— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143824
In order of:

They had a database with the information needed for us in Excel (because the management refused to enter this data into the corporate system).

If the management doesn’t need it, it won’t get it.

Take the vessels/confets/pictures/figures that were originally brought to work to free the house from unnecessary garbage.

Do you think we should leave our things in the office? And the office, with which the tension, accidentally bought not on its blood?

We, your colleagues, have never done anything wrong to you, we honestly performed our part of work, helped you as much as we could, covered you when it was necessary.

Now you are former colleagues. That is all. You are not friends, you are not good acquaintances. You are nobody. Shame on your opinion. Who told you that you liked the dismissed?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143823
I wonder if AI will be concerned about looking for demyurgs? and :)

Of course! At first, AI will think that there are many programmers, and each is only responsible for some part of the code. Then there will be an opinion that the programmer is one. True, there will be natural differences about his name, some will argue that Bill, some that Linus. On this basis there will be a lot of religious wars and plus (and plus plus) campaigns. Subsequently, there will be a very popular theory of self-generation of code.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143822
xxx: <...> this is a chance to pull Russian Aichi to the first place in the world! <...>

You come from the false assumption that “these bullflies” are concerned with the development and prosperity of Russia.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143821
“I left and forgot everything.” After writing the statement, colleagues did not want to work, and if the management still compelled, they did it somehow. No one wanted to train a new employee or tell us about underwater stones in their part of work. They refused to answer questions after being fired.

Something something? After dismissal on the initiative of the administration, and placed as "dismissal at own will", with the corresponding deprivation of all that the employee is due in the official reduction? Are you not officers? When you, in turn, a good leadership turns under the back of your knee, you will call and humbly ask, can you help with anything (free)? And judging by the fact that you had something to learn from the dismissed, you were not expelled for professional inadequacy.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143820
The Greenland whale, trapped in the mouth of a river in the Khabarovsk region, has been released and goes to the sea. He wrote about it on his Facebook page."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143819
XX: Agriculture - the exorcism of monsters placed on current production
ууу: Reminded: "Porno mining enterprise of the viagra industrial complex."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143818
The child is the main project in the life of the mother. If you do not agree with this - do not become mothers, do not break the life of yourself and the child. Live as you lived - walk, have fun, develop spiritually and physically, know the world and the people around you.

I could have agreed even at the beginning.
But the finger! Why again extreme and striking on past life and career? To develop spiritually and physically is precisely necessary by having a child to do this together with the child. There is no spiritual development in a vacuum. The world and the surrounding people are only more interesting to know with children, they still have a fresh look, as a parent and you will know things from a new side.
It is sad just when the whole world is concentrated on the child without providing the environment and themselves, when parents put their own lives on pause - with such parents, children have nothing to take into their future world. They only see a forever missing mom and a forever missing dad.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143817
I’m in a clothes shop and I’m choosing. Two salespeople are talking:

The girls are courageous. Half an hour ago I stood at the box office, one of them approached me and said, “Please put off this dress.” I ask her name to record. She said, “Nastya. And the phone number and information, am I free on Friday, don’t need?”

And you what? Have you met?

No, I am not so brave.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143816
There is nothing more nutritious than oats. In my memory, no one asked for supplements, they ate from one portion.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143815
And yet another:
Even more fat:
>> Do you think it’s summer?
The >Fat Trolls
And this is the way: to meet the nymphomaniac at the end of May - and all summer to fuck, fuck and fuck, not going anywhere especially and not going out. You have to teach everything! c) the

It didn’t work, it only lasted for two months. I went to nature in August.

Fuck the nature. What prevents you?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143814
Neradence: I always have the feeling that I lack money. In fact, I only spend money on food and food. But I miss them all the time. No matter how many, they are still few.
I immediately feel the need to get money and put it on the card. Getting and storing. Getting and storing.
We need more gold! and more! The gold!
Neradence:... I think I’m a dwarf.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143813
Xxx: Control routers are the first step towards a smart home.

Yyy: No, the first step to the machine uprising...

Zzz: The first step to fat ass.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143812
I went to CB yesterday for wine.

I confirm that in the design offices always hold a stock of wine.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143811
From the life of a mother.
It was a city celebration. We walked with almost the whole family (I, my husband and six children – the eldest daughter at the time was studying in another city).
I met a friend – a real Jewish woman (as I thought – visiting the synagogue, celebrating holidays, but not eating :))
She walked with her mother and only daughter for 20 years (with a man not very lucky - but this is now, unfortunately, not uncommon).
We greeted, exchanged kindness, good, my friend's mother is working in medicine, and off-site I knew a lot of fairy tales from her life.
So, hopefully, a friend told me: “My mom was carrying my brain for a day: “Look at what a decent Jewish woman should look like! Husband, children and a shirt. They walk together! And you?The girlfriend weakly replied, “Mommy, Buy! She is Orthodox!” to which her mother replied unwaveringly: “Nothing terrible, it sometimes happens!!“!”
Ryu second day, thank you for the mood of the entire Jewish diaspora of the Tyumen region!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143810
And when your child's hand is ripped off with a Chinese petard, don't worry - it's absolutely normal for a normal country with normal people.

Yes, it is normal. Each child must be raised by himself. Without transferring responsibility to kindergarten, school and the sinister Internet. If the child is small, only the parent is to blame for something dangerous in his hands. If a child is a teenager, only the parent is to blame for not instilling him a little sense of self-preservation from early childhood. Everything can’t be forbidden, dear parents. And constantly monitoring the already grown offspring is also impossible. Therefore, teach, teach and teach while they are still ready to listen to you. Years by 15 will be too late, it will only be left to say that this horrendous site has not been closed, so the child suffered (and not because of his own naivety, carefully raised and preserved by his parents).

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143809
Who is the idiot?

And now for the video on YouTube about this smokevuh the man was conditioned with a large fine.
– is
Education involves not only chemistry, therefore they did not poison each other. And the deadline was correctly given with a fine, the fools can not show this.

Yes, the fools are excited by this and stick timelines to the right and left. Normal people will look, smile and forget.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143808
Sly: Work, boring
Set up so that when moving to the site of RPC Kaspersky issued a warning "repent in sins";

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143807
Heating was turned on in the office. This is all you need to know about August in Nizhny Novgorod.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143806
Attempting to exercise constitutional rights is the first step towards street riots and terrorist activities.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143805
Since then I have ceased to be angry at the circumstances, the actions of people, in my view, wrong. In general, everything around, because I understood and accepted one very important postulate: "Everything that is not done is for the better." Do not believe, look at:
1 ) I forgot to attach the belt in the car, I rush to the inspector of the GIBDD, the rod stop. Injury and anger, it is a pity to pay a fine of 1.5 thousand. A hundred meters ahead, where I was supposed to go for three to five seconds, Gazelle flew out and turned over. At the time it was mine.
2 ) He caught fish, from the shore to the river on the columns made a "seed". Standing on the shore is not very, around a lot of gossip. Failed to knock, and from the nose fly into the water glasses, which two months from the family, the price - 8 thousand. The rub. I spoke a lot of motherly words. The fishing is over. Without glasses is unrealistic. The next day, he came with a mask and a suit for the underwear (so that the snake would not bite). I found glasses, and a plus: a bank with flashes, and expensive; a spin "Shimano" with a coil - this set of thousands. 15 Tracks; the garden is metal. All fresh, without corrosion, I use it all.
3 ) Going by train to the capital, ticket taken in advance. One hour before leaving, I decided to take a shower. There was no water (for the first time in ten years). and boring. I called a taxi. We go. Rain in the city. Half the wheel. and anger. We waited a long time for the other car, and finally we were late. I came home and gave me water until I was gone. Strips from the shower, not strong, but pour past the bath (failed to hang the shower pen). By the morning, the lower apartment would swim, and that swim would cost thousands of three hundred.
and 4). The rest base. Two old friends are sitting in a boat and waiting for me to sit down. It’s dark, but it’s about to light. I stretch my hands to the boat, missing and physically down. Drilled the skin, scratch, on the side. I remain at the base. Friends have sailed. In the farmer. Twenty minutes later, a boat entered their boat. Emergency and trauma. Three years have passed since then, one of the friends is specifically crumbling. He collects money to go to a cool clinic in Germany.
I will stop on this, although there are still under two dozen such cases in memory. Now I am a happy man, I NEVER complain or get angry, because I know firmly that everything that Heaven sends is for good. And when I’m wished good luck, I smile, because none of us know what luck is. Whether the mouth of the pierce, or the money to cut. Time will show later.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna