Why write about something that you have not fully understood? First, GMO products do not exist long enough to judge their harm or benefit, so this argument can be removed at all. It is interesting how the Soviet geneticists, having created modified corn with wheat, did not create special herbicides for them. Yes Yes
Personal computers and mobile phones – and even less. Therefore, their harmlessness is also "not proven". Remove from the monitor. And take the like-minded ones.
Life recursion is when you are trying to sell a series of lectures on the phone "effective sales on the phone"
Moh: It’s a pity for the surgeon to hear that he doesn’t understand people.
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Why do you have red hair?! to
YYY: Strange, I just cheat you with blondes.
YYY: So... Did I say it in a voice? I am going to Han...
X: can I have sex, with a member of 13-14 cm, I am 17 years old?
Y: It cannot be. Sex with girls.
This is:
"xxx: The fifth year has passed. The woman still thinks it’s the cat pulling dirty socks under the couch.
You are an exemplary fool. What are you boasting about?
- One of the most sweet specialties is a doctor of ultrasound diagnostics. A good doctor has sweets filled the whole table. I wonder if it is possible to determine the taste of candy and the presence of nuts in them on the device? Then you do not need to open the packaging and give it to anyone.
Just a X-ray! Just a hardcore!
Well right...
The doctor determines the device,
The radiologist uses the Röntgen ray
The oculist has a lump to read the composition
LOR will make a hole and the otoscope will see,
Gynecologist on the touch through the cardboard (the mirror will completely turn the box...)
Neurologist with a hammer
The therapist will shock and make a diagnosis by a characteristic stroke
And the psychiatrist will talk to the souls, and if the candy doesn't answer him, then it's okay.)
Xu convinced Ukrainian sellers with the help of 62-degree Chinese vodka “ergotou”.
“When I was in talks with the shipyard management, it felt like I was drowning in alcohol,” Xu said. - Every meal I had to drink two or three liters of ergot.
Application for victory! 3 liters per day of such a drink will dissolve a normal person to the state of biomass.
Such a ship should have been given to the master!
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<...> so you can’t distinguish externally frost-resistant wheat from conventional <...>
= is
That why?
Northern wheat is covered with fur and grows only after poisoning with pure alcohol.
How virtuously can struggle swarms with swarms, is written in the diaries of Schwartz:
"He got up late. To punish him for this, Lova Lunz unveiled ads from the House of Arts to the House of Literatures on the Pool. The announcement informed the owners of goats that they were given a black goat for free. It was only from 7 to 8 in the morning – and Mishin’s address was given. Since many in those years held goats, Misha was not allowed to sleep for a long time.
The wife asked to take the child out of the kindergarten, "without bullshit" on the road. Culturally, he went home with him, only snowflakes caught on his tongue on the go. Home from the threshold issued "and I snow EU with papa". and :(
I come to one of my favorite grotto for a night, and there three spires digged in the middle a huge pit, well, I was on them with a ride, since you sported my home, and they were me, it was not only your favorite home and let me show all kinds of skulls, archaeologists are their mother...)))
c) the zelade
I watched the second day with interest as a quote:
""""He hated and put "-" quote with rating 667."""
change its rating from 669 to 663 and back =)
111: And your wife knows that you are in duty in the Dotan? ?
222: Wife, by the way, played it herself, but for the time being stumbled into Pokémon)
Yes, a woman can, but you are a man! Real men are playing the devil.
222: Diablo has been bored lately.
111: Well then real men choose sex!
222: Well, I broke a bowl of gynec today, and I won't talk about the second aspect, but it was all sbs;)
111: I hate you
[ +
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This is:
The most unfortunate people: inhabitants of sub-Moscow, who sincerely believe that they live in Moscow; and Krasnodar, who sincerely believe that they live by the sea:
What is misfortune? The sub-Moscow people sat on a tram or a bus and in an hour at a Moscow museum or theater, or a large Moscow mall of the European type, which is also sometimes important. From Krasnodar to Juba by car or bus less than 2 hours, it is possible to spend a summer holiday swimming in the sea. Do not envy so clearly.
2bratello: One day in a dream I convinced myself that the alarm allows me to get up early because it draws energy from other people on Earth and transmits it to me, thus making me rested. I slept for two hours that morning.
111: No, still on this paid parking go. Comfortable - it is when you needed to go somewhere for business, went down to the courtyard, sat in the car and went. No need to park anywhere.
No, it’s convenient when I went into my garage, sat in a warm dry car and went.
333 No guys. Comfortable is when you sit at the fireplace with a smoky cup of coffee and a cup of cognac and the palace officer comes in and says, "Sir, the senior manager has arrived with a report. Do you accept it?" And you’re like this: “Thank you Berrymore, take me to the office, I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” This is convenient, and everything else is vanity.
There are no words... )))
222 to convince.
When the group “Lunch in 30 Minutes” publishes photos of cats, I’m scared!
In primary school, the most beautiful girl in our class was considered Allochka. She liked almost all the boys, but Misha was able to win her position faster than ever. First, he had the name Pugachev, and secondly, already then developed business capability. He just approached and proposed: let’s say, as soon as I’m 18, we’ll get married, and you’ll be ALLOY PUGACHE!
Russian "model" wins the “Porno-Oscar”
YYY: Hah, the Ministry of Culture misunderstood the import replacement program...