I have four chemistry teachers.
I’ve been with her for two months, now she’s five.
to engage?
to pray.
Talk about the letter)
It’s just my little friend.
Cat: Little, you are talking...)))
I usually have friends a meter in height.
Cat: and this is a little less than a meter)
Cat: And he’s not complex about that?)
No, he’s worried he doesn’t have a girlfriend.)
Cat: Well help him.
I am always ready to give him a hand of help.
I have the feeling that some girls think of conscience as extra kilograms.
The socks stop hiding when washed, apparently at the moment when the boy turns into a man.
After washing in the same machine and drying on the same dryer, the husband's socks are always easy to break in pairs, and the sons for some reason always remain unmatched.
and biology. The teacher talks about nutrition:
There are things that should not be digested...
Vote from the last party:
For the rest, there is a master card.
The day started, I went out in the morning on the balcony to drink a cup of candy. I put it at the window. Here a whore flew, looked at me asleep, grabbed a candy, a fox, and flew away.
A police officer, who arrived on an anonymous signal, calls the police officer.
Knee, what is there for anonymous? People are sitting in nature, chilling!
Even without alcohol!
Yes you fucking.
[ +
- ]
Martin: Probably only in Russia on Labor Day is customary to arrange a holiday and rest.
SexIsMyLife: I’m so cultural that I even get a penis in my mouth with a fork
Demiurg He
I bought a cottage. I go in shit. I have a wolf shirt.
Are you beaten in school?
[ +
- ]
Mahaon: hanging posters around the room:
In front of the table - "huli we sit? for the work!and"
On the ceiling - "Who gets up early, goes to bed today"
In the mirror "this woman will do EVERYTHING!"
at the door "feather and kefir - Taste"
A personal Feng Shui?
Mahaon: Yes... and the journey is already working. I graduated to write.)
Happy Birthday, my brother!
YYY: And you too!
Peace to May!
YYY: Did you drive to the dacha?
XXX: I don’t have one.
Did you go to the parade?
XXX is not there.
xxx: the demonstration is simple and all
YYY: Did you even bite with friends?
XXX: I don’t drink
Sitting at the computer all day?
XXX: I am here
YYY: And where was he?
Have you walked with a girl?
I went to the store with my mom first. Exhibition of cats O_O
YYY: I don’t even know what to say.
How is a cat?
[ +
- ]
If there are drug barons, then somewhere there must be drug markers, drug ducats, or, in the worst case, narcographers.
XXX: yes, a man has the right to hit a woman, but as he would hit a tomato and there would be no wraps on it.
Why beat the vegetables? Will not understand anyway.
Anatoly Nikolaenkov:
I have long accepted the fact that in the correspondence I am called Nicholas and Alexander, and even a couple of times Anya. But today something terrible happened: I received a letter beginning with the words "Dear Analtoy,"... From a Dutchman.
[ +
- ]
and good morning.
Hello you goat.
What is a goat?
Because you don’t care about me! You loved the other. She was a nun. And you plotted the horns of the branches of the flowering sirene to me and made them bear on my head. And when I locked myself in your car and cut off my veins, you were shouting for me to get out, or I was blowing your seats.
He is: When?? to
She is in a dream!
He is fucking...
The car has always been in the first place.
I’ve never had one.
She: Well and what?
NeRa: Alcohol doesn’t solve any of your problems, just like milk.
In the night of April 29 to 30, the office of the United Russia was set on fire in the city of Bratsk. Burned very hard. Now urgently the whole office is closed with banners so that the people do not see it. The fire was carried out after the adoption by the Duma of the city of Bratsk, consisting of deputies of the United Russia, changes to the statute of the city, which cancel the direct elections of the mayor and appoint the city manager without elections - from among the members of the collapse party of the EP.
Go to!
I have a boyfriend. I went in the elevator with a neighbor. She brushes her eyes, smiles, asks for a pen...he smiles, says something to her. The elevator stops, the uncle goes out, and the daughter has his clock in the pen.
In every system administrator, a programmer died, and in every information protection specialist, a system administrator died. First to program, then to administer. Lenny is power!