— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №5493
Why do you think our yesterday played so well at the end of the game and were able to break the Canadians?
2: Shake up the hole.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5492
I paint on the asphalt with a white slice the word SISKI!
Enough of the small, curly, the first number also f ball!
The word SISKI in the large font, "Times New Roman" in the ceglime 30, I painted a white mole, the shob size was the number fifth... © Nightmare

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №5491
Goodbye to you, the former ruminant quotator of the the quotator of the minor idiots.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №5490
The Forum:
I want a network! Damn tired without net.... house small - h.z. The jump of the people will be - the star, 153
Are there options? I submitted an application in the city - they said that after the new year - little to believe. ADSL is gone, there is no phone.
Crying or Very Sad

I want Grandma! Damn tired without a baby... house small - h.z. There are no normal babies in it at all.
Are there options? submitted an application in the city - they said that after the new year the babies will be released - little believed. The inflatable baby falls off - there is no pump.
Waiting for Options


[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №5489
Jurets: Shash asked the guy, if they have a system administrator, in response heard "This is such a silver box?"

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №5488
Lotox: What happened to the server?
Connect: Naškalnika, may servira pastavil, fribizdia installa učinil, apachi sabral, pyhape patключиль, sapuju, and anono - ajambeh pashambe echelbe satanama!
Lotox: Kirill, if you don’t start expressing yourself normally, we’ll find a new system administrator. I repeat the question – what happened?
Connectivity – what? It happened... )
Lotox: BL%d

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №5487
Anny> Do you have a program to change the format?
SLESH> in the sense?
Anny> Well that the formats can be changed.
SLESH> formats of what?
Anny> Are you stupid? The file format of course!! to
SLESH> what are the files?
Anny> You are a brake, not a programmer! files on the computer.

I read and re-read. Balsams for the heart. I am not alone.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5486
The joke was:
We go somehow with the chore (his name is Dan, he is a teacher at school) through the dark courtyard at 10 p.m. It is dark. I watched a hop-stop company. I think we need to prepare for the worst. We pass by them, and from the crowd (chapter 15) it is said “Hello, Denis Viktorovich!” and he replies “Hello, young people.” I am confused (what whispered) "who is this?" and in response Dan says quietly "this is my studio". I am crying :)

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №5485
And if I don’t know what a shit is eating, that doesn’t mean I’m stupid.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №5484
Trus is the sponsor of the hero.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №5483
For some reason, the Russians, unlike other peoples, are proud of non-observance.

rules and their violation. Who else will be proud to show?

Hach protocols and compare, who has the fixed speed higher?

Now the technical progress has come to the help of the Khashoggi, the help of the Haishnikovs

No need anymore. Everyone has GPS navigators, and they have such a useful one.

Automatic memory of maximum speed.

In a very warm company there was a conversation about fast riding. Yes I

- Yes, I do - so what do you chase, your redvan doesn't do 250 at all - and I do.

Gorky - well, from Gorky I had 300 - and so on. Word for word,

Battled on the bet. They put a green hundred on the table and went.

navigators - who has the recorded speed higher, the whole bank and

will take.

And a quiet intellectual named Oleg came into the company. When they started

When I bet, he also got his hundred. Then they came to him, and all knew.

That his car is obviously not from McLaren's booth, the Japanese woman killed for years

20 of the family. If you want to volunteer

A hundred bucks, who will object?

They brought the navigators and began to compare. 220 - 230 - 235 - and what do you have?

and 180? “Yes, I gave the testimony a day ago – 250 – 250 – Oh, Schumacher! by 275. and

Here, Oleg gets his device and shows the number. 824 km per hour. to all

The jaw drops, but there is nowhere to go, they argue about the testimony.

The Sensor. Oleg wins with dignity. Subsequently, as

The majority was drunk.

When they separated, someone quietly asked:

Oleg, did you hack the navigator? They don’t seem to hack.

Yes is no. I turned it on one day in the plane.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5482
No matter how much the West tries to put Russia on its knees, it continues.

Be proud to lie!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №5481
Russia is the world champion in hockey!
Tran3; yeah, no shit :) as if heading and really such a cool coach!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №5480
Support service of one of the providers, 3 o'clock at night. call by phone. The conversation was approximately like this, after which the phone was hanged:
Is this the support service?
- Yes
Can you really help me technically?
- Yes

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №5479
Tanya (16:55:07 16/05/2008)
How are you, Maxim?

? to
Tanya (16:59:49 16/05/2008)
You have drowned me today.

Max Kretschett (17:00:17 16/05/2008)
It is for sex.

Tanya (17:00:40 16/05/2008)
Maybe, but I have MS, I’m just dying today.

Max (17:01:01 16/05/2008)
Does the head hurt?

Tanya (17:01:08 16/05/2008)
No is

Max (17:01:18 16/05/2008)
And then the oral!! to

Tanya (17:01:48 16/05/2008)
What if I had an anal?
Max (17:02:06 16/05/2008)
What a guess you are!!! 😉

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №5478
Josh: Guys, but who is better off falling the harpy feathers?? to
You won’t believe... with GARPIA!!!! to

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №5477
SKAzo4Huk (22:03:22 17/05/2008)
Even the impotent would want to stumble ;)

† VinDicta † (22:07:51 17/05/2008)
I’m not interested in impatients.)

SKAzo4Huk (22:14:07 17/05/2008)
The poor impatients 😉

† VinDicta † (22:14:27 17/05/2008)
the poorest of them.)

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №5476
<xxx>no, well there with girls usually in such an environment it goes like with potatoes...first you want to warm up, and then you fry.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №5475
Status in contact: June 13 - the last GOS, 14 - I am a witness at a friend's wedding. Hm...

Status day by day: June 13 – the last GOS, 14 – I witness at a friend’s wedding, 15 – Alien Attack, 16 – The World is captured, 17 – The End of Humanity. So here is hm...

c) Pi-Ash

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №5474
This is a quoted quote.
The authors of the basha engine are dumb.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna