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The daughter was gathering flowers in the field and the phone fell unnoticed. A simple search did not lead to anything. In addition to everything, the bluetooth, mobile internet was turned off, and the phone itself was put into the "do not disturb" mode. To activate the Internet via the operator, the phone had to be restarted. The screen was supposed to light up when the call arrived, but it was not possible to find it even at night.
The only hope is wi-fi. Therefore, a car was pushed in the field, in which a home router was pushed through an inverter at 220. Half an hour later, the signal was recorded. The phone connected to the Internet via a router. Immediately through the Google service was sent a search signal for the phone, and it stumbled, despite all the "non-threatening" modes. He was found 300 meters from the main search site, fell and stood on his side in the grass. I hope somebody helps in the search.
Xxx: Ah) remembered the same story: bought the land, so the former owners, not that before the sale they excavated everything they wanted (they bought a new and moved everything there), but again and then for two years came to me and called: "and we will excavate a bush of boyarka, there, near the fence?" “Will we take this and that out?” He asked, “Why did you cut the apples?” ) )
Are the apples cut?
I worked with a man who, after selling the car, could then call the new owner and ask him if he had a spoiler done, or that I was driving it carefully and you had a scratch.
I bought a boat from him, so he got me too, that he didn't wash immediately after fishing, and the other shit.
Zzz: And you say to him in response, "And you fucking spent all the money I gave you for the boat? I dug for so long, carefully collected, saved, and you, goat, put it all down on your wip.
(I don’t know why I decided he dropped all the 3000 rubles on the wip)
(I don't know why I decided that the deal was 3000 rubles)
There is no more beautiful woman in the world than the woman you love.
c) Sj
Our town is small. Here are the housekeepers of the company, and I want to thank them today! The house is not old, we have lived for four years. I came back from work at 9 p.m. I go to the bathroom... chopsticks... chopsticks... the tube flows, the fist splashes! How is it!! Yes, the husband himself tried, but the hump on the pipe, which was available, was small, and the pipe was larger. Called the dispatcher, well, in an hour there will be a slug, wait. Twenty minutes later, a well-dressed and polite man arrived. He opened the suitcase and did it. We thank you verbally and quietly extend the note (directly very thankful))
“Well, you are worthless, we have good slugs and I pay them a worthy salary!
– to?? to
I am the director of your management company. I live in a neighboring house. So why would I call tears tonight?
The pipe was replaced (without additional payment) by a plastic pipe in a month.
If you are called from the security service of Sberbank, do not act, they are fraudsters. So tell them, Sberbank does not exist.
While reading a book about depression, I came across a theory by Swedish clinic Marie Osberg, which the author calls “The Wheel of Exhaustion.” This theory seemed to me extremely important and interesting.
Its essence is what each person has experienced to a greater or lesser extent on himself. And many of us are still experiencing it right now.
The theory says that in a situation when a person increases the number of responsibilities, the number of necessary things, the first reaction that shapes our behavior is to give up not so significant things, not so urgent and important, in favor of the most important things.
And the paradox is that the most unimportant things will be... yes! They are the ones that give us strength, resources, energy and inspiration.
A parent to whom affairs are filled up and filled up adds and adds extremely important routines and vital responsibilities - to feed, care, work, pay bills, buy foods, observe hygiene, treat, teach, endlessly give and care... So this parent will start making choices every day. Choice in favor of these important cases. Leaving as not demanding urgency, as those to which you can return later, things that of course sound not so significant - meetings with friends, walks by the sea, music in silence, bathroom with foam, a romantic evening with a loved one, creativity, dancing (continue from your list).
And the paradox is that by abandoning things from this list, a person loses sources of rechargeable energy, sources of inspiration, does not recharge their batteries and batteries, but only draws, draws, draws, as if there is something infinite.
And then the new circle - less and less energy, you need to leave the most important thing. Again, it’s a minus of fun and pleasure. After all, it can wait... and a new wave of loss of strength. And so to the bottom...
Unfortunately, among parents, especially babies, several babies, children requiring special attention, this process occurs too often. There is no time for a cross. It is not so important to walk with friends around the city, and you can wash without foam and music, and the dinner can be prepared not from the source of creativity, but from the point of necessity, as in the joke - what is the soup? With the last strength...
Knowledge of this algorithm is very important. Every time you cancel what gives you creativity and gives you energy, remember this picture. He is a whirlwind, he is a waterwreck, he sows and acts very deeply and imperceptibly. But it is always so, to the bottom.
You need to know this, in order to prioritize to maintain balance, leaving the same nonsense and nonsense, without which it only seems that you can live. In fact, they give us energy and strength. They make us :)