— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №104709
From Picaboo:
My wife recently began to use the fashion word gadgets.
But how unusual... by the slanges.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104708
( the answers )

Q: How much can I sell these photos?
(hereinafter attached home photo of thin girl without cowards with open legs)

I’ll pay a hundred rubles so I don’t see it.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104707
Inscription on the door of the Dean:
" Is it difficult to learn? Easy in battle.and"

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №104706
Among those who noticed this topic? The Dolban Head Hunter started throwing SMS, crazy, in response to feedback on vacancies. I HUEU, dear editor, now the seeker himself for his own account should call the sheep from the staff, which for this as if money gets. And the chewed carrots do not spit them in the mouth immediately?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №104705
As my mother said. Well, Annie had so many friends, and then they started marrying and not her.))))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104704
In our bathroom, some local sanitary rituals are carried out forever:
Last time, the entire wall and floor around the dryer were poured with something white, smelling like coffee. Such a feeling that someone brought coffee under the dryer and its air flow scattered all over the okurga.
This time we have the floor covered with three semi-disassembled rolls of toilet paper, and on top evenly, all over the toilet and cabins, filled with little stuff... someone sowed, probably...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №104703
Homosexuality in China.

xxx: Before the arrival of Catholic missionaries, the attitude was quite calm, homosexuality was quite widespread - for example, you can read who Dong Xiang is, what is the "passion of the cut sleeves". There are several other euphemisms in Venyan to denote this phenomenon, there are works with such plots. As a perversion, it began to be considered in China in the twentieth century in connection with the absorption of Western morality, and already in the time of communism, the non-traditional orientation was condemned and was considered, by the way, the result of the detrimental influence of the same West.

yyy: reminds the situation with Christianity – until the first missionary came, the people of the Mumbai-Yumbo tribe did not even guess that they were sinners. Nothing, they did not live.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №104702
xxx: I have a relative, relatively distant, has 3 daughters from 3 marriages, all girls are named Katya ))))
Which diagnosis would you give him, colleague?
Theme: Caterinism

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104701
I wanted to joke. Put the unseen thriller of Hitchcock on TV for the fullness of impressions, sit and watch.
The cat arrived.
It is very strange to perceive horror when the upper left corner of the screen hangs and occasionally lazyly blows the puffy cat tail.
As a result, one eye lazy look at the thriller and chase teas with cakes. In the thought, everything looked a bit wrong.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №104700
XX: generally, there are people who do it in sub-contracts
xxx for food
Tagged: Soup XD

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104699
XXX is:
I have a neighbor for 7 years to repair...perforator every weekend in the wall...I don’t understand what you can do in the apartment for 7 years and perforator....???? to
Go to. I waited three years for the repair to be completed. The baby was born and eventually got to rise. He has a carpentry workshop in his apartment. He worked at home.
and ZZZ:
The guy over us broke the cars into spare parts right in the apartment, not entirely dragging them there, of course, but still regularly, around midnight, he began to beat and break something.
The TTT:
Have fun there.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104698
There should not be a king in the head, but brains.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №104697
Efficiency and owners.

In the USSR, the state, as a truly effective owner, skillfully manipulated slavery and assets. It would be funny if it wasn’t scary.
A simple example:
and 10 mines. In each mine there are thousands of workers.
Five mines provided coal with the cost in rubles. Three to five rubles. Two for ten rubles. The average cost is 4 rubles. Coal was purchased for 5 rubles - rubles for profit - and the enterprise fed ten thousand workers, paid nurseries, pioneering camps, prevention centers, etc. The whole city lives, grows and works.
The USSR ended, an “effective” businessman came. He closed two "loss" mines, thought a little, closed three "unprofitable". Five thousand miners on the streets. A lot of rabbits - you can reduce the salary. Camps and prevention? Loss, staff thrown out on the frost, territories and buildings are discharged from the balance sheet and sold for money to other "efficient", there will be built profitable bordels, casinos, etc. From the five closed mines, metal structures and flowers are cut - all, the mines are flooded and are not subject to restoration. Five open mines are hit on the TV (and why? It is expensive, and the miner will use one shit, because there is no more place to work) and coal is generously watered with blood.
Ten years later, these mines were developed at predatory rates and closed.
And what we have? Once a prosperous city was impoverished and collapsed, there was 90 percent unemployment, crime, drug addiction and prostitution flourished... And the “effective” made its billions in overseas accounts and went to the Canary Islands.

by PS. If anyone misunderstood - attached kindergartens and prophylactories were included in the cost. And the ruble profits from coal - subsidized public transport and similar (definitely losing) infrastructure. From sections and circles - to hairdressers and the local newspaper "Red Coal".

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №104696
After the decree of the president on import replacement chickens began to be carried three times more often, from the harvested fields collected a second harvest, with bananas and pineapples, in the ponds of Moscow began to catch Norwegian salmon.
And only Autovaz did not give in to magic, because he was astonishingly deceived.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104695
The tip of idioticism was to go to work an hour later today and declare that I forgot to translate the clock.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №104694
Xxx: My colleague was joked in Google. literally.
YYYY: I was overwhelmed.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104693
From a history textbook

They were armed with smooth rifles.

with smooth rifles.

Afters, did you kill Yad there?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №104692
to this:
Sometimes in my youth, I checked the lessons of a second-class pupil... I long explained to him the peculiarities of urban transport and improvement of 60 years ago...
– – – – –
I was a second-class student in the 80s. I also read Zhytkov. And also walked the streets, sometimes watched TV, read books and generally managed to live 8 years of life. So I knew what a wheelchair was, what a pebble bridge was, what horses were there, why sparks were flying, and so on. I don’t understand how it could not be known. Except to live in the asphalt jungle without TV, books and smart adults. There was a bunch of movies where they were riding in chariots with horses on the bridge. "Sherlock Holmes", "Three Musketeers", "Salmon Hat" and so on. And in every second adventure book it was said about it. I would be surprised even if a 5-year-old child didn’t know it all, but an 8-year-old...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104691
The Russian-Azerbaijan language conversation. In the market:
Did you see which side the red mark went? My wife was in it!
You are a rookie! I don’t need the sheep, return my wife.
The two oats? Throw five more bulls, then there will be something to talk about.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104690
go out on the Moscow-Vladivostok railway and start counting spades, this is approximately the cost.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna