— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144364
In a thousand years, a lot will change in our world. Well, except for the design of the soda pack, of course.

- The jokes are crazy, the design of tooth powder has changed - it has become 4 times more expensive.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144363
Friends come at night with questions about how to wash the blood from wallpapers. They did not kill anyone, but their confidence that I know what to do with the blood on the wallpaper is frightening.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144362
You are lucky.

I love the cartoon "How to Train a Dragon". The guy recently gave a figure of the Dentless, printed on a 3D printer with a 3D model he made himself (he is fascinated by this matter). I was immensely happy. I am 29, he is 30. I’m a designer, he’s a programmer, we both make good money. Are we infantiles?
Glad for you, you are normal people, keep this state of mind always.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144361
> I don’t want anything. Absolutely nothing (except to eat and sleep, but it’s no longer me, it’s my body). I don’t even want to have fun. Why then live?

Take the answer)
It is a typical human mistake to think that everything has a purpose. You live because you are already born and you have not yet died. What you want to do in life is your choice.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144360
Chel’s signature on the forum: “Moderating my posts leads to sexual impotence, sexually transmitted diseases, the crown of unmarriage and diarrhea!”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144359
The technology also reached the Russian village. The chairman of the collective farm finally decided to hand over the cow and buy a computer, such as an accounting office. said is done. I bought put. And there are aunts of post-retirement age, education of agricultural machinery in the 70th year. They have not grown up until 1C, they are not friends with Ward. Acomp is used in this way - at lunchtime, when the tea is drunk, it is turned on and watched as the fish swim in the pool. Relax to fuck.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144358
We had one fucking injury. Trees grew nearby. There was a cable between them. Early in the morning after the change we decided that he was not there to do and used to film. The cable was removed, but I liked the idea. We picked up the guitars, walked in, and played (two, in clothes). A drunk man walked by and began to ask us what kind of stuff we are doing there. Half an hour checked. Well we came down, struck him on the mouth and let go. This picture went to the police! The doctor fell from the tree, the mouth was filled! We wandered, and the man in the fool...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144357
entered YouTube on the Japanese anime channel, all write strictly hieroglyphs, asked "what for the anime", answered "not fall the office";

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144356
In the refrigerator erotic cooking.
In the sense of Nihua?
In the sense of a sausage and two eggs, but your version is also true.
Honey and Honey and Honey at the same time!
Quantum Erotic Cooking.

Through Twitter

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144355
The online library

The text of the book is provided for informational purposes only. After reading the content, you should immediately forget what you read.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144354
A whole horde of people who studied genetics from Marvel Comics

> studied genetics from Marvel Comics

> Studied Genetics from Marvel Comics

I am awake!! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144353
Shuttle and Hi. I will fly to Pulkovo. Tell me, is it possible to force some Peter's bookstore to bring the goods there and leave them in the storage chamber? Not in the book, but in the book.
S: It is hardly. But in Nevsky there is a 24-hour Bookweed.
M: You are sick!
Fuck it Peter.
M: dishonestly
SH: You woke up at three o’clock at night and wanted Kafka. Fuck you to do?
And here is the bookmaker.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144352
My father told me the story. Somewhere in the 80s he sold TVs. One day my grandfather came. In the costume, in the glasses. began to choose. He approaches one telephone and with a clever look says, "and bring another like that." The father is already unable to remember what the grandfather complained about, but definitely about the puppy, which the television does not have. He decided to conduct an experiment out of curiosity. I took the TV and took it to the warehouse. He smoked a couple of minutes, took the same telecome, put it in a box, carried back. It puts, makes the type look something adjusts, makes the type the primary adjustment (although it actually puts everything on the same scores). The grandfather looked at it and said, “I don’t like this. Something is wrong with him.” He complains about another indicator. Okay, the father again takes away, in a couple of minutes comes back with the same - now the grandfather doesn't like something yet. The father did not say anything, did not blame, did not blame. He was already just curious about what would happen next and he was obediently running with the same television. And he doesn’t remember exactly when, the grandfather finally cried out: WO!!! What is needed. This is my direct. Take it!! to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №144351
I went to the market with my husband on Sunday. I am in a new suitcase, with light makeup and a pair of jewelry. The husband in oil-coloured jeans, old shoes and a dried shirt:
“Anthony, you look like a whirlwind! You will look at you and in life you will not say that you are a dentist, you live in a good apartment.
Husband: I was going to go to the garage today, not to go to the markets with you.
I: You look like that every day.
So I hope to get into the garage every day!!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144350
Xxx: I was taken by a hurricane. The shoes pro*ala, Totoshka did not survive... I stumble on a mackerel with a cowardly lion and a fearful. By the way, after the third, he was not so scared, and the Lion dared.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144349
I answer

You even have a pointless punctuation. You have never been her, but would be an ordinary botanist who has fallen into his environment and gave this environment puzzles, puzzles, puzzles, puzzles, puzzles. I pulled in and walked along the curved path, well, for a short time. If I had been caught up, HZ would have ended everything, in the best case would have sat down, in the worst half of his life would have driven the OPG, and the other half had been beating his head against the wall, realizing what he had done.

On the contrary, I miraculously left the curve of the road that I walked since childhood. My father was not there, and my mother could not cope with me. He is the real hooligan. I would hardly drive the OPG, I was too small.
Following his wife, then still a future, he began to stretch, read books, and even finished the tower. But still sometimes I make stupid mistakes, I can "carova" write, or "engineer". Once I wrote here "academic", I was laughed at and was very offended. Therefore, everything I wrote twice I re-read, look for mistakes and sort out the bugs.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144348
Comments to the article "On the street of Decabristov banned parking cars":
Parking has always been prohibited on Decabrists. Is it even more prohibited?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144347
Elena is
Fantasing about grandmothers is easier than living with a real woman.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144346
Celebration of All Unloved

This holiday, held on April 14, is intended for single and unmarried people who have not been able to find a couple. It is widely observed only in South Korea.
On this day, lonely people dress in black, gather in restaurants and eat Chinese-Korean jayangmyeon in black sauce with pork and vegetables. Simultaneously, singles order alcohol, complain or cry because of the lack of privacy. Sometimes there is a competition to eat cakes.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №144345
< ASS_MURDERER> Orthodox activists have asked the prosecutor to stop the sale of anal lubricants in Saratov
< mandala-la> Here are the hardcorkers who are burning without lubrication.
< mandala-la> and all want to force

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna