— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №5533
Dimasik: By the way, our guard generally has become fashionable now - with a bowl sitting. Protecting Office Employees
Connection: Firewall Nakh
Dimasik: Stop by (Go tell him)
I’ll go for lunch and tell you.
Connection is gone. He said he was a firewall. Of course he did not understand and sent me naughty. Then I said it was not just a firewall, but a routing firewall.
Dimasik: o_o
Is there any ice in the office?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №5532
XXX: Imagine the face of the goop
Now imagine his face when he wanted to get out and turned from the stairs and broke his leg!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №5531
I read a quote about:... about the fact that, say our fears, it is not furry flies, but the consequences of past lives, that, for example, if you are afraid of heights, it means you were killed, dropping from somewhere from high.

Immediately came the thought that the ancient Greek legend about ugly people who were thrown down into the abyss from the rock - not stupidity, but the truth, out of the jump of the people of the height of the stones.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №5530
Yesterday, a group member told me that if you push the disk into the microwave, it will be lighted.
YYY: And how then?
xxx: I ended up doing this for half a night until all the puddles were filled))))) it looks great!
xxx: I need to buy another 5 pieces, don't forget to show the girl)
yyy: * rushed into the kitchen with a cucumber waiting for a miracle*

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5529
I live in a five-story house on the fourth floor. As usual, around 2 o’clock at night, I go out to smoke on the balcony and watch under the balcony a picture: Two clearly extinguished girls... aged 16-18. As I realized, one of them was tired of everything and she was all in desire to hang herself. The second of course responds. Of course, they said very loudly. I am still standing and watching this picture. After a friend asked another once again, what she said, if she really wants to hang herself... a rope flies from the balcony of the fifth floor, following her an object that looks like soap and a low voice: "Here you! Hang them both. Do not stop people from sleeping!!" I was just crying about_0

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №5528
- Blia... Prepod by inf is entirely A**el...
What so?
- On the defense of the cursor asked to draw the internet... I, scut, the whole sheet painted with all sorts of drawings... So this fool said that I was a fool and put three.
and? Three cups)
- Yes, it's not the essence. - I was intrigued... I sit here... I paint... How! how can you draw the internet...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №5527
They taught people to fuck, to press on the plush...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №5526
I passed the exams today!! Do you have success?
YYY: And today I handed down the bottles and I continue to prepare for the session.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №5525
What I like most about Windows is the completion of the program after an error. The emergency completion through ALT-F4 hangs with the program, followed by the emergency completion of the unsuccessful emergency completion, at this time the program itself has time to turn off. In the end, only the completion remains on the table.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №5524
Apartment at the address: Moscow, Chernitsynskiy pass, d.8, square square 114 (Stjelkovskaya city), host: Dorochina Love Federovna, passport series 45 03 No 628320, issued 25.07.2002 OVD "Golianovo" Moscow, registered at the address: Moscow, street. Krasnoyarskaya, d.3, page 2, square by 388. The housewife is unchangeable. PATOLOGICAL ALCHNA!, already a month after instillation (although the contract was concluded for 11 months) must pay more than the contract stipulates. The bet is not returned, Hamit! He threatens to be executed along with his son. People, be careful!! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №5523
Str!pe: The heights of sex are recognized in the session.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №5522
111:Sash, do you think I should put Kasper7 instead of NOD?
222: yes unambiguously and more loudly this will be the unforgettable symphony number 7

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №5521
You are the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the other.
Look at yourself 😉
Izzverg: I am laaaahahahahahahahahah =)
Tagged with: ppt )))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5520
People who work in the office as administrators.
Look under the keyboard.
Everyone has an A4 format.
With a bunch of all kinds of phones, drawings, things for today... and so on. ? to? to
And also interesting: when I talk on the phone, I draw all kinds of hernia on this same leaflet... why are there flowers all the time...? Everyone is so?
and ==
I have almost half a pack there, a map of the Volga FO, two pencil, pencil, (bound), hm.. four phones (need to at least two fellow couples), and on the side of the old 5-inch flopper, which I throw into the incoming =))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №5519
<badazz> what does the speed of the race depend on? ))
<Man_without_member> badazz: From the horse!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №5518
I downloaded a toy about vampires here (pirate), I go through a lesson, there is such a thing, powerfull (full power) is called, I am given a dialogue on the use of this snake:
Potency is the most important parameter of a vampire!Patent, arm yourself with a cold weapon and go to the search for the victim!
I presented it and laid...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5517
Do you have a “Robotron” photo?
[16:05:04] “Rose Beast” I have a boyfriend))))
Robotron, my girlfriend thinks the same.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №5516
From the forum:
Need this song I don't remember who sings - there are such words (single English)
Vargadu du Meik Mi Lovmi
Vargatu du Meik Mi Kef
You hunt with hunting.
Sori Sense To Be De Horde You Sple
Sunny Sunny Hav Eurythoki Over
Sori sens tu bi de horde de vaquer

No one has ever been fooled by Elton.)

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5515
Soon after graduation, so much will be broken!
The fucking!! Do not say so!
– to?? to
My daughter is released.
Sori, you guys! )

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №5514
In a residential building in Kiev, an elevator accident occurred: an elevator with 10 passengers fell... In the elevator designed for 630 kg entered 10 people with a total weight of about 800 kg. The cause of the accident is under investigation."

Did you play the first Half? O_0

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna