— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №13765
The administration of BSH'a! You are the most green human beings – you seem to be, but no one sees you.

Let’s see how many people agree with me. and ;)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13764
1 Daroff
2 as. and you. All of. Fuck to fuck. to write. I’m getting ready for the session, fucking.
Was the 1st at the end of the day?
I'm sorry, my mom sent an automatic message.
It is a tough one for you...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13763
Qoren: It is very difficult to force a former programmer, who moved to work as a toker because of the shrinkage at the same factory, to correct the code written at the time :)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13762
I stand with my companion in line. The one who looks bored looks at my button. Do I think he’s so careful? Look at Armani! and oh! I didn’t know I had an Armani jacket. The comrade looked at me from the top to the bottom, shrugged me, and said, "You know? I don’t think Armani knew that either!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13761
Do you like German porn?
They are screaming, and they are sorry.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №13760
According to the astrological calendar, now we students are in the constellation of the Sandstone.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №13759
The man who does nothing is a lazy man, and the man who does nothing.

He looks smart, he is a philosopher.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №13758
What is needed for happiness?

I don’t know, but my father told me the following story.

My father is a long-distance driver with 40 years of experience. Somewhere in the 80s.

He drove in a group of such drives from somewhere from Astrakhanskaya.

north of the Arbuze. Downloaded the car - "KAMAZ" s

trailer "shalland" (this is such a long trailer) watermelon, a few tons.

My father went on his way back. As it was closer to the evening,

He went not very far, some hundred kilometers away, and decided to stop.

The night. And around only the steppe - flat, like a table, such an impression,

Not a single hill, not a single tree.

During the night, about a dozen and a half cars stopped off the road.

There was no difference between the road and the non-road. Drivers

They climbed out of the cabins and do their business, who heats the tea, who in the

The car is digging. The night is dark, there is no sight of the nibble.

And suddenly one of the trailers, loaded with strawberries, literally entered the sidewalk.

The waters were scared that in a step, a trailer with a cargo could crash.

Weighing more than 10 tons??? Imagination painted paintings one more terrifying

The other. The monsters from the books no longer seemed fairy tales. Water, captured

For the courage of the lights and mounting, go see. Look at... Further

A painting of oil. Around the trailer stood a terribly lame and dirty camel.

(And where did it come from?) and with the indescribable expression of great Happiness on the mouth

I cried at the end of the trailer! It is done! He found it! In the steppe! not scared

The camel even the loud whisper of 15 men.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №13757
Conscience is found. The lost person please urgently pick up, or it prevents you to sleep.

The Nights...

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13756
Corwin: Nita, what is your weight?
Now I have eaten...
I mean, I am dressed.
It will probably be 39.
Corwin: Omg, and before lunch and naked?
Nita: Corwin, naked not weighed, but until lunch - 38
If you go to the toilet...
Around 30...
You are a bag of shit.

[ + 67 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №13755
43647 (saved 2009-01-15 at 21:50)
Have you noticed how many girls with guitars appeared after the release of the TV series "Ranetki"?
Damn, when will the series "Drivers" finally appear?

Oh how fun! Why not "Money" No, guys, how can you do that? What is this duality? We, men, boys and boys, are outraged that there are some fools around us, and we are dreaming about them, it comes out!
Let us better wait for the release of the series "Neglamourki", "Mozgoneebalki" and "Let's Go FriendsNeOstavalki". And personally from me - a fantastic series "Excentric-Smart-InitiativeGirlsGirls". I will go and make tea.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №13754
Katushka: I recently went to the store and said... "I want bread!... It is a spectacle!"
Katushka: After the grass the spectacle begins
••••Susla••• : it’s a hernia)))))I recently went to the store...
••••Susla•••• :and forgot how it was called button
Katushka :D
•••Susla••••:I stand like a fool, tick my finger...and then like a lump: "Give me striped bread!"
Katushka: *ROFL*
••••Susla•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I have not seen such oily eyes for a long time.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13753
I am a pipe. I am happy to fill out the card of an employee for personal affairs in the human resources department. They have not changed the pattern of employee cards since the 1930s. There is a county: social origin. Here is the hz to write there. Can I write: a column nobility?
Tagged: noble noble
Is it the rule of the sea?
PVV: Worker and Peasant Intelligence
ttt: write the Aztecs
TTT: and come the next day with feathers in a bag, a spit and a mask on your cheeks.
zzz: write: the direct descendant of the out-of-marriage son of Emperor Charles IX
nnn: pioneer, child of workers
I am a college student! The daughter of Cameroon

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №13752
She: I like to imagine that we are together))) That you embrace me strongly...
He: And I like to imagine that you are making me a suck...
She is: What?!?! to
You kiss me with your tongue. Isn’t that called a discharge?

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №13751
N: The tax authority calculated a tax deficit of 53 thousand rubles.
I came to Sberkassa to pay this tax - and they refused to take: see if the amount exceeds the limit and falls under the law on money laundering.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №13750
the game (22:49:33 5/09/2008)
Do you have a normal old man?

CRazYRraBbitT (22:49:52 5/09/2008)
You are ideal.

CRazYRraBbitT (22:49:57 5/09/2008)
He is not)

the game (22:50:23 5/09/2008)
We have a body. Noah has already agreed with her about missing classes.

CRazYRraBbitT (22:50:46 5/09/2008)
Have you built your eyes?

the game (22:51:09 5/09/2008)
type of that. Although I am not a master of eye building and the like. I seem to have agreed.

CRazYRraBbitT (22:51:35 5/09/2008)
You do not need to be on your face (norma)

CRazYRraBbitT (22:51:52 5/09/2008)
What told her?

the game (22:52:14 5/09/2008)
What kind of if she passed me, I broke her hands XD

CRazYRraBbitT (22:52:29 5/09/2008)
You are a gentleman :D

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13749
My mom and daddy have been living for 17 years - there is no time to get to Zack. The brothers were seven years old.
We dined yesterday, the little one doesn't want to eat soup - the whole family coveted and so on. In the end, the mother lacks patience - insulted the little one. The man in tears to father: why did he marry a bad mother? I could not live a little at first, look at it - suddenly you will not like it!
Mom is in shock sitting next to him: so he still looks.
I could not eat any more :)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №13748
Review of "The Return of the Musketeers"

I would be interested to find out how the advertising of juices, coffee and other laundry powders was included in this film. (Well, it can’t be constant without that!)
Whoever goes to see, let me know.

NN – It’s very simple:
1st Everyone knows that the guard of the cardinal always wore shirts - a small change of colors in the shirts - voila, Bilayna's advertisement.
2nd The D'Artagnan horse is known as Camry, the full name of Toyota Camry. During the course of the film, this fact is mentioned more than 9000 times... By the way, after hitting a full jump in a tree, the hero remains unharmed.
Three From the school program, it is known that the most famous food store in France is the Old Mill, under the same name is produced and the most famous French El.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №13747
You may not write to me anymore.
May is a shit for you!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №13746
I have a lot more...roof.
The game:?
chikhychy: knocked on the head in the aska... there was an anti-spam bot... chel clearly creatively approached this.
Welcome to the Anti-Spam bot. If you want to talk to me, please answer the following simple question. What is the meaning of life?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna