— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139283
I go to SPB all the time, I don’t see any weather boundaries there.

Tsssss, it’s a secret, don’t break the thoughtful plan.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139282
Scientists have grown a human ear from an apple and DNA.
I have a boss like that.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139281
Sometimes, when after a sleepy night I terribly want to sleep... and I suddenly manage to put on two children at the same time during the day... I am covered by such a wave of euphoria and feeling of omnipotence that I can not sleep!! to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139280
Basic Education

I will reveal to you now an even bigger mystery – the water level in Neva does not depend on rain at all. It depends on the wind direction in the Gulf of Finland. When the wind chases the sea water through this intestine toward Peter, the level in the bay rises - the level in the mouth rises. The water discharge from Ladoga is almost the same all the time, due to the width of its pool.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №139279
Soon on March 8. He drowned his cell phone in the toilet. He says accidentally.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139278
The secrets of

I will reveal a terrible secret to you. Neva, of course, thanks to the dam does not get out of the shores, but this does not mean that the water in it is constantly at the same level. And even in the winter, there are frequent cases when the water rises by 90-100 cm.
And in general, they’ve already talked about the “grey rainy Peter,” which idiot invented it?

and what? The damba is designed to raise water up to 4,55m. I will reveal to you an even more terrible mystery - and in other rivers, the water level varies depending on the amount of precipitation and other factors.
In fact, I also imagine how the Murmanchans and the residents of the other northern Russians rage the hundreds of St. Petersburg sisters about the terrible weather. I go to SPB all the time, I don’t see any weather boundaries there.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139277
See also "The Matrix" He hurt for his own. Kill all the people! c) The Bender

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139276
My neuron networks burned my mistress.
My wife heard about the FindFace service and uploaded her photo there first (not found), then mine... and found it!
I come home, I have a scandal: from what x@I have an account on Facebook and why there is a wife - some left-handed aunt. I look at the picture and think I went out. And then I realize that it was not me who failed, it was another guy at all!
In general, a guy from Los Angeles who moved there seven years ago from Peter... If anything, you have a double in Bratsk. Nihren is not a programmer, but a dentist. If anything, we can go away!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139275
From April 20 the new train Chelyabinsk-Moscow will start to run. I wrote about the need for such a train a few years ago. Apparently, thoughts loudly materialize with time.
Nothing is materialized. I thought about 500 euros for a long time...and where are they?and :)
Maybe you should have thought about 50 euros – the 500th banknotes are being withdrawn from circulation
- think about 50 euros inefficiently - thinking costs more)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №139274
After meeting my friends in the cafe, I go home with a taxi. I sit in the back seat. The driver turns to me and says:

There are chocolates and biscuits next to you.

I’m sitting down, and really – two tiles of good chocolate and a bag of some biscuits. In the soul already rises the joy of anticipating a snack of snacks, and the taxi driver continues:

Try not to eat them. This I bought myself.

: – – –

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139273
I was told a funny story from the Soviet school days.
The active persons:
A chemist whom the whole school hates.
A boy who, as an adult, became a famous chemist.
Friendly class of n number of people.

A friendly class decides to go to a chemistry lesson and go see the puddle and eat ice cream.
A young chemist before leaving synthesized from the reactants in the chemistry office a solution of bartholet salt which he carefully soaked the pages of the journal.
The chemist enters the classroom and sees that it is empty. He gets out of himself, and on emotions beats the magazine on the table, as a result of which the magazine suddenly exploded at the blow. A shaken teacher fell on a chair, under which another explosion occurred, so it turned out that the little Heisenberg made several tablets of the same bartholet salt, which he poured under the feet of the chair.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139272
xxx: And yesterday my head hunter, who arranged me in the last office and helps me in the search, wrote with a brilliant proposal - and let's, he says, you'll make a report on vue.js on the mite?
xxx: Luckily, says vue.js is a very hot topic
XX: I say no, there should be reports.
Is it in meaning?
I – In the sense I go out and say the following: “Hello everyone, I’m going to read you a report on the super-modern Vue.js framework. My name is Serge and I am unemployed. Go to Vue.js!
XX: I think the report can be completed.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139271
In every working team there is a specialist of a wide profile who equally reaches everyone and no matter what you are discussing, he always knows how to do it best.

We needed steel balls for one project, and in the amount of 4 kg and so it happened that in the room where we ordered them there was no delivery and to pick up the balls was needed at the other end of the city... And here is this specialist of a wide profile... Further dialogue (specialist -s, I-I)

C: You need to send a strong man behind the balls!

I: Why a man? The girl will do it too!

C is NO! There are 4 kg of balls.

I: And what? They are just 4’s not hard!

They are steel!

I: And what about that? They are only 4 kg.

No, they are steel.

What if they are steel? 4 pounds!

It is steel! It is hard!

I am 4 kg! This is a little!

The conversation is clearly two fools... At some point I understand that the dispute will not end and I say

I: that is, if we took 4 kg of foam instead of steel balls, would the girl fit? ! to

C: Of course, it is a foam!

When I remembered a child’s problem about a kilogram of flour and a kilogram of iron, I realized that not everyone had a childhood.

I’ve been riding for a week 😉

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139270
In addition to the main work, at the same time, in the morning I open a common entrance door to the room, where there are several offices, as well as a couple of shopping areas and in the evening, respectively, I close. I usually come to work half an hour earlier so I don’t have to wait in the street.

I came yesterday morning, I sit down, I drink tea, time goes by, but there is no one – silence. He went out into the common corridor, bypassed everything, nobody at all. Strange, I think why suddenly everybody is late, and the time is already ten minutes, like work...

I turned back to myself, stuck in the monitor, I sit, read, suddenly call the cell phone, answer, and I hear a rather unexpected question:

“Did you not shrink, Fyodor Efimovich? After this question, I really got a little shrunk!

“What happened and why are you talking to me like this? "I asked an outraged girl, Marina, an employee of one of the departments. The girl with a sparkling intonation continued:

"Why are you still not at work, we are all standing here on the street, waiting for you! Where are you at all? »

I looked around, in any case, suddenly... and as soon as I was convinced that I was still at work, I calmly replied:

“I’m at work, but why are you standing there I don’t know, or do you need to open the door to get in? On that side was a five-second pause, then a screw of the door and a guilty voice from the tube:

“Oh sorry, Fyodor Efimovich...”

Later I learned that Marina came the first, after me, of course, and did not bother to knock the door, for some reason decided that I was not yet, and convinced all the newcomers of this, then I was really squeezed.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139269
On the LORA affected onboard computers of cars

by Redf:
In 200 years it will be.
The Internet of Things, here. The steering wheel has its own, the gasoline tank has its own, even the gasoline tank. And all of them actively exchange data, and tweet that she was driving like a grandmother.

by alexferman:
And then your car, which you considered a friend, writes to your wife that you are driving to your mistress.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139268
A man goes home from work, he sees - he meets a boy of fifteen years of motorcycle, the man says to him:

What is your motorcycle name?

The Rise!

Why are you driving and not driving?

- Yes, it doesn't start, maybe the candles are set, I'll come home to see.

You are talking about candles in vain, there is obviously another reason!

What is? The boy asked with interest.

This is my motorcycle! - said the man, taking the unsuccessful thief for the shelf.

I was present at the interrogation of this minor thief. According to our legislation, when questioning a minor must be present someone of the parents and a social or pedagogical worker. Our school was on duty that day, and here I was sent.

When the man was asked, “Why didn’t he immediately say it was his motorcycle, didn’t he know anything? »

He answered:

- How not to know, I immediately learned, in so many years I know every bullet in it. I was just lazy to catch that eagle, and then to catch it all over the yard. As he took the shirt, so he said.

And the thief all claimed that only riding took, he probably knew that for the theft more paid.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139267
Yesterday we went for the chicken, and in our amazed eyes the boy-meatman of all the chickens gathered from the vitrines with the scream "Not that price!" and dismissal. I asked the butcher girl: Will the chickens be returned? and yes. What will be the price? and 41.89 At the price of 41.89. What do I think is the joke? And in the corner one chicken crashed, I stretched out my hands, got it, and on it 38,89. I say to my husband, we slowly retreat to the box. Looking at the guards, we stole, we broke the chicken, quickly passed the frame and walked into the distance. I open the doors of the houses, and far away clear police siren. and all. Follow us! Ears in general.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №139266
Alena: fucking why as I work at home, so definitely someone to repair
Misha: because when you work not at home, my young fellow, the house also repair, but you do not hear it, because you are not at home

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №139265
RPC - not prohibited in Russia

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №139264
The Voice – Flowers

It’s like “I hear the smell of flowers” – like norms, and “I hear flowers” – an occasion to visit my uncle’s psychiatrist.

In the rain, sunflower can be heard 50 meters away. On the twisted baskets so drum, with no camomile you will not confuse.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna