— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №10175
A friend from the repair of comps and organtechnics told me:
came to them a girl, pulled a LCD monitor, type fix, does not work, began to look - in the corner of the monitor a small hole, show her
This is what I did with the pen...
They were Ohio.
The rabbit!! to
She, with a guilty expression of her face, dropped her eyes to the floor.
I wanted to see how the liquid crystals would flow out.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №10174
To fall into the final mess, our state has only exams in the theatre school to do in the format of the EGE!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №10173
Finding a good girl is like a needle in a pile of seed.
YYYYYYYYYYYY And I think it’s like a puddle in the stake of a needle (

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №10172
As a child, Saakashvili dreamed of becoming a taxi driver. In the end, he did not become a taxi driver, but the desire to bomb him did not disappear.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №10171
21: [ 20 ] added 2008-09-16 16:48
I live in a dormitory.There are two beautiful girls living nearby.
The story:Come early to the institute,learned,worked.While standing in the kitchen prepared a late dinner, naturally stood with these neighbors cuddled.Eat and go to bed.Where a minute after 30 knock on the door.I get up without turning on the light I open the door.One of the neighbors instantly flies into the room.Now I lock the door on the machine and I immediately start to stretch her up to no exaggeration short shorts.I shoot them together with the ministries and at this moment from her a phrase with a slightly slow voice.Vasya, please.a little salt.I was so shocked.So I gave her, of course, if the light was turned on, I would probably be ashamed to burn.

And a neighbor came to him, allegedly for salt,
And she took off her trousers and showed where she was hurt"
(C) Splin 1995 "Love goes by wires"

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №10170
As paradoxical as this may sound, but, often, a female deer is a sheep.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №10169
xxx: Imagine a group of students who, in turn, say the word shit to the whole audience, smile and look at me, wanting to know if they said it correctly. I cried, I could no longer work in the classroom, I started to hysterize))) The teacher stood by, drank coffee and smiled (while he heard all my explanations). I was kicked out of work for 20 minutes.

P.S And it all started because, in Dutch, this is Good Morning.

Yyy: The Czech phrases are one fig more funny.
Sophia is the voice.
in Cheboksaars (like there), issued a newspaper - "Voice of the Pioneer" ("Pioneer of sauce", you would)
Hera is a girl.
Now, imagine the phrase - "the voice of a girl")

xxx: again in the hysteria)))

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №10168
The silence in the audience, we write tightly: "...from the frequency of appearance of individual letters or their combinations: bigrams, trigrams..." The voice from the last batch, whisper: "stograms.."

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №10167
She saw this picture:
There are 3 copniks who drink beer, already blue and have a philosophical conversation.
They only work physically.
2 I am a caretaker, but I am not a loch
Three, you are a real boy.
and 😉

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №10166
The Queen concert in Moscow. We took place 20 minutes before the start and looked around a little bit of the audience. The attention was attracted by two men sitting on the next row right behind us. From their conversation, it was clear that they came to the concert from somewhere far away.
The concert began, we forgot everything we saw... for about an hour. At about this time, Brian May came out to the very edge of the stage and said he would like to dedicate the next song to Freddie. The whole room was silent, many lighted the lights.
And only the voice from behind asked with a clearly surprised expression: "What, will Freddy not be?".

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №10165
How good that I live in the cold Russia: under the high boots you can't see worn socks.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №10164
DiGriz: I just woke up in the morning, decided to make an eggshell: opened the garbage bowl, broke the egg there, thought... broke another one there... went to do the breadth.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №10163
Women are afraid of driving! I was driving with a friend today, he just started driving, so for confidence I sat down with him, he still didn't have time to paste the letter U, and behind the drivers are angry, well, what to bicycle. After all, it can be seen that if a person is touched from the 10th time, well, right behind the wheel recently, so when today on the gasoline (when a friend tried to visit and touch right from the first time) one hell beat us I came out and said that if it will still be bits, then I will sit behind the wheel. has stopped)

[ + 54 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №10162
And about banks.

We have not so long ago opened a new bank, hz as its full name, but the abbreviation of it is PUMB

Just so I see: you call them with a question on the loan processing, and you have a solid and at the same time a pleasant voice says, "Hello, the manager of Pumbaa is talking to you."

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №10161
I adore my country! Only we can develop the "Funny Roger" over a batch of pirate discs without a thunderstorm!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №10160
Do you know what Cassandra is? I do not play, she is you... and I watched you listen to like CLUB MUSIC, and it turns out to be bad... and added - Kazantin is a cool disco in the Crimea!!! to
Give me a double shot.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №10159
The last time I was in the military commissariat, I looked at the military commander, he tossed a guy:
Do you have a headache and can’t serve? The idiot! You have a bone there, nothing can get sick! You sit in front of me, the respected old colonel, and you are so dumb! Study out - (shows me) enrolled in the institute, finished, now in the graduate school enrolled, and now probably brought some more certificate! This is normal, we will not take in the army. And you, my son, will go to the building!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №10158
One day in the subway my aunt smiled.
XHH: I go to the subway, and there in the center such transitions are dangerous, you will not immediately understand, but I do not get used to it.
xxx: I go into the car, well, they announce the next station "Marxist", a aunt seizures her bag and tries to escape, but the canine does not have time and stays in the car, the current bag in the door is stuck.
xxx: The machinery apparently did not notice this, and the train went, and the aunt is pulling, pulling the bag - and no fig, she is stuck there.)
Okay, she seemed to calm down, saying, I can wait until the next station.
YYY: And what?
xxx: Would you see her eyes when she realized that until the end of the branch the door would open from the other side)))

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №10157
<ProWax> and one recruiter stumbled on the special commission because of what in the column "about himself" wrote, I quote: "in childhood, he beat a white in the eye"...

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №10156
What’s worse than falling asleep during sex?
Sleeping during onanism = ((

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna