— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №105789
From the chat on the webinar:"Fuck! You are like gynecologists: you are looking for problems where others are looking for pleasure!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105788
[13:18:37] Sergey ***: eat oatmeal, and it is useful, and it does not cost
[13:19:35] Alex ***: there are officials, we have many, enough for all

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105787
My grandmother burned. I went to the supermarket to buy wine to sit with my friends in the evening. She went to the wine department and asked the first supermarket worker for a wine consultant. The girl went confused to her colleagues, where they had a consilium to delegate as a sommelier. As a result, one guy was pushed out, he approached with a serious face and here the grandmother gives: yes to me, she says, you can drink wine not with a traffic jam, but with a lid, or we old ladies can not open the traffic jam)))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №105786
tabula_rassa: I found a function in the alarm - to turn it off, you need to solve the mystery. There is, so you have to try. In the morning, the alarm rings, I wake up, solve a mystery and, satisfied with myself... I fall asleep.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105785
CHO is? Where is? Well, I am an engineer-constructor of REA, even 7 years worked in the specialty at the CB at the Councils. Where is my vacancy in Ulyanovsk with a salary from 30 k? And, I see the section with engineers-constructors... from 25 to 80 k... so this "CAD Systems Sales Manager", where did it come from? There are vacancies in automotive. And not my specialty, and the salary "from 15 k". There is a vacancy in the PGS, also not my, a salary from 20 k, experience of 1-3 years. A, there is still a vacancy "up to 60 k". But this is no longer Ulyanovsk, it is Rostov-on-Don. They offer this vacancy in all regions, including and at us. Moving and renting housing. Good for a young professional without family and real estate. But they don't need young people, they need experience and qualification, and they will be picked up as if they were to crack. And in general, under engineers today are understood and actually engineers-constructors-technologists, and engineers-programmers, and engineers for maintenance of equipment, and engineers of support service, and engineers-counters, and engineers for labor protection. They are completely different professions. What a long way to go, I also wrote in the employment contract "engineer-translator".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105784
Marketing marketing, but my little son quieted for a couple with a cat in the bathroom unwrapped 4 reels of this miracle paper in order to drown in a basement with water these aquatubes. The son watched the process of dissolution, the cat was pleased with the soft bunch.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105783
Medicine does miracles today. In fact, mostly in terms of finance.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105782
Usually I list here some cases from the lives of friends-knowns, but this time it will be about people quite famous. This story was heard by me from one capital business coach, who himself took part in it. I thought it was funny, there was no request to be silent, so I repeat.

So, there was (and there is) one big company in Russia that has been running shoes for a long time. The title I will not tell you, I will only say that it begins on the "E" and ends on the "conic", so guess yourself. And this company had several founders, the main of which was the constant headache of the rest. At first he and his girlfriends had Chekharda, all new ones started, and changed again. Moreover, he could have separated so much with the former that the other co-owners just scratched. One even presented an apartment in Tverska, everyone understands, probably, that the money was spent on this far from small.
Then, when he got rid of his grandmothers, he started new fools - he decided to take the chief over Ally Pugacheva, with whom someone then introduced him and whose work he, as it turned out, always loved. He began to make gifts to her dear, handed flowers and other kindnesses. It burned, in one word. Nothing surprising, we all come from childhood. For those who are younger, I will explain that the current Internet scared Pugalkin and that popular favorite Alla, whose songs we sang in pioneering camps, are essentially completely different creatures.
Pugacheva, in turn, rightly reasoned that there is no badness and life is bad, this was his attention, allowing him to become his main tomato sponsor. Remember then at the beginning of the zero all showed us her “Christmas meetings”? Do you remember Kirkorov’s “Morning Mail”? And the collection of shoes from Ally Pugacheva in the Tsumah of our cities? WOW, everything from there.

The rest of the founders endured all this labia, crushing their teeth. Advertising and so on. Maybe it would have remained, but Pugachika herself had one passion at the time - she liked to go to the casino at the time, where she, like any player, was dumb in the end.
And it would be nice for her to spend a little, but the sums, unfortunately, went out considerable, in connection with which she was credited to her sponsor and normalized. That is, the money Borisovna, of course, gave and even with some small margin, but at the same time it was possible to buy somewhere in Greece another shoe factory and stamp on it products with much more profit. And this is, so to speak, the other side of the spade, it is already, as it is, just a lost profit.

At this stage, the other founders invited a consultative group with the coach from whom I heard this story. The group, under some pretext, walked in their office, studying the situation and drawing out a psychological portrait of the main shareholder. After some time, they finished their work, analyzing everything that was possible and characterizing him as an overly emotional and passionate personality. And they were advised not to override him in his current hobbies, but to interrupt them with something unusual and consequently less expensive. They themselves prepared several proposals, of which the rest of the founders chose the most, in their opinion, suitable and gave their impulsive companion a herd of Australian goats for the next day. You know, probably white ones such as the Kashmir ones. The department for him under this matter was built in the field, the literature needed was written out, and everything else that is supposed to be arranged.
Don’t believe, he got caught up. He barely spent the night in this squadron, dropped all the affairs and quickly cooled to Alla Borisovna. Of course, her funding stopped, the "Christmas meetings" slowly swelled, Philipka turned off from the "Morning Mail" and everything began to improve in the firm.

But, unfortunately, this is not the end of the story. The fact is that near the village of the one where the goat ran was, there was one abandoned half-broken churchhouse. Where, past this squad, a local popcorn was riding on his "coupé". Poppy was still a passage, and from time to time the squad stopped and talked with the master on various topics, mostly high-spiritual. And, after all, the helmet, the helmet, the helmet. Go to Orthodoxy.
And then everything as before. Soon the peak was already falling on the new brand, the church itself was restored by a hired brigade of builders, and at the next meeting of shareholders, the chief founder seriously proposed to the rest of the co-owners to start paying the church "ten".

What was there further to myself I do not know, but I think there were a lot of such fortresses in this firm.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №105781
The husband puts all the alcoholic beverages out of the home bar and carefully folds everything into a sports bag.
His wife asks him:
Cooley, have we eaten so much? We only go for two days!
The husband:
- It's not us, Lucia, we go to the country for two days... It's our son at home for two days!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №105780
From Kelatudmaa
I go with my daughters (6 and 10 years old) on the street, meet a very bearded uncle. With such a long beard.
The Diane:
Mommy, Mommy look at me! Put your finger to the side of the wart.
I see, I say. To whom is he similar? I ask, meaning Karabas Barabas or Santa Claus.

Daughters of the Choir:
The ZZ Top!

This is what proper education means.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105779
Lentach: In Poland, the authorities refused to make Vinnie the Pooh a symbol of the playground because he has no clothes and he is a hermaphrodite. So they said.
XXX: Now I understand why Winnie Pooh lives well in the world.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105778
A friend of mine recently got married, and a day ago he had a daughter.
She tells how she does not sleep with her wife at night, and a little complains that the child costs more money than the two of them together.

Then suddenly he asks:
Are you bored to live alone?
I bought a Playstation.
If I knew that would happen, I would have bought a Playstation too.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №105777
here here :

... a door over a baggage door in the form of a half-circle...

For the first 5 seconds, it was not possible to combine the bags with the doors and rooms.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №105776
When he took his street man, he was 3 to 4 months old, with hunger he ate sweaters and stole potato cleaning from the garbage cane. Now he grew up. On sausages runs and does not consider them at all for food. The main thing, he asks, you give him - he smells and pets. I will not eat this chemistry. He drinks water from the toilet. The blue color. With the aroma of "sea freshness" Due to the hygienic tablets dissolving in the tank. I think I might even cook this water.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105775
by Yapa
Likeness: In childhood tormented the question... Well type under the influence "All professions are needed, all professions are important". The doctor understands, he treats people. The seller sells. The miner is digging. The cooker is cooking, etc.
What do the experts do? Tagged.gif
Hujack: They push off six thousand from a pensioner from Ufa.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105774
... In general, opened after this blog Nevzorov on "snowbe". Titles of his articles:
Alexander Nevzorov: The Taste of Calm
Alexander Nevzorov: Workers of Zada
Alexander Nevzorov: Looking at the penis
Alexander Nevzorov: Going to the anus

And as a result:

Alexander Nevzorov: Poor Freud

In general, it is immediately apparent that Nevzorov has a thought and he thinks of it.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №105773
The Spam Masterpiece:
We reward you with $900,000. We need a country, name and mobile phone.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105772
Fuck... am I one, what, in school immediately taught to pronounce th as interdental?

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105771
What are you chasing on the perforator? Somehow I could not withstand the continued second day of drilling. And obviously not the wall is broken down - there by the nature of the work is heard. Just a dumb monotonous tarahtenya in one point. I went to question. The neighbor hangs the kitchen cabinets. A striking stroke. In two days, I broke four holes. In the panel wall with a filler of granite sludge. He went and brought a perforator. Work for 15 minutes with two cigarettes. The real evil is shock drills.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №105770
Argont: The idea for the bot is to take videos from government websites (think there, all kinds of deputies, government).
Argont: Acceleration of 25 percent. Music from the village of fools.
Argont: Meaning does not change, but it looks much more fun

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna