— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138041
Experiments with rats:

When I once again saw how on the street the parents cried out on the child, I realized the deep problem of our society: the rule is considered the right of the elderly to violence against the younger, physical or psychological. Parents torture children, old servants - recruits, chiefs - subordinates, officials - applicants, etc. The seniority is considered by age, rank, position, etc. The focus is that this right to violence seniors receive not for their merits, but for the time spent in the corresponding system: family, army, institution or corporation. When the elderly were younger, they were tortured in the same way they are tortured now. The position of the elders: "We suffered – now you suffer". That creates a vicious circle, from which only gifted people are chosen, through long reflections on themselves and society. Their children have a chance to grow up with fewer complexes. On the other hand, the upbringing of the younger is a difficult work, and it is easier to conduct it with the help of violence than most do, similar things produce similar, unhealthy individuals raise the same. In short, we are almost no different from rats, biologists believe that humans are 99% the same animal with a slight plaque of mind above.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138040
I came to a new job, took the affairs of the previous admin. I understand that there is complete chaos, and we need to rearrange everything. Half a year later, I reached the mail server. On Friday, at the end of the working day, he updated, trained, adjusted the rules for handling letters and with a clear conscience went home. I go to work on Monday and my phone is broken.
My mail does not work.
Fuck, I didn’t check the mail. I send a letter, everything is OK. I clarify:
How did you know that your mail doesn’t work?
- Well, before I came to work on Monday, I had no less than 20 incoming letters, and now no one! Do it faster!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138039
Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights. and c)

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138038
Add to these advice:
Advice of an experienced eicker 1:
At the interview, always answer the truth to the question "why did you leave your previous job?" Because the reputation is false or silence plays against you.

Advice of an experienced eicker 2:
At an interview, never answer the truth to the question “why did you leave your previous job?” because the reputation of a whistleblower who simply tells the secrets of the boss (even the former), plays against you.

Another one is no worse:
In the interview to the question "why left the previous place of work?" answer "I will only speak in the presence of my lawyer";

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138037
And in your company, BDSM is also deciphered as Business Development, Sales and Marketing?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138036
Spanish police detained a Russian programmer at the request of the FBI.

Azzas: From my institute, from my community, from my floor... I knew nothing about him.
Areso: And he was supposed to wear a T-shirt with the inscription "Hacker" and hang on the publicity ads about the theft of mailboxes on soap for 500 rubles.? to
Kenya-West: *Popped up, took off his T-shirt and left to break his ads*
Geisha: A trip to Spain is also worth a delay.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138035
xxx: Most about the benefit of the army in terms of developing discipline and order in our department are two only serving employees, one of whom is constantly buoy, and the other never came to work on time.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138034
Q: Remember what compatibility did you offer? The 95th wing?
No, I did not show any compatibility.
I am a fucking (
Okay well (
I'm just going to go crazy rather than get the morrka to work normally on my car
Well, I have seven, not 8.1
If I had seven, I’t have been such a man.
It would be a fiery fire of the 40th level!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138033
When our cat was still small, growing and ripening, it needed a crazy amount of food. He ate everything, even with garlic and pepper, because of which the freshly cooked cocktails and all other unhealthy food for the cat had to be hidden from him. Whoever did not hide, could observe the other time glowing green hungry eye of a cat hanging over a bowl with cocklets, like a whirlwind over a dead man, and whirlwind - the cat disappeared, as if there was no one. Sometimes, indeed, he slipped into the corridor from the shell.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138032
Hicks, discussion of the article on the arrest of the Russian Aitishnik in Spain.

xxx: From my institute, from my community, from my floor... I knew nothing about him.
YYY: And he was to wear a T-shirt with the inscription “Hacker” and hang on the shelf ads about the theft of mailboxes on soap for 500 rubles.? to
zzz: *Popped up, took off his T-shirt and left to tear off his ads*

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138031
You are strange people. Argumenting strangely
I know idiots with children - I will not have children!
And I know the detonation haters of demons – that means all good people are obliged to want children.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138030
This story was told to me by my father. He studied in the city for a driver. Once standing on a shift with fellow members, they noticed a girl, very gentle, with a good figure, but with one disadvantage - the legs were slightly curved. Just a little. A friend decided to take her over. She screams:

A girl and a girl! Where were you when God gave you feet?

The girl, assessing his cavalry legs, replies:

- Yes, where you are, but only at my feet before!

The friendly man did not wait. The man immediately turned red and went off. A slightly curly, but intelligent girl went on her way.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138029
>> and now it’s still now that the television has its old. How to remove it now is unclear - it has already been removed from the community :((
> and I told you - a third-caliber breastplate made to fool you and for a month will not be enough.

Not so stupid. Rapidly realized that one prostitution will not make a living, you need to connect pressure, blackmail and extortion. “If you don’t get married and don’t endure her growing fuck all your life, providing her royal cravings in the sweat of the face in exchange for whispers, scandals and sex twice a year, then we’re here for you!”“No, right, vanilla, you don’t mind doing this shit? This is another biological subspecies, something like the ancestors of the sacculin. The male is a guppy, the female is a sucker. Parasitize on Homo sapiens, try to pump out money, and reproduce with each other - all signs of the beginning of the department of the subspecies. If belonging to Homo sapiens is not so important to you - confess it honestly, you can buy a doll with yours or have a faithful dog at the grave of life. At least it would be fair.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138028
Of course, children are free labor...I remember as a happiness: prepare dinner, clean the carpet (with a brush, by hand) wash the floor, go to the store for 5 quarters, bring two bags of products, smooth out the bedding and clean up the sanitary"...I am 50 years old, and I still remember how my mom smashed me, that she lost all her strength on me"...And a friend recently spoke that with two children, 5 and 7 classmates, the wife at home is not needed, the children will get rid of and prepare to eat...And farmers generally SO REALLY love children, ready to take any sick, and as much as they want, work and every one will be found...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138027
What is the difference between temporary and temporary pay?
Time is when you try to make money, and time is when they try to make money on you.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138026
>>> > As well as culture - traditions, customs. And even the native language - if not vaccinated, then in the VK will be written "search" and "peoples cheap".

Oh yeah! As if it is not written now, despite all "vaccines"! After seeing the properly written commentary, I sometimes do not believe my own eyes, so rarely it is now. Well, what there is VC, in business correspondence at work, it happens every day that the eyes start to get sick.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138025
From yesterday’s phone conversation.

“We are a small, unknown company that is unclear what it is doing and we need a SMM specialist. The salary in Moscow will be as if you are still working in the region as a trainee, the first month will be only training, what we are still doing, according to the results of which we will choose the best of the applicants, and we will take it. No, of course, this month is not paid.”

All I could say was, “Happy luck.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138024
with two children, 5th and 7th grade students, the wife is not needed at home, the children will clean up and prepare to eat

The kids are noisy.
No one is needed to secure the home at all.
My ex-husband lives - a robot vacuum cleaner, washing machine, washing machine. The clothes he wears are virtually unnecessary. Nearby somewhere he goes to a decent dining factory for funny money, in the cooking shop he buys ready food home. There are no plates in the apartment at all - a microwave, coffee maker and electric tea. Cabinets in the walls. There is no table in the room, a couch, a chair and a telephone. Noot in the chair lives, or under the couch - dust to wash from nowhere. Even washing the windows twice a year, aunt goes to him for a penny. And you know, he is pleasant and pleasant. And he is happy!
And a glass of water is not concerned - it makes sense to shut down all your life on events of doubtful probability.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138023
New movie power rangers
A: What is happening to this world?
AAA: Blockbuster will be released soon?
Criminal drama - a quiet night of baby?
I want a thriller about SpongeBob.
aaa: ahahahaha, I presented a screenshot – with a sinister voice with a swing on the background – this summer...they’ll know...who lives on the bottom of the ocean...this dУУУУУУМ!!!! to
AAA: AAA now I want it!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138022
I am an anesthetic nurse of the highest qualification category. I’m not afraid of AIDS, blood, bleeding, bleeding with blood, bombs and knives running out of patients, I’m not even afraid of the primate.

But today I will have a diagnostic surgery under anesthesia. How scary I am!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna