— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №143404
Who are all those people who claim that friendly sex imposes an obligation to be only with that friend/girlfriend? The only obligation in friendly sex is to take care of not infecting a friend/girlfriend and to protect yourself.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143403
The little son came to his father and he asked his father,
How can a minister live on one salary?

Sit comfortably and listen, baby.
A little bit of our budget.

You want boats and houses, millions of money,
We need to manage the pension fund.

Jewelry, bills, huge horms
Everything is available to you with our defense.

If you want a summit, you can build a bridge.
It is not difficult to steal from it.

Don’t forget to share it, it’s very simple.
Otherwise the prosecutor will punish us.

The boy joyfully went and decided the crumb,
There are so many holes in the budget to steal.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143402
This is about poverty. A colleague (girlfriend) gets 40, rents an apartment in half with the same girlfriend, for 30.

by Scuco. Your colleague after paying the housing has more money than I had before. They would be silent, right?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143401
Fuck... the California bombs swear money not for the hood, but to refuel the car!! to

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143400
No, I, of course, endorse that in the quotation someone started CITING, not hologramming, but - a slander from Mamulkov's forums?! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143399
Let everyone bear the nonsense they can take away, and the remnants of my psyche are dear to me as the memory of youth.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143398
ended in the summer.
The summer is 90 days!!! Summer is 13 weekends.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №143397
I work as a courier. I sent documents to my partners. Such a solid company, sitting in a three-storey building. I went up to the upper floor – there is the cabinet of the general, which I need (signature to put).

The Secretary says:

He had a meeting and told me not to let anyone go.

And suddenly the door to the reception room opens, but no one enters... However, it was only at first that it seemed to me, and then I realized where to look: near the door stood a healthy red cat. There are rats in the teeth. Without paying any attention to us, he began to cross the door of the director’s office.

In response, the selector heard the same boss's terrible whisper:

and Katya! Who runs there? I told you not to let anyone go!

The Secretary:

– Ivan Sergeevich, this is for you Vasily Ryzhov! A weekly report!

With a warm voice:

Is it Vaska? Let go then.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143396
My name Kashpirovsky is well-known in the CIS. I will say that sometimes it helps, I am remembered in those places where you need to show passes, are favorable to the gentleman. the bodies where those who charged the water for the sessions of my very distant "parent" work.

And then the days I come to one transport company to pick up a package, and a girl manager of 22 years of age tells me - what a famous name you have, you are such a good antivirus wrote...

A new generation, new heroes.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143395
We fought with the city administration for the repair of the roads. They tried to file lawsuits on imposing the duty to carry out repairs. The first trial was won and the other trials were rejected. According to him, it is only the prosecutor's office that can file such lawsuits, and citizens can find another route for movement and circumnavigate the pit.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143394
He mentioned the t. "Friendship and Family" That is, the husband is present at the wife's birth. Explain, what is the sacred meaning of this presence? After all, the birth takes a brigade of professional doctors, specially trained for this. Each of them is in its place. And the husband, on the contrary, in most cases does not understand anything about these issues. He can’t help, and he doesn’t need it.

The attitude of doctors to the childbirth (profdeformation) is often at least pofigistic (and I am not yet living in Russia). Despite the fact that she is very painful, they usually have two criteria "no or you do not die" and "urgent and operational, she dies". Mommy herself cannot help and call for help in the midst of clashes with the dropless, forces usually require little, can not respond to the hassle. Therefore, it is very important that there is someone close but not hysterical. Naturally, if the husband is not such he is not suitable. I give birth to a girlfriend, a girlfriend gives birth to a husband. All are happy.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143393
And this is angry: you have 2 times less free time, and the other - 2 times more.

Well, and in addition you spent on 2N small things "you would still buy it for yourself", and he is at 0. That reduces your income by N, and it increases by N. Therefore, at the end of the month, you are in Meli, and he is put off to the apartment.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143392
Living separately, everyone does all the little things for themselves. Live together - the little becomes 1.5N. It would seem advantageous, 1.5<2, but when one of the two suddenly stops touching them, because "you would still do it for yourself", then you get 1+1-->0+1,5. And this is angry: you have 2 times less free time, and the other - 2 times more.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143391
"I thought of myself, I was offended" And if seriously, why are you upset with household little things? Living alone, you just do it all and pay for it, it’s so little that it doesn’t count.

If you are small, you don’t pay yourself. Going to the apartment... Clearly.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143390
Knowledgeful skilled people, let me tell you - by what formula are random quotes issued here?
Because out of 20 random ones, 5 times one quotation is repeated.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143389
Do you remember what the first "Forsage" was about?
They stole trucks!

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №143388
Aaaah aaaah! Where the stories go! They cheated and and and. Injured and E! It did not meet expectations...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143387
I go to the beach in the morning. Beauty: the teeth fly, the sun heats the face, the wind blows. And suddenly I see a knight coming in. The most real. In a tournament helmet, with feathers and other helmets. Thoughts: "Oh the Knight. The Knight? On a bicycle? The clip is filmed. Where is the camera? The reconstructor. Why in a helmet? The helmets have learned to do nothing. Respect to you". In general, I eat, look at him in all the eyes, almost aligned, already wanted to praise the helmet. Here the sun stops blinding my eyes and I realize that this is a fisherman. Clothes from behind the back, against the sun - a pure knight.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143386
xxx: at first called a girl with a pleasant voice and I cried over her and my husband is calling and I am sending him a few times but he doesn't take care.
They are useless, they are customary. Talk to him in a nice voice, invite him to a date.
Ask him, “I am a man,” and say, “I thought you were a pedestrian.”

[ + 24 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143385
The court amnestiated the figures in the Master-Bank case about the revenue of 13 billion rubles. The managers of the Master-Bank, deprived of the license in 2013, received conditional terms and were amnestiated in the case of cashing about 13 billion rubles. The bank was part of a cartel through which about 700 billion rubles passed.

And ordinary men for the stolen chicken for 2 years of colony. This shit, of course, the shores are completely lost already...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna