— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №156079
A friend of mine told me a story she remembered for a long time. She came somehow to the barber, sat down in a chair and explained to the master how to cut her. Where more to leave, where less, at what level to cut the brick. Even the photo on the smartphone showed what kind of hair she wanted. The master listened to her for a long time, did not interrupt, and when the woman finished her monologue, she said: "Remember the woman, you can want any hairstyle, and the master cuts as she can!“”

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №156078
By raising the retirement age, the government just wants to push your old age off.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №156077
When my acquaintance got out of a coma in which he was for 40 days, he was transferred to the general room from the resuscitation. His doctor comes, asks various questions, what is the year, name, surname and so on. He always answers correctly. The last question was this:
What color are the walls in the room?
“Green,” my companion replied.
is wrong. The salad. Your color sensation is disrupted. I need treatment, the doctor said.
You are a salad! There is no such color. This is a shadow.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №156076
- Vladimir Vladimirovich, and why did you first say that the retirement age will not be raised, and then raised?
The first word was eaten by a cow.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna