— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141723
The whole essence of modernity: - Hurra, we have achieved that the battery of the new smartphone can hold twice as much electricity! Does the smartphone live twice as long? No, we made it twice as thin!
No, we need to get thinner too.
HHH: How thinner it is! I am afraid to take the last models in my hands, suddenly I break.
They will soon be flexible.
XHH: Ugu, smooth on the knee before use

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141722
I was at the parents’ meeting in the 8th grade. Classna said that at the test on professional orientation children usually indicate professions with which they are well acquainted. One girl wrote: “I want to be a minor inspector because I am well acquainted with this profession.”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141721
I have a good friend, Eugene. We can say that the water has not spilled for nine years.

Someday, for the sake of the joke, his lady put a pearl on him, painted it, and arranged a home photo set. The beautiful lady from Yorgia has come out!

Well, they have broken up. I kept it on the phone. They showed me at the meeting.

I looked, I smiled, I was surprised. He opened the phone, found one girl in VK - his university love, and showed them a photo.

The similarity was surprising. You could play the game - find five differences!

Since then, his lady has been telling us, “That’s why you’re always together! ? “

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141720
I was 12 years old then. Naive, confident, not instructed by parents, is a finding for the Gypsies.

I walk in the street, I don’t touch anyone. A young girl of the corresponding appearance approaches me (inexperienced, apparently) and begins to meet, communicate: "Here the trouble over you hangs, everything about you, your family I know, money came to you, sorrow brought." And in proof of her words, she cried that she even knows my name.

She is wasted. My name is quite rare, you just can’t guess. At first, she guessed the first letter from the fifth attempt, but then as she did not fight, the name could not be named. I polently said goodbye, leaving her and continuing to strain the twists already in complete solitude. and luck.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №141719
Why buy a new Nokia 3310? My old one has not broken yet.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141718
Topic: You did not have any problems.

TS: It is very prudent that people in need of support are limited to "babies".

This is something that can and should be discussed. Men need no less support. Just in most problem cases, they are afraid to turn to the living people for it, and instead go for a bottle. And what, the problem itself goes backwards compared to the beginnings of alcoholism...

My five copies. Everyone needs support. Every time after the army, when I was pressed so that there was no money for a ticket in the bus, I wanted to pull it out. And not because he slept all the bubble or drunk - because they don't pay for the second month. Today you think if you get enough to get to the other end of the city and back, tomorrow you get a lot of money. While I was alone, there was a lot of mood swings and alcohol was not superfluous either.

I found my half, in the best sense of the word - the first time was not easier on money. It was easier to get dumb morally, through support and warm words. Then there was the realization that today you can be without money, but you need one. Then the game goes to some level of stability. Then the child and the realization that he constantly needs some level of income. And everything goes well. Not without quarrels and quarrels – but "we will break through". Money is enough for now. History is the sixth year.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141717
The Rule of Three D: Give the Fool the Road
Reader: There is a category of citizens declaring that they are stupid and promoting this pseudo-rule.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141716
Go to the refrigerator for food. There were so many that they barely got out.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141715
Standing on your own, do not throw out the strange.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141714
Students of Jurfaq. A professor of criminal law, an old professor, liked to ask students questions about sexual crimes. And since the ability to express themselves on this subject in legal terms in secondary students was not yet sufficiently sophisticated, they mostly answered in the usual everyday language (of course, avoiding obscene words), in connection with which classes were usually very fun.
For example, a student professor asked:
From what moment of the rape the legislator qualifies the actions of the subject as the completed composition of the crime?
The student, a boy from a deaf village, shuddered and, lowering his eyes, replied:
Well, that’s short from the moment he pulled out of her and tears from her.
A common mistake. In fact, from the moment of at least partial introduction by the subject of the crime of the penis in the vagina of the victim, the rape should already be qualified not as an attempt to commit a crime, but as a completed crime, and regardless of whether or not the criminal was able to further complete the sexual act by ejaculation. Well, and if you speak in your language, then from the moment he walked on her and swallowed in her at least the tip.

Another student, who had carefully studied the Criminal Code, once asked the professor:
- Here, in my opinion, two articles of the C.C. contradict each other. For example, the first punishes for sexual intercourse with a person who has not reached sexual maturity, while the age of reaching such maturity the law determines 16 years. But here is another article, about disgraceful acts, so they are criminally punishable against persons who have not reached the age of 18, and it is stated that the demonstration of the genitals also refers to disgraceful acts. I have a question: if the law does not prohibit a person from having sex with a 16-year-old, then why does the law prohibit him from showing her a penis for another two years?
Indeed, in the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1966 there was such a mismatch. The group laughed, and the student praised for observation.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №141713
For those who do not go to the first couple, because it is too early to get up reluctant, we report that the army rise at 6:00.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141712
It is very prudent that people in need of support are limited to "baby".

This can and should be discussed. Men need no less support. Just in most problem cases, they are afraid to turn to the living people for it, and instead go for a bottle. And what, the problem itself goes backwards compared to the beginnings of alcoholism...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141711
Yesterday I just read another article about the fact that men do not like salmon
They are considered assexual.
yyy: such articles should immediately attach a photo of the author in the loins

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141710
We are all so different, but we are together!
Are you a vegetable?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141709
I read Iliad Homer. This is shit, that is shit.

[ + 35 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141708
It would be great to take IQ alongside an avatar. Grass would be useful.
Slavik1c: And suddenly I won’t fit
We are talking about IQ, not ICQ.
Slavik1c: Isn’t that the same?
dmidek: will fit

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141707
YYY: Well, we can put an affiliation in Stockholm.)
xxx: Then they’ll think, if we’re so cool and international, why did we come to the conference in Barnaul?)))
Yyy: Raise the Russian science from the knees))))
Barnaul is not the knees!!!)))

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №141706
On May 26, after graduation, in the corner of the house, I see a sad 10-year-old ecologist under the nose repeating the "old fool!"
It turned out, the grandmother drove out to school, such as "Summer has not yet arrived - go to school and don't walk!"
I had to go home with him, explain to my grandmother, as if she believed.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141705
I just can’t help but share the beautiful JJ.

Today I used a fat remover for glass ceramics "Unikum".
And here is what a thought. If from the detergent, the hands with the squeeze fall to the floor, and the face of it is as if everyone in the house died a month ago, then, fucking, maybe it should not be used as a household chemical? And maybe it is worth warning about this immediately, rather than writing neutral "recommended to use gloves"?! to
Thank you to the girls from the salon who made me a super-megacle manicure. That is, regretting him, I started cleaning in the kitchen in gloves, which I never do (I don’t wear gloves, I do cleaning sometimes). This fucking man has eaten my finger!! And a lost!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141704
The Oath of the Homeopath is a small lie dissolved in a large volume of verbal water.
<Rock-4> I had something like that, it was called "Diplomatic Thesis".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna