— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №69026
The light has recently been shut off. Just past me in the direction of the director's office passed the head of the IT department in a hat like Boyarsky, singing on the move under the guitar "Substation, Substation, Substation" O_o
YYYY: The request for interruptors was submitted.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №69025
I am a danger neighbor.
I have 1) an electric guitar and a cabinet of 150 watts, on which I often play "on the whole coil!" 2) my house is being repaired for the 3rd year, constant noise is guaranteed, I do my best 3) once a week in the repaired part we gather with friends and arrange a rehearsal, smoothly growing into a solder 4) I am a jellyfish, and I wake up under the Cannibal Corp or Rob Zombie at 5 am, and the sound goes through the same amplifier. 5) by profession I am an electrician, by spiritual vocation - circuit engineer and microelectronist, because in my house all the time the light disappears, the constant smell of cannibals and fluxes as well as periodic explosions and loud matts.
Have you hated me??? and Early!
1) I live in my house, to the nearest residential house from me about 75 meters (old garden and desert)
2) I have my own power station, diesel + wind turbine
3) all rehearsals take place exclusively in a sound insulated basement. It was first rebuilt specifically for this purpose.
4) from me to the fire station 250 meters

You ask why I write this?
When you do something, think about others, about the consequences for them, your mother!!! They have already complained about noisy neighbors and the rest of the hernia!! to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №69024
x: On Friday morning, not waking up until the end, I go to work, in front of the intersection stops Moskovich 2140 beaten by life. But the shelter on the luggage compartment dropped the dream for a moment - instead of the inscription "Moscow" (or what there should be..) beautifully displayed "VEDROVER".

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №69023
From Habr. Comments to the article on the possibility of taking images from the brain of what a person sees:

XXX is:
The next step is to transmit the image to the brain without wires... and!... Hello, a cap from the foil!

Image transmission to the brain without wires
It already exists. People usually call it vision.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №69022
With ixbt:
xxx - I set the window so that it turns off at 8 (!!!) The second. Are you weak?
YYY - Electricist of the 3rd grade Viktor Kuzmich Kosorukov won your competition off-the-line, switching off in one second 463 screws, 12 Linuxs, a cluster on Solarka and a telephone station and even not knowing about it because he was drunk.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №69021
Forum, topic about female hysterics, scandals, etc. The hypocrites.

xxx: I do not know, my is quite self-sufficient in this regard, I have no pretensions to her))) I sat down, I came up with something, I cried myself (and quietly, without whispers and reproaches), I went to wash myself.No pretensions are expressed to me, nothing is wanted from me, I am quietly engaged in my business, and I do not take any part in this event))). Crying - well, it means crying, it happens to the baby, you need to get rid of tension.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Maybe she is sick? Maybe she has trouble? Didn’t it come to mind to ask?
xxx to ask? To ruin such a wonderful night. I beg you...

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №69020
Citation: So cool they came up with the titles "the twentieth Born"... So you can make movies before, for example, Evacuation of Born, Masturbation of Born, Utilisation of Born, Exhumation of Born :-D

The next will be "Born coordinates"! Already on Wikipedia! Look at now! Remove the brain! and :)

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №69019
YYY: Tell me, and how to make the folders with the files on the desktop large?
XXX: In fact, decent users keep labels from files and folders on the desktop, not the files and folders themselves.
I was caught by uniforms who installed toys on the slave table.
There was a bookkeeper who kept the accounting in the... basket. Extracted to work files by "Recover" and saved by "Remove"
Couldn’t you have to engage in extremism? and :-)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №69018
I go to the market. There’s a guy who willingly cries out to everyone who passes by:"Buy a starting package!". A grandmother chews by the way with huge such bulls, next to the guy slows down and straight into his face: "Sosiski! and white!and "
and justice 😉

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №69017
XXX is
Do you love roses?
I like the Romans.
XXX is
Does he love?
There are two options: 1 likes, 2 is not the right camomile.
XXX is
and ROFL

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №69016
Lassard: Party of Calculators of Russia "Remove and share!"

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №69015
From the site about clothes, direct captain Evidence in action. Advice on what to wear with a certain type of figure:

and the jacket. The cover of it should be significantly different from the cover of the pants or shirts.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №69014
From Habrahabr:

citiuscode: Metro style is very beneficial for Microsoft, and the fact that if many sites start to "cut" under this style, then the issue of rounding of corners, shadows and CSS gradient properties is automatically solved =)

Citiuscode: In IE of course.

shmaltorhbooks: that is, you think they changed the logo so that you can hit the normal implementation of css properties in the browser and no one will burn?)

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №69013
My wife bought the pills. I read the description: "Sprinkle spotted fruit extract". And to me, someone else will say that Master Yoda is a fictional character!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №69012
xy: again turned wrong, got on the road, where bicycles and scooters can not. When the bus signals in the tunnel from behind, it is impressive.
Q: Were you a bicycle or a scooter?
xy: both of them. A man on a bicycle.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №69011
I am pleased that I was one of the winners of your contest, but I am forced to refuse the prize for purely economic reasons.

To get to the prize from the Leningrad region, where I live, it takes 1.5 days and about 3 thousand rubles for train tickets in a pay-cart car (this is if not on "Sapsan"). Additional income tax of 35% of the price of the prize :-)

OptoLux lamp of 11 watts will save me a year compared to a 60-watt incandescent lamp with an average duration of its use of 2 hours per day (60-11)*2*365)/1000=35.8 kWh of electricity, which at today's rate in our city is 2.59 rubles / kWh (in the day zone) will be 92.7 rubles per year.

Therefore, the trip for the prize will pay off not earlier than in 3000/92,7 = 32 years!
All these, of course, are words. But energy-saving and environmental technologies are great, it needs to be, this is what I tell you as a specialist!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №69010
I worked as a translator. And here our director communicates with Mexican. I am translating. The Mexican is pleasant. And he says, “Mario, fuck me!” It translates as kissing me many times. Later, I explained to Mario in two languages at the same time that our director is not blue, but simply decided to make him pleasant by showing that he knows something in Spanish, and ours - that you don't have to speak foreign words if you don't know their meaning.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №69009
She told an American that she studied at the university for free, because she scored a lot at the school exam (it was about EGE). And for some reason, I had a break in my brain and I decided that the balls in English are balls. “I got so big balls after my finish exam so I could study free at the university then. It’s like a benefit for people like me.” He has round eyes, and only then came to me that the word balls has the meaning of "egg", and I cried, say, I had big eggs and I could study for free, this is a benefit here for those like me)))

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №69008
A familiar Hindu as a teenager lived with his parents in Ukraine. At the time, he did not know Russian, so, a couple of phrases and a few words had time to learn. I sent him to a chicken store. He walked, and could not find the chicken, tried to explain and depict the seller, but she did not understand him. Then he did not get confused, called the saleswoman to the shelf with eggs, pointed at them and asked, "Where is Mom?" ) is

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №69007
I was sent (at the device for the first job) for a drug test. I hardly knew the language at the time and what a drug test represented was blurred. Specifically, I did not imagine at all. Well, I think America is a country of high culture, it is not in Zmerinka to a local therapist to jump. He had a white shirt with long sleeves. The Coat. And how then? I go to the doctor. Not for girls.

I go in - the teeth of the rock, type, guten morgen and all that. recorded in the book. The nurse realized that I am strong in English about the same way as she is in Russian and on my fingers shows me - say, follow me and don't be afraid of anything. Whole beauty and complete sterility. Fuck, I think it’s culture.

She leads me to the washing machine – it’s the type, soap, it’s water – my hands. Yes... and I, since I never took this same drug test, decided that I would take blood from a vein. Why I decided so, I do not know. Hands should be washed for sterility. So that microbes do not enter the vein. Shas, I think, will show that we in Zmerinka also understand sterility. I wrap my sleeves, wash my hands on my shoulders (well, so that the veins are clean) and carefully so my own....I hold the wrapped sleeves with my beard, because they fall. The nurse looks at me. And is silent.

I, such a proud, wiped out my hands - I look at her, - like, saw? She keeps me behind again. In the closet used - she got the bottle and shows something on it. I understand so vaguely - she explains to me - said, to that shit - and enough.

Here I squeezed a little. What a shit, I think. Will I take blood from my vein? Noah, we’ve gone a long way. Worrying has started.

To say that I have never taken blood from myself and I can't - pride does not allow. Thoughts from the third world country came...the progress does not understand. Fuck you, I think. I’ll take it myself when I need to. Not worse than yours.

In general, while these thoughts tormented me, this ugly opens the door of somebody and ticks a finger there. I go in. I look at the toilet. What is it, I think. And where are the syringes and the first aid kit? And here before I started to get to take the drug test...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna