— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №103289
I am on a trip to Germany. The text message comes: "Welcome to Russia! Thank you for traveling with MTS". First thought: "We need to read the news..."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103288
XXX: I yesterday carapuz google nao tried on a smartphone
XXX: speaks to him - a bell, and Google recognizes as "naked babies"
YYY: *ROFL* man grows up, knows what to ask

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103287
What vitamins do you take inside?
yyy: coffee, cigarettes, whiskey, cognac, tequila, tomatoes

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103286
I got a new job as the purchasing department manager. A few weeks later, when I met my colleagues, they told me a story:
"Two years ago, had to send the customer the finished products. The shipment took place 31.12. the boards (collectors from the warehouse) were in a hurry and in a hurry packed everything. I sent three pallets. There should have been two. As it turned out, they had such a miracle-box for garbage in the warehouse, it was called "X%ONE EVERY" and this name was a thick marker written on the side)) after NH clint wrote an enthusiastic letter, about how they all accepted this supply)) the people were also fun and understood everything))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103285
Comment on the news that the new iPhone is moving:

No need to bend under the changing Apple, someday it will get under us!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103284
Not too short quote:

zzz: What moderators are such a shit.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103283
How does homosexuality hinder the performance of direct duties? How is it related to them?
— — —
It prevents others from working harder. If a gay is taken to work, the rest start wearing pants.
— — —
A person with some orientation (although zoonecropedophile) can normally work in any team, if the work is not related to sexual themes, and communication in the team does not revolve around sex. No one simply knows about his addictions.
The presence of a gay interferes with the work of the group in the following cases:
1st The group works in the sexual sphere. For example, boys on call serving wealthy ladies. I think this is an unusual situation.
2nd The gay demonstrates his orientation to everyone, climbs with pleasures, maneuveres, paints... The problem is not that he is gay, but that he is an idiot who does not understand the obvious reaction to his behavior. There are such gays, but they are few. Natural selection and homosexuality.
Three The group communicates closely on sexual topics. In the smoking only discusses who which grandmother removed and what came out of this, any holiday goes if not into an orgia, then into active sex-names, staff staffing for the buttocks - the usual behavior, and the reluctance to behave in this direction raises the question "and you, for a while, not a peder?". Gay will fit badly into this group. It is not the fault of a gay, but the boss will not be able to recruit another team, and will find a reason to refuse one gay.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №103282
X is:
Watch the fourth season of the series "Flight". The first three were normal, and a bit of shit is happening.
In general, there are good guys and there is a company - these are close to the government bad guys. And there is a fucking fucking memory card, on which the entire compromise on the evil one is written, and it is stored in the safe of one evil one.
So fucking good guys kicked out a hacker from somewhere (such a fucker is a typical hacker with a Korean beard and long hair.) The hacker this shit is not simple, but invented a device to read the contents of memory cards at a distance on the bluetooth. (This is what a hacker can do - he can read a memory card on a bluetooth). Moreover, this is not a box for you, but an entire iPhone with a touch screen - the only function of which to read data on the bluetooth.
How do you get rid of these data? You have to throw this maid's iPhone and download the data on that iPhone when she's going to walk around the safe (dumb that they downloaded 50 GB in 2 minutes - he's a crazy hacker. And cheer that the safe is metal - the hacker screening is not an obstacle). Well, they jumped, and the maid noticed that she had an iPhone in her bag and laid it on the table in the house.
Now they think how to get this iPhone from there, because to transmit information to 10 meters that the hacker did not learn. I’m fucked up with so much shit.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103281
Is your iPhone 10 outdated with the iPhone 10S? Do not rush to throw it away: it will be winter, you will go to the mountain, and suddenly the cardboard will not be at hand?! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103280
XXX: I guess
XXX: hanging pear - cannot be eaten
Tagged: emm
Well, see, it hangs high

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103279
As a person who works for a company where Apple buys iron designs, I can say that no Russian hipster would ever spend $1,000 a gadget in his life if he really communicated with the people who designed it. One thing is to pay for something magical that has grown on the other end of the earth from the spirit of the semi-mythical Steve Jobs, and another is to know that this detail was designed by the Hindu, who today splashed loudly in the toilet.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103278
Tele2 is burning. At night I received a message from them:"Remove annoying SMS and calls. Enter in the "Blacklist" a subscriber with whom there is no desire to communicate." Not bad motivation,.......or trolling.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103277
here here :

Remember such a musical was -- "Nord-Ost". where the terrorist attack occurred. I will remind you that this is not only a terrorist attack, but also an amazing show. was...
So here. When the authors of the "Nord-Ost" suddenly became "the main culprits of the deaths of hundreds of people" and ceased to be "handpicked," remember how the attempt to revive the musical ended? When they tried to arrange concerts in different cities, somewhere in the last minute cancelled at the request of firefighters, somewhere unexpectedly started the flu epidemic and all mass events cancelled, somewhere "no ticket sold." And here too.

There is no evidence that the authors are the main culprits. I don’t know where you got that nonsense from.
After all that happened, people were just afraid to go to this show. Fear is not always subject to logic.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103276
Do you work with Microsoft Vision?
XXX: I have to make up how I hate him
I want people to understand my pain.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103275
When he sat on the tractor (Daf 105) after the little Gazelle, the first feeling when trying to park was: "Bl*, it is driving!!! Run idiots, I’ll take it all down here!"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103274
Macos: When will the cowardice of employees be punished? Maximka-to Kosov from Istanbul is still working, despite the huge number of complaints and the absolute inadequacy of the character.

xxx: you have a suspicious nickname for a person complaining about Maxim Kosovo :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103273
Wolfitz@: Luckily I will tell you my epic))) About the work) Not much of what is cold.The smell of gasoline with a mixture of scent from the sewage in the whole building))) The slime pipe was struck.. For a month as the problem was ripe to say so)) Yesterday they decided to fix it... The thriller begins.)

Natalia: here is the phrase "decided to correct with their own forces" is scary =)

Wolchitz@: At first, the wire was cleaned, but it was short, little helped.. We decided to solve the problem by blowing the pipe with air from the compressor))) The picture turned out to be awful and scary)))

by Natalia (rofl)

Wolfitz@: From the pipe with a frightening whirlwind crashed onto the surface black jizz with some scissors.. poured the whole bathroom and walls to a bunch)) To the ceiling did not get))) On this our hop brigade did not calm)) I note that everything was happening under the sensitive guidance of the chief accountant))) Further, the process continued under the wild whirlwind... type what it would be))) That it was as to say for sure... The hole in the pipe was sealed with a clot, so that the air only went inside) But the clot was knocked out with pressure. And then... a bubble crack!!! to
Irina called to keep her personally))) Kaaak it fucked!!! Spray in all directions))) Capec!!))) Men in the crumbling, Irka oret, I was almost half rolled! I tell her: I won't go home with you))) She's all in this ugliness))) Well not all... But the trousers are gone))) Shas must pull some thermonuclear powder from the mill) Let's continue the experiments))) If we don't take off I'll write you)))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №103272
It prevents others from working harder. If a gay is taken to work, the rest start wearing pants.
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
According to your logic, if there is a man in the team, it means that all women in this team should wear iron trousers with locks - suddenly this man will want to bite in their honor? Are you so sure that any gay dreams of biting your (and all the surrounding men) anal hole?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103271
and Brest. Early September morning. I went out to smoke on the balcony. Suddenly there is music in a loud voice. After a minute everything became clear: a tractor "Belarus" passed by in a hurry with a brutal man behind the wheel. From the inside of this tractor plays "Oh God, what a man!".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103270
I go home from work. I was surprised that the children had a full yard, never before. I went home, there was no light.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna