— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109109
About Good

Yesterday at lunch, a small man from the house (I often work without lunch) called and said with a terrible voice that "We, absolutely by chance, I swear, broke your lens." Along with the sworn cat. The lens stood on the window and, as I thought, did not disturb anyone. But when a child and a cat are in the house, there is no safe place in it. What has been proven.

I’ll go home, I’ll open my ears. The cat and the eggs. You are active in my absence. At the moment, the objective is 80 T.R. The Canon 70-200. They did not have a budget game. Although there was a Canon 16-35, it is now worth a hundred. So, if you can say so, they crashed well.

When I asked what was broken, a sad voice said, “Everything is broken.” And throughout the room fragments, fragments and fragments.

Having mentally buried the lens and reading a solemn speech over it, in the evening I crash home, all so harsh and wrapped in the aura of just punishment of the culprits.

Changed clothes and washed. He heard, “The cat jumped there... and I jumped to him... and he jumped... and I helped him... and he went there... and I... and he... and the lens fell. Here is.”

Well I say. You have to sell all your toys. A tablet, laptop, columns there, what else is there, and buy me a new lens.

The little boy just sneered and went to his room. After a while, I look, pulling the columns on the table. Why Why? I ask. We will collect you on the objective, he says. And so sad and sad.

He is injured in his knee and has been sitting at home for three months. In four walls. We are awake at work, he is alone with a cat. The teacher is coming. And the boy is nine years old, it is time to jump and wear in the yard, and he sits at home. I thought about it and my heart stopped. Go round, I think it’s all a horse! And the pieces of the apartment, and the objective is wrought. I’ll go to school if anything. Not even for men’s actions. for the lie. And for that... burn them with fire these iron glasses!

Words did not say him bad for the objective, neither blasphemed nor punished. I only told you that for the price of a broken lens you can put his entire room by a designer Lego. was impressed.

And then I remembered how I crashed my father’s car at the age of sixteen. In August 1989, he allowed me to walk through the village, and I went on the track. And when the congress from her to the village, he did not calculate and, missing past the bridge, flew into the cane. The mouth is all overwhelmed, and the car from the blow, I am afraid. I came home and, knowing Batty, waited for a slight hustle on the body. He looked at me, silently dressed up and went to the car, which was still rolling in the cane. Then he explained to the Haishnikovs who arrived that he was driving himself and did not cope with the management. I have not a word or a half word of reproach. I said, is he alive? And okay...

No broken thing, let alone not specifically, is worth a mess between loving people. And whatever the domesticated theoretical teachers say to me, I have done right now. Like my father. And I really want to hope he looks like him. And not just this act. And my son will be like me in the good that is in me.

Sergey Kobach

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109108
Rabbi, what to do?
Cancel the electricity.
But it became worse.
Give the electricity back.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №109107
YARKY is a Yaroslavl club of intellectual games.
— — —
This is the home of the word "win"! Intellectuals of Yaroslavl.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №109106
What’s there with your job that doesn’t make you drink beer?
Wauu: the apotheosis of international interaction.
WOW: I found out with a colleague, what kind of thing is not normal admin on the customer’s website.
have found out. Now the attention. The Kazakh customer, whose website hangs on Ukrainian servers (the same site with English-language content) was hacked (no joke) by Turkish hackers, who are affiliated with the Russian segment of the Internet and sites on CMSs.
The main problem is that the site is an ethno-resource about interethnic brotherhood and the common ethnic roots of all peoples.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109105
What do I need to write a program?
Head and hands.
Is this done for a long time?
- They say in a year two can grow, but some have a birth defect.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109104
I work in a team that causes cognitive dissonance: a colleague of Kartavtsev normally pronounces the letter "r", a colleague of Chernyayev is fire-rid, a colleague of Borodayev is smoothly shaved.

There is a group called ZZ Top. Two of the three have half a meter of beard, the third does not even wear a scarf. Guess whose name is Beard? :D

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №109103
To those who doubt that they are shelling Donetsk, I propose to go there and walk around the Kiev district at night. All doubts will disappear, and if you are not lucky, then not only doubts.
I got paid trolls.

Donbass, Shaker, palm of Mercalov

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109102
There is also a mini-zoo. Somewhere in the back.
WOW: Surely there is only a half-deaf monkey out of the livestock - one for the whole institution.
Oh yeah, and that’s in the box ?

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №109101
The federal court has submitted to parliament a bill on euthanasia.
hidden: and we are proposing in the tattoo salons to prohibit wearing extremist symbols
We need to send our lawmakers to you for euthanasia.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109100
Rooikat is:
What a snow? +12, rain, dirt on the ears, those who want to blind the snowmen get a great shit demon.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №109099
to this:
nikkitos1111, I always have a knife with me. It just lies in the pocket. It comes when you need to cut the sausage, bread, cable, branches, open the packaging, etc. So if I came to a movie theater or Disneyland with a knife, and there is nowhere to put it out or hand it over, then what should I do?
Reply to
Slovelissimo8 24.01.15 14:30
They are not allowed on the plane either. Do I need to cut the branches?
Reply to
Uncle Badya4 24.01.15 at 14:52 pm
by slovelissimo,
There is no rescue in the airplane from branches, but they don’t let the knives go.
Reply to
sphera4 24.01.15 at 15:18 pm
Fuck, all the branches of the plane hang on me. Especially when you sit next to the illuminator, and they face you from there – NNNAAA... and you walk with a scratch! Return the ability to carry knives and gas pile onto the plane!

I have the name Vetka (yes, not very popular) and I’m against allowing you to fly on planes with knives!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109098
Ocelot: In recent times, Bezda has turned into some kind of hell
Ocelot: reading a quote
Then you read, as the author of that quote is wrong.
Ocelot: then, how wrong commentator to that quote
ocelot: if the subject of the lifetime, then a couple more of the same
OCELOT: Are they totally unable to do anything?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №109097
In one of my favorite metal bands, all members are working, except for one loader and one driver, for example.
– – – – –
Spider, are you writing here?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109096
From the fantasy MMO game chat:
The Guild of F.E.N.I.K.S. takes - tanks, magicians, substances (permitted), expensive race race (gifted), important decisions, girls (2-3th size) and surprised (important!) for me personally.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109095
here here :
You get paid to make it work.

A "chickens" are paid to break it all?
if the job is indicated "PC user", for some reason none of the applicants know how to use the PC, you know offensive. But the technician is presented with something like: to know all Linux, Windows, SUBD, 1C, programming in all languages for at least 10 years and we will pay a minimum.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №109094
The first rule of Moscow business: if at some point a crowd of armed people starts crossing through your fence, don't be afraid - it's okay, they are friendly Chechnya natives.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №109093
Doctors for some reason do not despise you for the inability to do a percussion, palpation and the absence of a stethoscope...Normal people, if you explain to them how this thing works, usually everyone understands.

— — — —
If you come to the doctors for the third time in a row with a table fork in your hand, they will also begin to despise. There will be a rumor about curvature and imbecilism.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №109092
The sacred animal of the Roman god Mars, the patron of war and the military, was the deer. That explains a lot.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109091
About the Kiev blogger:
The bullet hit the hospital, recover, the bullet.

Commentary of Donetsk:
We have good doctors. He will soon be home.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №109090
Admin is sick.
Zzzz: Look for it now.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna