— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11760
I went to the balcony to smoke. His relatives are about to come. He says:
We do not burn.
and AHA.
If the car is driving, you jump from the balcony, and I... I... I jump after you!
and AHA. Do not burn!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №11759
xxx (15:14:54 21/10/2008)
Max, how to add an audio recording to a contact?

xxx (15:15:53 21/10/2008)

xxx(15:15:54 21/10/2008)

yyy (15:16:05 21/10/2008)
You have a beer.)

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №11758
Tagged with >
I read the questionnaires of participants "Miss Krasnodar-208". How stupid they are!
"I don’t like: Lying"
Favorite Actress: Charlize Stern"
"My standard of beauty is NO".
Or here’s my most important achievement in life: we are raising another child in our family. Medal to her. And the matyugalnik - so that you can scream louder about it.
The main disappointment in life: the death of a hamster. No, people, I love animals too, and after my beloved cat is dead, I will not bring other animals. But... the death of a hammer... It sounds... Funny)
And that’s terrible: "My worst habit: pressing acne".
And here’s another..."My most important achievement in life: income on the budget". I hope not red.
"My main dream: to make a collection, blow up the world’s podium". Let him at least warn you on which show you should not come, or the baby is still naffig.
Thank you, we wore

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11757
He says: I will find it today!
She is em...
He: Not there
First of all, I am sick.
What’s not there???? to
Do you go wrong or do you go wrong??????? to

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №11756
Fox: A friend gave a movie, grit the horror sloppy, advised to watch with a girl, as it will scratch, stick to you and all that, 100% works! Well, I think okay, I invited the girl, go to bed, look. Not that she has seen this movie, she still let me scare! By the end of the movie it became grey... I barely remembered why I invited her to visit XD

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №11755
She asked a friend to rescue the apartment, left the keys, fled for business for the whole day. The kitchen is full of dishes and dishes. I come in the evening, the dishes are washed. I am grateful for P. in response:
I just couldn’t find a clean cup for tea, started washing one... and couldn’t stop!

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №11754
There are two positive people sitting there.

OP asks the question:
What would you do if your girlfriend cheated on you with your best friend?

One of the first answers:
Well, I would be very pleased.
At first, from your words, I have at least one friend.
Second, I have a girlfriend!! to
In the third, if she deceives me, it implies that she gives me the same.)))

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №11753
By the way, do you know that it is not necessary to throw off the work open under your 1C record? You can get hurt. So six months ago a worker was injured who forgot to log in (log in?) from the base. A friendly bunch of comrades on his behalf created a product for the genitals with pink fur at 500 U.E. for a piece and accepted on its warehouse in the amount of two pieces.

The nearest audit of the warehouses showed a lack of printing...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №11752
With the immorality of betrayal all agree,

But to refuse a beautiful woman are able units (Erjan Orimbetov)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №11751
A friend told me:
I eat, grit, in the electric car, squeezed, the counter comes in!They knock my girlfriend on the shoulder and there is a dialogue:
Do you have your ticket?! to
by mmm!
Give me a ticket!
by mmm!(through the dream)
Girl, what are you hunting?? to
Oh my cow!! to
=) is

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11750
Who knows these windows?
Do you think Linux is easier to understand?
No =) with the wind but as with the tribe you can communicate with the help of gestures, and to the linux you need to learn the language =(

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №11749
The RAND Corporation, which conducted a similar simulation, believes that Germany is not willing to get involved in the war. Of course he does not want. Or on the luxurious sides of the Reichstag (forgive me, the Bundestag) will appear the inscriptions "Translation!", "Yah tanko twentieth" and "Nemcheki, you are abidelis?".

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11748
I recently stumbled on one women's magazine, I sit short reading the kind of love story, romance shit:
"Ele-Ele stumbled in the subway through a crowd of people, she sat on a free seat"=)))

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11747
F: We have a head of office sitting in the 404 office.
162: It does not exist
162: 404 There is no such headbuster
The non-existent chief
The car you are looking for does not exist.
Maybe you’ve come to an outdated chief executive from another organization or you’re from a tax office.
I accidentally got the wrong floor.
Try entering the office again.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №11746
I picked the shoes and realized that my foot entered the shoe like a member in the vagina: pleasant, warm, comfortable. You take it out, you want to move it back. To feel the whole crap.
(c) wear a little hinder the socks!

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №11745
I bow my head before the admin!! to
Admitted to training courses in 1C accounting. At the entrance class, they filled out questionnaires, where, among other things, it was necessary to independently determine the level of work in office programs. I wrote "experienced user", because that is what it is. He was in a strong group. In the first class, they were taught to distinguish mouse icons on the table, change the backup of the table, create a folder in the folder and in that folder another folder, and there is another document, and then move the document from the folder to the folder. The most interesting thing is that 14 of the 16 people in the group clearly did not know how to do all this and called the lecturer to the comp. and ppc. I’m afraid to even imagine a weak group.
And this is almost all working accountants...Admin, iron patience to you!!!!! to

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №11744
They also have firewalled Ashka ports for file transfer!
Those fools made me smarter. he opened the door through a notebook, copied this crack of symbols - handed it to him by ask and then kept it in the same notebook as.exe
It works 😉
Kill the mine.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №11743
If you eat at home
and stunned children.
My mom all day.
Sitting on the Internet

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11742
I even have a father like that... let go, comes, says, daughter, I have a gift for you. I said – what? (Everything is in anticipation) Here is! speaks a puppy, getting the installation disk and self-trainer on linux - we will put a shake! Emma, I almost killed him.
I already have hards like any other lady – a scarf and a ring.
ch ch ch
I only have 3...
I have two of them, two of the little one, and five in my closet. I give them instead of flowers. I will soon be on the wall.
ch ch ch
Do you live in heaven? O_O

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №11741
In the evening, my husband went to the kitchen. long not.I am out of the room to him: what do you do there?he: apple I choose...I remember that there is one small scary apple left.I: a sho, there are a lot of them?he:I choose - eat it or not...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna