— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144384
When my mother was pregnant with me, ultrasound was done only for medical reasons and not all, so they sat down and decided that they would give birth to Andrew, a father's assistant and a mother's support. My mother went to give birth to me, my father went to the factory. At lunch came to the country (from the factory 1.5 km) and while my grandmother was cooking, he decided to cut wood. Next from the words of the grandmother: comes ZIL with the factory and they talk on the phone called, the daughter was born, such a weight, height. I run to my son, I say a girl, a girl is born, everything is fine! And he stood upright, silently with a column, and shrugged the pine with the pine on which he had cut up to half opened.)) Now when I recall this case, the folder smiles and says that he’s so crazy of happiness, ah.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144383
Today, under my windows, a man comes out of the car, talking on the phone:
Fuck, where is he? Where is my son, I fucked his mother.
The sandwich collapsed.

[ + 16 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144382
There is Westeros p...c, and you are talking about all the shit here!!! to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №144381
I always went for lunch at a restaurant near the office, which is held by Armenians.

Since he ate there every day, and lunch was a little more expensive than their competitors, he never left for tea. And few people, in my opinion, give for business lunch for tea.

In general, one day I sit with a colleague, lunch. They bring an account. And here my colleague points out that in our account appeared the line "for service" 200 (!!!!) R for two. For what, his mother, service?

Ask the waitress, he calls the administrator.

Approach a thick girl and report that this line is turned on by PERMANENT clients who forget to leave the teaspoons.

and smiles.

We also smiled, a little showered. And she didn’t see our smiles anymore, as did us or anyone else from our department and our neighbors.

The M Marketing.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144380
XXX is a mystery.
What the girl is proud of, what the sailor is afraid of, and what the peasant hides for the winter.
There was a time when the girls were proud of their hair.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144379
The authors of the loud, and interfering in the meaning of the film, casino advertising is time to be held accountable for gay propaganda. They are p... and

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144378
Season 1: Fouou, Incest
Season 7: Uriah, Incest

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144377
>> Someone here is a girl with a low self-preservation instinct. To grasp such a gun owner - what a fool to be for this?<<

Oh seriously? In the event of the legalization of weapons will be relied on the shooting? Fuck your weapons, gentlemen. Yesterday, a very nervous footage sounded so loud that I delayed his advance through the traffic jams for four seconds, while crawling in front of his car standing at the intersection to the left. Did I shoot him too? Or he me? No, guys, with such arrangements you are not what weapons, you can't trust the way out on the streets without the bullshit)))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144376
by Denis Dragunsky:

- The neighbor on the side - a perforator and drill, carefully and lawfully, from nine to twenty-two forty-five, and so has been three years. The neighbor above has two wonderful babies, do not go to kindergarten. From the morning to the day, I’m running around my head. The neighbor below has a dog, a dumb basset, as the owner goes to work - begins to chew and whip. What should I do? Everyone says you can’t do anything. Repairs, children, pets are sacred.
and yes. Yes Yes Yes.
What are you giving? What should I do so that they can’t do anything to me?
Take the Orthodoxy.
What kind of Christ has endured and told us? thank you.
No is no! Release the beard and attract them for insulting feelings. They prevent you from praying. You will see how they sing.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144375
XXX: Who and what?
zzz: Great Korean dictator Kim Jong-un

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144374
I’t boast in the gay club that I’m a man anywhere.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144373
The story of a "pseudo-Italian" in an Italian clothes store inspired memories.

We studied in the graduation class then. Together with a friend, I headed a school radio station. Once with the guys decided after the change to break some lesson not interesting for us and stay in the radio node. Listen to music and so on. Suddenly someone spoke about a new teacher from a parallel class. She was really cute. And she looked very young right after finishing the pedinstudy. Almost yesterday’s school. I took the initiative and started talking about it myself. To be honest, I didn’t want anyone to say anything unpleasant about her. I thought she was a normal girl. So I decided to set the tone of conversation, so to speak. She said she is beautiful, her face is very pleasant. The eyes are smart, and that’s really great. And her figure is great. She has a higher education. What a good thing to say there...

On these words, a physical education teacher breaks into the radio tape with his eyes opened and ferociously gestures! Oh my! I forgot to turn off the microphone and the equipment. And the whole school in complete silence instead of the lesson listened to us.

I was very uncomfortable afterwards. I did not find a place for myself. But one of the teachers, who was already over 30 at the time, an experienced and wise woman, thanking her, by the way, for this huge, reassured me: "Don't get sick! You said nothing bad about her. Even the opposite - such a advertisement made her ;-) But the apparatus should be watched better!!"

And the girl herself and really afterwards looked at me with a smile and some interest. But I was too young and very embarrassed.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144372
Elvira Nabiullina is a completely ordinary person and also in the autumn drops the banks.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144371
>>I recommend you go to a good doctor.

A citizen who advises doctors. You seem to know little about modern trends in psychotherapy. I will tell you from my example. Two months ago, for reasons of panic attacks, I had to visit several meetings with a fairly serious psychotherapist. This is not only for non-dedicated people to talk in a quiet voice about what problems you had in childhood (a psychologist), but also not to treat a serious personality disorder (a psychiatrist). This is a doctor - with appointments, prescriptions, therapies. So, for a number of reasons, we talked about the third person who was sentenced - the infant. Why did the doctor call a man infantile? The doctor explained to me calmly and in detail - neither cartoons, nor interests, nor games make a person an infant. The infantry of a person makes a low level of responsibility for his actions and his life, transferring the blame on others, priorities as in children - to spend ALL money on a toy, including the money of a husband/wife, for example.

Come, dear, yourself at that address, be surprised, I think.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144370
I saw a girl in the subway, she looks very much like you, only tall and thin.
She: You just called me fat???! to

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144369
Those and nuclear energy are considered more environmentally friendly.

Strangely, about the danger of studying Russian language, RNTV does not say yet.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144368
111: I went to gather the gent.
222 is broken. and ;)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144367
If you haven’t seen a twelve-year-old girl talking to Siri, you haven’t seen anything. They really make friends. This is a real relationship with artificial intelligence.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144366
For those who do not like the smell of sweat in buses, buy a car. And you will automatically move to a new level of conflict between drivers and pedestrians. Better than everybody else hates them.)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144365
XXX: Why can’t you use the search for your room?? to
YYY: Maybe, but at least sometimes you need to make an indexing ;)
zzz: Aha, but better a complete defragmentation ;)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna