— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №143424
In the worst case, it will take 1/5 of the shelf, or even less. The rest is shame? Are you putting these creams and funds into anything?

What does it matter to you? Continue to use business soap and don’t teach people how to take care of yourself.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143423
We went with a friend to the camp, where foreign students lived, to shoot at them. They went in and crushed from some epic untransmitted sound and a multilingual and multi-voiced eagle... And it was the Vietnamese who roasted our Latvian barrel seed, with all the pooches, scales and salt, and the rest of the world was roasted on them....
Cigarettes were shot by the Cubans.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143422
Why "Zadolba!li" releases five stories a day instead of ten?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №143421
My love lives on the 25th floor. The elevator does not work. You come and you don’t want anything anymore.

There was a beautiful song written about it more than half a century ago:

But she lives on the twentieth floor uptown
The elevator's broken down
So I’ll walk one, two flight, three flight, four
Five, six, seven flight, eight flight, more
Up on the twelfth I'm startin' to drag
Fifteenth floor I'm a-ready to sag
Get to the top, I'm too tired to rock

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143420
>> there are exactly 2 options - either the puzzle is complete or they are initially helped financially
The cheapest hotel in Rimini 2* costs about 30 thousand of your rubles per week
But I still have to go there and I doubt strongly that for the remaining 70 euros on the rally you can buy a ticket to both ends.

I understand that burning routes are not considered by you? What would people be like? Just beyond the scope of your experience came out - so immediately shit... We open the site of burning trips, from Moscow to Spain, for 4 nights - 22 t.p. from the nose. with breakfast.

"Dumb guys, fuck you!" (c)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143419
Then, WHAT did you manage to take an entire shelf in the bathroom?

What, is it a lot? I do one face more. Cream for shaving, washing, face cream. No, you can't store it in the room, because the direct sunlight, and you will have to take it out of the room with you. Well, as if an invitation to live involves some kind of hospitality, and here it is a ridiculous war even for the whole regiment.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143418
Be calm, poverty has nothing to do with income. You can get at least millions, but at the same time to eat outdated products so that they don't go missing, to kick the socks and after installing water meters to go to wash exclusively to relatives or mistress.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143417
Rabinovich: Well, yes, there are all the Jews in the city.
Robinson is fucking. How can "drugs" be corrected in "Jewish"?? to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143416

My wife loved in the quarrels "buckling" on these tricks of little things. You present something to her – she answers: "But that’s a little thing! How can you be so small?In response to her claims, you say that it’s a small thing – it immediately sounds: “But our lives are made up of such little things, how do you not understand?And so from time to time: one position, then another, depending on what was more advantageous to her in the given second.
Sorry I agreed. My ex-wife loved...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143415
On RBC in the news reservation on Sobyanin:

In the center of Moscow for transportation will be closed.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143414
Now it is fashionable to call love and care "manipulation". Divorced type-psychologists and other pseudo-scientific figurines of the same type of sociology.

and UGU-UGU I also fell into this Stockholm syndrome for 2 years. In those two years I learned that no matter what I did, I could never please.
For example, I need to work in the garden. This is our common garden. But to live in a house around which garden I have no right, because it is her home and I should not interfere with her.

My mom doesn’t even tell me she needs help. It throws the abstract "should be done". And here are two options: if you do, then "that you lie down, I didn’t ask" and if you don’t "t do, you don’t help". No thank you.

Manipulation is a psychological influence on someone in order to arouse intentions that do not coincide with his real existing desires, goals.

You don’t need to be a psychologist to compare the description of a person’s behavior and the description of a concept. I hope they will love you too.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143413
You know, the wife today is - tomorrow is not, today is one - tomorrow is another. She is alone from birth and for the rest of her life. Love, value and care for parents, closer to them you have no one and will not.

Is my husband closer to me? And my mom who manipulates me doesn’t impress me. Yes, I change my mother into a husband and children who respect and value me.
Once again. What to do to children whose single mother beat, insulted, raped? Should they also send a wife to us at every shooting of a mummy-abuser?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143412
If your husband/wife means more than your parents – yes, weird, if not more rough.

Some buy an apartment to my mother. Others do not allow their mother to drive her wife out of the apartment. Everyone chooses their own. My husband means more to me. In five years, he became closer to me than my mother at 25. This is the fucking truth. And what, by the way, would you advise the children about whom bulls tucked in childhood? Love your mom or dad?

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143411
I have a boyfriend-neighbor, well, a clean goop with all the attributes. In the evenings, I often see him in the company of such guys with a steady bottle of beer and a sludge carrying from the columns of an old phone. This year he finished 11th grade, and according to the convictions of all the neighbors had to start his way on the "curved" path.

And here, I sit as an assistant in the university’s Admissions Committee. All as usual, the nervous girls running out with the "roads" of the body after the entrance exam, the baby boys with their moms, well, and just former schoolchildren.

My neighbor comes into the office. In a suit with carefully drawn arrows on the pants and a thick folder in the hands. I barely drink tea. During the interview, he was polite and talented. In the thick folder there is an impressive portfolio, in the certificate - one three. by chemistry. Balls – more than enough!

After the entrance exam, I run away to smoke, and I catch him on the doorstep:

Tyler is you? I did not recognize you!

“Yes, I,” replied the man, consuming the cigarettes, “what do you think I will do?”

“With your scores and interview, I’m almost 100% sure. I smile

He smoked and smiled:

And then it all goes, EPT! I drove to the area, visit the pups - and swallowed, I went to the stop.

I stood and smiled. Reverse rebirth has taken place

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №143410
Well, you, and in normal people, the spouses of their children are considered left-wing people, especially if the marriage was concluded without the consent of the parents. And if there is no marriage, the more left.

Yes Yes Yes. You and yours are not always considered yours. The main thing then is not to discover that of all those who can help you, only these left-wing people remain. By the way, what do you think your grandchildren will suffer if their beloved mom or daddy is not accepted? By my example, I can say no. Therefore, I do not recognize relatives on the part of my daddy. Now they are very excited to talk to their grandchildren.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143409
Danton: The son sits posting in his tweet all kinds of nonsense: waking up (on the fifteenth), breakfast (drinking with chocolate milk, dishes not washed), went on some ancient flash mob and smoking from a hundred dollar bill (Papa in the safe took without permission), playing tanchiki (three hours), ordered pizza (again for money from the safe), went to the toilet (a photo of the legs and a piece of floor is attached), experimented with ice and salt (freezing a piece of skin on his hand, gracefully, how hard it is), tasting cognac (blowing the whole toilet, not removing itself).
Danton: Dad has signed it. He came from work and took action. I’m waiting for a tweet about whether he’s got his ass or not. Could even selfie in the mirror with the trousers lowered to present, the people love the squirrels. As long as there is no... strange.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143408
My colleague and I work in the conference room (there are no other places available) and during the seminars, we have to collect our things and temporarily arrange them who can. And here is the active process: I drag a laptop and mouse to push it into the box with the rest of things, a colleague pins the box through the common hall into the neighboring office, the director, running past, notes the fact: "Bombs run out."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143407
A resident of Pakistan was raped by a council decision.

She had to be "responsible" for her brother, because he insulted a 12-year-old girl.

It was not her, but her brother.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143406
(Bla-Bla-Bla) Oh, of course, we are still those naive romantics – somewhere there, inside. We still hope "the very", "the only", and so on. And so on, but... In order to find a golden pie, you need to sow a few kilograms of empty bread.

You will never find anyone again. If from 15 to 30 years and beyond you carry the burden of insult on the girl who has sewn you; if you spread this insult on that one to all the other women and rejoice evilly when any of these others (who did not do you anything bad at all, but even sad for you) there is some trouble, but rather trouble; if you silently label all women with an empty breed and rush, rush, rush in search of something unknown... that same gold sandstone will fall from you in horror, even close to not allowing. It is better to stay alone forever than to get along with such a "treasure", to listen to his talk about "thanks" and to be afraid to look not so, not so breath, so as not to get harassment and persecution from the "ex-lover". "Relationship and Relationship" Poor offenders who blame anyone for their love failures, but not themselves. In comparison to your 15 years old, uncle, you are still getting scorned, to all your other shortcomings, for which the girls cut off you at 15 years old.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143405
Μicrosoft: Μs we are giving up Paint’s.
Μir: Well, we loved Paint so much!
Αdobe: We are giving up Flash.
Μ and

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna