I was lonely, I didn’t want to sleep. Going off from the second comp to no (I have my own line on each), hacked the first computer from it and started typically hacking. He called for support and caught the hacker with the girl until half-third. I go on a date tomorrow. Support is our all. Do not offend them!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15561
Alexander, calm your hormones and hide your penis back in your pants... he seems to be communicating with me on the asky.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №15560
I wonder, and can I just chew on the rating in contact?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №15559
The personality crisis is severe against the backdrop of the cash crisis.
Nick Blue

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15558
Not my husband told me. He works in a commercial base, and there, in
The guard has dogs in the state. Among them are distinguished
One is not a dog, but a dog (more accurately, a cowboy) - a Caucasian with a compound
I don’t know what, there seemed to be a bear and a dog.
Baskerville (although it doesn't shine, but it's terribly scary to approach!). this
Dogs are allowed to walk only at night, and only on the territory of the base,
Not to be afraid of the spring.) is
But there are more in the trading base (right!) Mice in the state.
There must also be a cat animal. It consists of. and this
The worker is a cat, no, a cat! He even catches mice during the day, but at night...
at night... Near the village, and there are so many cute cats that are already
It was spring madness.
Once the cat came back to work in the morning all scratched.
Another time, the cat returned to work in the morning with a bitten ear.
For the third time, the cat came to work with a broken lap.
For the fourth time, the guards did not find the thunder on the territory of the base.
No cats or dogs.
The workers came back for lunch. They walked on the road from the village shoulder to shoulder.
(as far as possible with the difference in height), on both faces, more precisely,
on the mouths, there was an expression of complete bliss - the cat: finally, he
all the beautiful, and none of the locals stumbled, near such a
The bodyguard! The dog finally showed me how to get out.
From here, I just caught them all.
The spring unites...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №15557
Vasily Dalton is sure to collect a Rubik’s Cube in 10 seconds!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15556
of Ostrom?
I lie on the couch in old jeans, my legs in disgrace. The woman passes by, makes a comment:"You have a hole between your leg".
And then it came out:"You too"
Now here is something the left cheek is red and the eye hurts :(

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №15555
I am standing in a traffic jams, and I really stand, 15 minutes already.From nothing to do I start to spin with the trunk.Well, I notice that the machine is on the left, and in it the magnetol shines like me (I am on the self-driving and I sit above) Interested. He got the controller and turned off the man's magnetol.Pause, he turned it on. I adjusted the sound to him, set the channels.In total, 10 minutes of the man brought to white hardening. He pulled the panel and removed...
The Uncle Au

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15554
Chuck Norris and 3 Nigers Escape from Zombies
YYY: A Nahua 3 Niger?
xxx: the audience wants blood

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15553
From the Fire:

This is how disappointed in life you need to be in 5 minutes to look at the crafts-made envelope in the form of a panda bear, spin it without suspicion and say, oh how cute it is... he is so lovely... this mouse! How wonderful! Thank you, I really like him!
“Yeah... Yule, that’s a boxer... that’s... that’s like a ring!”

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №15552
XHH: Once I got a piece of the ship in the bank... I barely broke the tooth... now I am concerned about canned foods.

It was a bonus. If in the course of 2 years there is a puddle, you can collect Bismarck

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №15551
All fucking, I was caught by the goats who ride cars on the sidewalk. I will walk by cars. I run fast, and no prudent driver from the open car will go far away to run after me. Hold on to GNOME!

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №15550
I go in the subway, I read the DDK documentation on the psp. At the next stop there are 2 seats, I sit down and continue to read. in the trail. At the stop, my grandfather sits in front of me, 75 years old, in glasses, with a folder of documents in a4. We go on, the grandfather cries, I see little that he gets the leaves, reads, turns, gets upset. I was curious to see what he had. and Ohuel! I have read C++!!! Respect to you old man!
Blessed for the man’s brain!
P.S He was a Marxist...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №15549
My girlfriend has a grandmother. And she put a Skype, explained how to use it and called her granddaughter. Following is a video chat via Skype.
Grandma, how about the connection?
Grandma is silently watching the screen.
Am I well seen?
Grandma continues to tap into the screen with a lost gaze.
Wife: Are you silent?
0 of emotions
My grandmother is AAAA!! OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! to
Grandmother : Oh! My daughter, I thought about it. I decided that I was watching TV.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №15548
AXL: if a guy has something wrong with a girl, then one of them is a fool

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №15547
Having made the Bas in Belarusian, the administrators subtly hinted to many users, who are stuck with the Bas, that it is time to go to BOBRUYSK, ANIMALS!!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №15546
In the last days, a lot of you, магчыма, clashed with the situation, when the direct broadcast of the TV channel TNT on our site was inaccessible for an hour to the broadcast of Haty-2, and the site itself could work with perabiyami. This is a very simple explanation - all the last days, as only the hour of the program “Hata 2″, on our servers is very powerful DDoS attack, which is blue. The Hatha-2 DDoS attack, as a rule, will soon be stopped. Thus e. It is obvious that the people are not very thirsty, so we broadcast the House 2.
So keep the spiders!!! to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №15545
Everything you say can be used against you in the basement.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №15544
-Pavel Durov: In the next week we are waiting for a global new adventure, which, assuredly, is a large adventure in the soul.
What is "cantat" and what does it mean?? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna