— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144164
These American visas were only needed by the damned Russian liberals.
Russian patriots have long had a residence permit or U.S. citizenship, and their wives and children have long been there.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144163
(Three admin in a cigarette)
The business center refuses us to install the diesel. You will always have to put a repair bag at the bed at night, so that in case of an electricity accident, you will crash into a taxi, to turn off and then pick up the server.
and UGU. Superman's coat in the closet
and UGU. And a statement without a date... unless you raise it.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144162
The xxx:
I see it: you enter a dark street, there are a few unpleasant personalities, and on your AR glasses flashes a red inscription SELF!
Well or start playing the theme from Mortal Kombat and turn on the mode Lao Kung :)
and ZZZ:
They say to you, “What are you so bold?” And the neural network gives the correct answers depending on the desired development of the situation.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144161
Cake: One thing is to choose based on any qualities, and another is based on social prejudices. The second is unacceptable in modern society and violates human rights. Employer - does not mean God or the ruler of the world, he is obliged to respect the rights of people
Employer: And my right for my money to look at a cute white face and not see a bearded face who will respect it?
You do not have that right. People are not divided into types of faces, all are equal
DIS: "White face" is something new! It would be fine red or there shallow, youthful, cared for, etc. The hair is usually white. Or do I not know Russian either?
You didn’t understand, this is the face that smokes Whitemore!! to

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №144160
XXX: Do not eat them. These sausages have been there for several months.
YYY: In my opinion, there is nothing to spoil there. They look like new.)
XXX: No need to eat it!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144159
I sit in the clinic in the reception room, nearby the doctor talks apparently with a member of the family of one of the patients. It is about the fact that the forecast is cautious and generally worth thinking about the eternal.
The family member is obscure: "Given how much was spent on this fool, she must survive me and pay MY funeral."
The curtain.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144158
Oh, that the naked Jiggura dreamed!and "

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144157
Discussion on the news hub that in the basement of a former NASA employee found a computer of the 1960s:

by 111:
I wonder how they got into the basement if they can’t be pulled out. At the stage of construction?
Are they capable of working?

by 222:
Most likely they got into the basement through a partial dismantling of the structures of the house (roofs/coverings or walls), and do the same to get them back, most likely, the current owners do not want.

and 333:
Very simply, by removing the modules from the chassis, dragging into the house separately and assembling back. This is almost a standard 19/21 inch design.

by 444:
Why can’t we pull it out the same way?

by 555:
because the engineer "starper" took, and found fashionable modern hipsters.
There is nothing in their moles about assembly.

by 666:
It’s hard to wear something when your hand is busy.

by 777:
Driving on a gyroscope is uncomfortable.

by 888:
Spinner is constantly distracting.

by 999:
Therefore, it is better to take a photography session on the locograph.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144156
The director is Todd Phillips, the producer of the famous comedy "The Boy in Vegas" (Hangover).
They wake up on the roof of Wayne's estate, Joker, Harley, Penguin and the Mysterious Man and realize that while drunk they fuck Batman.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144155
ZZZ: "Did your spouse abuse alcohol? No, he did not drink at all. Well, it happened, horrifying alcohol..."
Zzz: So if you want to see the real, without ornaments, life of a significant part of the Russians - go to the courts for all domestic murders. There you will be met when he drinks, came up to us through the balcony and bled there, then I took a tail and went to talk peacefully with them, and also I raise two children, a salary of eight thousand.
Zzzz is unforgettable.
zzz: And I do not understand: how, why, by what means can these blisters drink around the clock? I, a respected journalist, can’t afford it – and they can!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144154
Womchik Alexeyeff
I have a big wedding today. Even this happens.

The Later:
When was it opal?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144153
Catherine: Listen, Van, I missed the label from my desk somewhere.:( is
Ivan: Look at the work floor - it may have fallen.)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144152
Do you hear the cotton on the door? It was a security technique, and she just went in the ass.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №144151
The Ministry of Emergency Affairs in Rostov-on-Don said that the cause of the fire, which burned 45 houses, was the use of a foreign source of fire. In short, it was a dragon.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144150

to this:

I work as an English reporter.

Thank you for not being Russian. Hello from "I work as a doctor"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144149
Remember the famous "chicken with the taste of bread"?
So, chew, meet - "Sucks with the taste of French baguette"!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144148
What’s the problem with the cardigan? Loss, for example, arose as leather pants for military uniforms, exclusively male, naturally, and in modern usage you can imagine losses made of natural leather, and why on a male?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144147
>> A normal shirt is one that opens the trousers in a sitting position or bending. All that is longer is for monks. The pants are for lesbians.

Here and walk alone in shorts in the rain and wind. You’re not a monk to wear long pants, right?

Yes, he has long pants or short. The main thing is to see the cowards.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №144146
came to eat. The establishment is not the coolest, but with a claim. In the bathroom everything shines and type of design. For the hands is not a dryer or there paper wipes, but small soft one-time towels. True, MJ is not separated, only one sham, and it turned out to be busy. While I wrapped the pumpkin in a stupor, a luxurious madam floated out of the mansion, pulled a body past me, squeezed in the cracks between the tiles, and went into the hall, irrigated with a pound of contempt and the smell of an expensive perfume on top of the obsolete smell of natural origin.

by Fuck! Entering, he found a fresh formation on the water surface, shamefully covered with a handful of towels. Having completed the planned, he went into the room.

I see, in the far corner, the lady in the company. I approached and said, “Don’t worry! I am following you!” He left for his table.

You would see their roots! :)

In general, if I suddenly disappear, in my death I ask to blame the Shrek O.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №144145
According to the Inspectorate of Labor Protection:

An employee died as a result of an accident. The insurance company has allocated 1 million to the relatives of the deceased rubles under the insurance contract.

He has an ex-wife with whom he has not lived for eight years, but has never divorced. And there is a fellow resident who has already given birth to one child and at the time of the death of the civil husband was pregnant with the second.

I don’t think it makes sense to explain who got the most of the money.

That is all. Be responsible for issuing documents, and don’t say, “This is just a stamp in the passport!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna