— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №13925
The man who bought dollars, confess
Did Quebec put it too?

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №13924
And once near the words "approved such a number of such a year" wrote the nick of the approved moderators.
The shame?

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13923
Is the network fixed?
I thought and decided that it was better to have a stomach of beer than a bowl of work.
I think it’s better to hide from the job than from the boss.
I understand, Yuri Nikolaevich, I am already doing it.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №13922
How to name an architect who issues a project in which different parts are on different scales and there are no linear sizes?
Tagged: designer

[ + 54 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №13921
Today, on the way to the institute, she fell, stumbling on...a pigeon. This fat mini chicken went on and was not going to fly away! And only when I crumbled, this creature looked at me indifferently, like thinking of pedestrians to let them and flee. The Cappuccino)))

[ + 95 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №13920
Oh, director, you are powerful, you are chasing the cluster of clouds, you are forcing on Saturday.
Getting us out to work.
Will you refuse to answer me? Have you seen where the wages are?
The Annual? I am looking for her...
The Director:
There is a mountain in the north, there is a deep hole in it, there is a deep hole in it.
Three ropes the tomb rolls out of gold.
In that grave is your salary.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №13919
More Students Hate Session Photocopying Workers

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13918
The topic on the common channel in chat cold. The Hostel:
"People of the world! At the time of flu, eat lemons. (Sportsman)(DomoDeaD) are people!!! It’s boring to eat mushrooms! (Dashkent) in the South

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №13917
Ppc, went out for cigarettes in the store. I pierce at the cashier, I look at the badge: Naruto Tatiana... I was in a stupor for a long time.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №13916
The quietest and quietest neighbors live below.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №13915
"Do not roy a pit to another...."

It was years ago... backwards.

I am 15 years old. I visited my family in Novosibirsk for the winter.

The holidays. The Winter. Cold is not the word. Wools were issued, a warm shirt

Which almost blinked in the eyes.

So in this "uniform" I am sent to the store.

Walk for bread and something else with my 3-year-old cousin

We call her "A". I go to the store and I get what I need.

The box. At the box, my sister asks to buy a candy, for what she gets

Rejection (I am not greedy, only the diathesis of the child was!!!). She is again, and

Again... And I again... Here’s the cashier to me:"Mama, buy a baby

The food"

I am in shock. I am 15!!! I am a mom!!! Not my mom, she’s my sister!and "

And picking up the bag with something and the child, I retire from the store. entered in

Another store. Again I take something there, and here is my sister again.

She asks for candy. He receives another polite rejection. Here is 3x.

Summer: You won’t buy sweets – I’ll call you Mom!"

This was our last joint journey in

The shop! And this story about her blackmail, I told her in a few moments.

of years.

After how many years, by chance, my whole family and

relatives from Novosibirsk, found themselves in America. In one city. to me

Not 15 years old, not 3 years old. I have two children 6 and 4. The Sisters

Young and beautiful.

And that’s how she and I went to the pool. We are swimming,

We are burning. The young gentlemen are lying around the pool. My own

The sister in the water so beautifully swims, catching the eyes of young people. and here...

I am not evil!! I couldn’t stand it!!! to

I call my children, and.. type " Couldn't you swim up to "A,"and just

Play with her while calling her Mom." Loud!!! to

Pineapple of course. My mother is me.

And here’s the painting with oil."A" continues beautifully, relaxed and carelessly.

swimming, catching the eyes of young people. Here are my children, my angels.

My joy... Swimming and hugging "A" so this is on both sides "Mommy,

Mommy, let’s play it!and "

Yes! Yes!

And here after many years...


From the sister’s side.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №13914
Recently, the number of men in Russia has multiplied.

Non-traditional sexual orientation They gather for 2-3 people.

restaurants, cafes, beer bars, sit quietly, drink only vodka, girls at the table

are not invited. They look at each other and say the same thing in a quiet voice.

I have such a ass.

The Passenger

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №13913
When I do work long, I am slow.
When the boss does a long job, he is sensitive.
When I don’t do work, I’m lazy.
When the boss is too busy.
When I do something on my own initiative, I stand out.
The boss is initiative.
When I praise my boss, I lick my ass.
When the boss praises his boss, he cooperates.
When I do something good, the boss never remembers.
When I do something bad, the boss never forgets.
When I’m not in the office, I’m wandering somewhere.
When there is no boss, he is in business negotiations.
When I’m wrong, I’m a brainless fool.
When the boss is wrong, he is also a human being.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №13912
It seems to me that the Americans are exactly racists... in such a situation to scratch the shit for Bush could only choose the Negro!))))

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №13911
News discussions on mail.
News that the United States spends more and more money on the development of air defense...
and XXX:
Do they have a normal PSA?? to
On September 11, two aircraft were shot down by skyscrapers.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №13910
Suka, would send Ivan Dolin to AOL to work, and specifically to ICQ, what they all...!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13909
I am an admirer and at the same time a fan of heavy music.
Our local forum, approximately once a week user xxx creates a suck topic "SAY A CLASSIC HEAVY SONG". The first 2 times I dropped him a good list (Manowar, Iron Maiden and so on), but this fool shamed everything, thus touching me right behind the heart) now every time he creates a topic, I download the song of Bilan or Baskov, I make a rine in something mystical in the style of "Raging Thrust - Stormwind" I throw it on the ftp, and I sincerely advise to download) except thanks from him so far there were no other words.

[ + 46 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №13908
Andrei Talismanchik
I believe in grandfather Jung.

What does Jung say?

Andrei Talismanchik
Jung said, Freud is a fool, but a wise fool.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №13907
Talk to an emo-girl

Bring me a bandage.
I: Why is it?
I want to cut the veins.
I: Why is it?
She: to die
Why is BINT?
She is: Idiot! To stop the blood

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №13906
The euro against the ruble has fallen

Start of the day: God! Even if it did not break!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna