— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143444

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143443
It is strange that there are no congratulations on the System Administrator Day!
So, with the Day of the System Administrator, cat you in the shredder, admin!

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №143442
I think sometimes it’s worth thinking about how close we are and not turning our backs.

For God’s sake, you can’t turn around if you feel so calm. But, as one of these, I authoritatively state: the back of most of you does not cause any emotions, your appearance is your best defense.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143441
Listen, people, and Vodyanova and Vodonava are two different babies, it turns out! by Ohrid!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143440
"Russia in response to the sanctions took away from the United States the land in the Silver Bore‍".

So, crazy, and I would like to add: "And a whisper under the McDonald’s door"...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143439
And once again, here are holivars from women’s forums for every taste: and I have such a mom, like you, and we are used to be rough, reports from the venue with unique details and comments, and also the whole evening in the arena a brutal fight on the subject of washing with soap or not soap. And with an obsessive motto, indestructible and indestructible, like the smell of a hole, everyone must be like me. I am yes.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143438
Z4: But the shock does not come anyway.
by Tifou. The inspiration is enough)
But there is no inspiration.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143437
And also, you know, it was so coincidental that they didn’t wear shoes on their heels, didn’t shave their feet, and didn’t do manicures and pedicures.

Bilbo, we are talking about human virgins, not hobbies!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143436
And the examples given by you - just my mother is not all well in life and she is upset. This is not terrible, it is temporary.

The last 30 years have been annoying. Not scary, but temporarily.
Only the misfortune, when she was about to die - nobody wanted to fight with her.
Well, there was such a time, loved ones were all annoyed and they probably didn't have everything well in life. Do not spit in the well. A plunge (manipulation, substitution of concepts, exploitation) - be prepared for the consequences.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143435
Tired of gender.
I don’t know in what reality local matches live, but in fact, most of our people live for the average population in the region. They are men, they are aunts. Together they rub their asss to feed, raise children and pay a mortgage for that money. Well, it happens that you are lucky and will get an apartment from someone’s grandmother. and if the spouse may not have the right to this inheritance, then the children definitely have, which means dreams that years after 10 years of joint marriage can be driven into the sunset of unpleasant children and the spouse - dreams and will remain.
Well, the dreams of the match secretly to give up after buying bread to buy an apartment, it is generally five.
Wake up now, millionaires underground.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143434
You know, if you think that your wife is trying to squeeze a piece of house or apartment, then imagine: a girl for years is cooking, cleaning, washing and smoothing, in hellish torments gives birth to children, in order to divorce and get a profit. Fuck those square meters, if you have to tolerate that.
Women are in love idiots, ready for just so with you at least in the fire, at least on the cataract, and you look for the back and cheer.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143433
And the fact that you did not start using nutritious creams, you will regret when age changes begin - on average earlier than those who used care cosmetics by age and skin type. But then it will be too late.

In my experience "baby over 40" is exactly the opposite. Goods that from a young age were lubricated into the face of five thousand a month in the form of "necessary care" snacks, after 40-50 years are no longer sensitive and the skin does not respond to anything but hell hormonal. And those who washed and went in their youth are like cucumbers.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143432

Don’t worry, I live with a girlfriend and we’re not going to go to Zack. She understands everything very well. She understands that with this income discrepancy she has no right to rely on my finances and property. She is good at me, modest, realistic. But the legislation does not understand and leaves traps for all kinds of hookers. You are a judge.

Right or Left?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143431
Do you want to bring us to the ZAGS? No for anything!

What selfishness! No one is going to take you anywhere, chubby. Sit down and shake your 150,000. You can’t offer anything to a normal girl, so if someone is on you, it’s just a money hunter. Unfortunately, if the flies fly on the shit, not the butterflies, it is clearly not the butterflies problem.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143430
One question to calculating husbands: and on the other hand you call the wife of a man who you do not even trust money?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №143429
Don Baton: Oh yeah, my time has come!
Leman24: What is this time?
Don Baton: At the end of school, my mother spied me on the topic of 'you grow up, and Heydar in your years commanded the regiment!'" But the love of history and evil memory yield their fruits. Yesterday she again began to load me on the topic of "when will you take your mind?" and I replied to her: "Gaydar in my years was already under the threat of the trial, and I am just going on the march. What’s you unhappy with?" And that’s she doesn’t know what he’ll start sleeping next (devil)
LeMann24: (laugh) And then, I understand, you’re going to talk about Gaidar being killed in your years, and you’re just fired?
Don Baton: And you understand! (The Wink)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143428
From Habr:

19 August 2016:
By the way, meet, this is the Light from ABBYY. Thanks to her, I learned three months ago that ABBYY is paid.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №143427
Nothing decorates a man as much as a woman decorated by him.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №143426
Solomon plays

This story has a anniversary today.
I once worked as an executive producer on a full-length film. And I have a lot of stories about how we filmed “Teli and Toli”.
The change ended. They are tired and want to eat. And only the director Amirov mysteriously looked at the mountains and moved his lips. Then he turned sharply to me and said:
Tomorrow we need a bear. A little! It is 200!
and Sasha. Why do we have bears tomorrow? We have plans only in a week.
Better tomorrow! We’re shooting the first scene and I’ve come up with something. I need bears. But not 200. Let it 20!
I have to say that we were filming in the village of Mount Karza, where the bears were of course. But they wandered high on the loaves. It was unrealistic to bring them to the field by 7 a.m. The only place where sheep were 100% - cattle market in Vladikavkaz. And we went for the lambs with the artist on the rekvisit of Ali. The bears are a record.
The lamb dealers were very excited when they found out that we needed 20 pieces for tomorrow morning. But here I confused them:
We would rent...
In the sense?
We will return tonight. The movie for us...
The harsh merchants were upset, but they looked at us with respect.
The next morning, at 5:30 p.m., Ali and I were already at the sheep. The news that some crazy people are paying money to “bring 20 lambs to the mountains and return them in the evening” has flown around the market. They all gathered. Someone brought the children. No one paid attention to me, everyone spoke respectfully to Ali: she was evil, in shorts, rubber boots and with a cigarette. It was clear that she was the main.
The owner of the lamb went into the pit, thoughtfully looked at the pets. I chose one. He turned his face to the artist on the rekvisit and asked:
Will it go?
Not asleep and tired after yesterday's Al, darkly sneezed. The bear with a powerful throw was sent into the body. The casting begins! The lambs, feeling uncomfortable and not realizing that their star hour had come, began to wear around the squad and mourn! The vendors laughed at the barons. The dogs cuddled. The kids were crying. Only Alie and I quietly chose the actors.
Suddenly Al said:
– Stop... That’s not what you need... Someone he... Not convincing...
There was silence. The owner was confused. and red. Then he gave the loser a pinch and confessed:
and fucking. I never liked him either.
The unconvincing bear immediately became an outcast. Sadly said "Beye" and left the casting.
And here we dumped 20 beginner actors and got lucky on the pitch. According to the scenario, we have an early morning, a small canyon, fog and thunderstorms that dullly jump through the rivers. The fog was decided to make army smoke. They are smelly, but they are cheap.
The camera engine. and carried. Actor Soslan Fidarov, who played the shepherd, stretched with army smoke, remembered that he was not a shepherd, but Pinochet of the "9th company" and began to serve replicas with a light Chechen accent. Director Amirov shouted “Stop!” I began to explain the task. Three birds fainted. The rest began to be sharply envious of the unconvincing fellow who did not pass the casting.
Then a young girl fainted. It became fun. Unnoticed sounds. The actor Pogosyan matured in Russian, Armenian and a little in Kazakh. The operator, the indignant Peter Leonidovich Duchovskaya, smoked the pipe and released two clubs of smoke. The fog became even better than the real one, and the Mount Karza became even more like the Ipr.
By the fifth day, everyone was accustomed to the smoke. But the barons have risen! They categorically refused to jump across the river, as the script required. Director Amirov again shouted “STOP!” I began to explain the task. The lambs seemed to agree, but as soon as the camera turned on they began to behave naturally and not forcibly, that is, like lambs.
The solution was proposed by the lightmakers. All the men free from the filming process, tightly took the skin of the lamb. Put their heads in the right direction. With the “Motor!” Everyone gave a delicious bagel. The lambs surprisingly flew across the river, breaking the dense fog with their bodies. The scene was saved.
In the evening, the whole Scottish market met our athlete. The bears rose proudly. They knew they had to live with the burden of fame.
Suddenly, a black “beha” flew to our hunt. They shouted from her:
What about barons?
Impresario of our sheep evaluatively looked at his creative team, then on the potential buyer, and said:
and eight!
The people of Beaumont were outraged:
Shut up! Five everywhere! Is it yours, gold?
The owner of the baron cried out:
They are out of five. These are eight.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143425
95-year-old pensioner Ivan Polyetov has been causing damage to the Pension Fund of Russia for 35 years!

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