— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103489
Before the pedestrian crossing, slow down, because your loved ones may be in the place of the pedestrian.
Life experience: or close relatives.
Reader: Or outsiders nearby...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №103488
I went on holiday this year with my husband, children and a couple of elderly retirees. They are not blood relatives, but we have ‘touched’ them, or it would be more correct to say ‘matteries’ :D
People close to us. On vacation I had the feeling that I was with five children, two of whom.. :facepalm: no, they are not quite wild, even abroad before that, but.....
So we went to Turetchina, 5 stars, all inclusive.
To the fact that they will go with sausage and sausage, I was morally ready in principle (we go hungry, 5 stars). First, these two wonders why they wiped the blankets from the plane, but the vigilant stewardess convinced them that it was the property of the airline.
I was in shock at the hotel. I told him not to take Mr. with me. I open their first suitcase, there is: TOILET PAPER, WITHER ROPE, STOPS AND CAPITAL!!! :facepalm: (remember, in each room hanging dryer, tea bar and coffee machine)
On the second day it turned out that everything that is not attached to the room is a souvenir (according to the version of my seniors): By the way, the most sought-after "gift" by their version is a single-use male string from the spa %) -"Here are the men in the factory!"
Further more fun. The minibar is updated every day and this is included in the price. On the third day, they thought all the combustible alcohol was poured into the flag brought with them :shock:
She went to take her daughter from the children’s center and.... lost one of them there, found him jumping on a trampoline :roll:

It was... unforgettable.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103487
to this:

V: 6 years ago, my favorite forum had a topic: What are you listening to now?" I was in a bad mood, a few months without work, the money is running out, the evening turned early in the morning, a dark state... I just hit the text of the song. Where it was incomprehensible, inserted synonymous petrochemical terms. Then it seemed very funny to me.
V: Today I decided to finally find out the correct text of this song. I went to Yandex. The correct text has never appeared on the web, but I found it. There are 417 different sites. Some of them are studying English.
V is people. Forgive me! I did not want!

Text in the studio, well!)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №103486
Konstantin Ernst is:

by Konstantin Lavronenko
Constantine of Habensky
Konstantin Krukov

in the series "Bones".

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103485
Pulling out of the finger:

>If the consolidation of the TS was trusted (for example), then it will also fit with iodine / peroxide.
And in the notebook can still write the time of death, right?
Do you re-write all of them in the same notebook? Or still a normal pharmacy box to do, with the necessary medications and instructions?

What a strategic approach. Could it be easier?
You can record:
10 rubles in my pocket.
- go to the pharmacy and buy on them peroxide, greens and nasopharynx;
Put them in the pharmacy.
To calm down and do something useful.

In the pharmacy comes a beautiful girl in a nork coat. The pharmacist asks:
Did you want something?
In response, the girl takes off her coat, under which there is no other clothes at all - and says:
I have not seen a man for a month.
I know, I know, take these eye drops.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103484
and Olga:
At the photo session the little boy was told to bring funny hats. The only funny hat in our family belongs to grandfather Wade.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103483
XXX: There is nothing better than the plague plunging hot water on the pipes

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103482
When I first entered, I caught myself on the fact that I crossed the threshold and here for 20 seconds I just stand with round eyes )))))
shortest can direct book with sketches to publish )) my first visit to the sex shop ))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103481
First, the malkosofts say that the 9th wheel will be free, and then announce the 10th wheel.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103480
Svetlana: Escape Room is an intellectual entertainment of a new format. A team of 2-4 people are locked in a room full of mysteries and codes. Find out in 60 minutes!! to

Ellery: No, I will not go. It looks like an annotation to an American horror.
I don’t want to play the main role :D

I think it’s so interesting 😉 😉

Ellery :
and then they will be taken out, sprinkled in cubes of o_0

and Svetlana:
Olive you give.

No, I am not a paranoid. No to. No no no no. It sounds like the beginning of a thriller or horror. And what will happen to those who don’t have time to get out in 60 minutes?

and Svetlana:
No, I do not know

Ellery : woooot :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103479
Violations occur in every third case of treatment.
True or not, who knows the answer?
most likely.
Influenza, children's doctor, 40 calls It is recommended for each carefully fill a bunch of maculature and spend N minutes. But since working a day for 30 hours a doctor can not even theoretically - not everything is done.
Treatment is not standard. It is necessary to send a burning cough for analysis, he started from the temperature. But the doctor on the spot decided that it was not like dysentery, and did not chase a sick child in the hourly row, infecting half a hundred healthy people.
The insurer is not a doctor. He compares the papers in the clinic with the approved list to find the wrong paper and cut off the amount paid to the clinic.
There are different approaches to medicine. Soviet: free doctor for a small salary. Luckily - got a good, unluckily - bad. American: a doctor is one of the richest professions, insurance is expensive, treatment is expensive, self-medication is impossible - you can't buy anything cooler than aspirin without a prescription, detailed standards, doctors don't drive, there are paramedics, their task is to get to the hospital, but they have it quickly. But if this super doctor with a super salary violated the standard and did not do the required analysis - million fines and compensations.
We make a hybrid version: a doctor with a mini-salary, neither watt nor bandages, nor tools, but insurance, checks, and attempts from the salary of 10 pieces to strain a million penalty...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103478
I don’t like when they write "to" or "to", but I couldn’t help but thank the person!
I read Ilf and Petrov at school (on the advice of my parents), but after reading this quote, I couldn’t remember the moment: “All of these tricks of yours resemble the illpetrovsky tram infected with a quarrel. The grandmother, who started a quarrel in the morning, has long gone out, and people quarrel until evening, although they don't remember how it all started.

I read the works and looked at these books in a very different way, from the point of view of current experience and events in the world!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103477
I was just going to get upset. Satisfied by. I will suffer with taste. Chekhov’s letters were sent. I opened Tom. It is purely mechanical.

Educated people, says Anton Palych, do not humiliate themselves with the aim of provoking sympathy in others. They do not play on strings of other souls, in response to them to breathe and babble with them. They don’t say, “I’m not understood!” because it all hits the cheap effect.

Tom is closed.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103476
from my friend (P):
How is it, what’s new?
Q: We have a lecture in the library, what is better, to be fat or to smoke?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103475
Well, if a man is so proud of the native name Kakashin-Properdyunko, that he will begin to push the rights because of the unwillingness of his wife to change her surname Sheremetyev for the subject of his pride, and still considers it principally obliged and children to poison school years (he at one time tortured, nephig and children to lick) - then with such to link life strenuously and without looking at the name. An apparent tendency to inadequacy and tyranny will find a lot of ways out.

Not to mention the fact that a loving person considers marriage with the object of love for his own happiness, and does not cheer and does not consider the fact of the presence of a man in someone's life (well, or wives, although in the opposite ratio this is less common) the highest favor on his part.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №103474
The dollar is not a Moscow dollar.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №103473
In the early 1990s he studied at Peter in the rank of a starley. Once, after the salary, then the salaries were rare, I leave the subway, buy ice cream and a cigar. Type, I can afford it. I go home happy, through a deserted square, in shape, in one hand ice cream, in the other a cigar. Absolutely unexpectedly, for the first time in a year, a patrol with a major headed is drawn on my way. A cigar is not a cigarette, it is unfortunate to throw it out, ice cream is also unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate to waste it. The Major stops, rolls his harsh eyes on me and stretches his hands. Then he worshiped and showed me with his hands, saying, “Please, Barin, pass through.”

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №103472
My childhood and youth were without the internet. Per that is why I understand that the language must be watched, and the words must be answered.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103471
Oleg: Danya, I have known the world today! Did you know that girls standing in the bathroom hold a shower tube with their feet? They press it right there and hold it while washing the head.
Q: How do you know?
Oleg: Yes, I accidentally went to the Cheritenka while she was swimming.
Didn’t you get hit by the world?
No, but I think I’ll go in tomorrow too.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103470
Review of the mouse on the Yandex market:

He served faith and truth for three years. A huge number of times dropped from the table (well I have an uncomfortable table!) At least for her! I worked like nothing happened. Only after a man weighing a hundred kilograms hit her, her right button stopped working.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna