— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №150750
I am sitting at work, watching the process on the comp and what was so drawn into my sleep... Shortly dropped off in the chair, but you can't sleep and so hunting.

I remember reading a long time about the popular way for drivers not to fall asleep while driving. It is necessary to stop, shut down the engine, press the keys in the fist and place the hand so that when the grip is weakened, the keys are dropped. Go sleeping a little. When the keys fall out, you get a considerable charge.

I take the bandage from the 3 keys on the label, I throw myself off in the chair and instantly shuts me off. I woke up because my boss took the keys out of my hand. Excited by B#$!! to

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №150749
A boy fought with a classmate. I raised them, and I asked:

What happened?

“I gave her a tablet to play, but she doesn’t return,” the boy replied.

I have returned! Even yesterday! The girl is upset.

I start the investigation. As you know, the devil lies in the details. I ask her:

Tell me how you brought him back.

I put it on party!

Where was he at that moment?

In the dining room!

Do you think it’s enough for the party?

"There was his neighbor, I told him to hand it over.

Looking for a neighbor, I ask:

Where is the plan?

I do not know?

Was it transmitted to you?

No is!

Back to the girl:

- Again, tell and show in detail how you gave it.

I put it on the party and told the neighbor to hand it over.

What did he answer you?

No, he was reading the book.

- That is, you just put the tablet on the party behind his back, said to transmit and left?

and yes! What is this?

There was noise in the class. He did not hear you. He went home. The planchet remained lying on the party. The owner of the tablet after the dining room also left home without going to class. As a result, someone took the plan for themselves.

I don’t care, I got it back and that’s all. Get away from me!

Called the parents of the students to school. tried to find out. The mother of the girl, the fault of the daughter did not see. The daughter of the tablet returned, and what was next with him, the problem of the owner of the tablet, you have to look at their things. They questioned classmates, children of the second shift, who came to this class, but the tablet was never found. This is all over.

This is the lesson of life. Classes that are not on schedule

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №150748
What comforts: Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and even Neymar are not deserved mothers of sport.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №150747
Tropical Cascade or How Wolves Change Rivers

When 14 wolves were released in Yellowstone National Park in 1995, scientists did not suspect that this would radically change the entire ecosystem of the park.
Wolves have not been in the park for 70 years and all this time there reigned deer, which over the years of uncontrolled breeding (all efforts of people to control their population were unsuccessful) caused the strongest damage to the local flora. The fourteen wolves, of course, were unable to slay all the deer, but they forced them to choose places for pastures more carefully and avoid some parts of the park. In these places vegetation has begun to revive. In six years, the number of trees has increased five times. There have been bobras who love to eat trees and love to build dams. In the factories there were owls, ducks and fish. Wolves decreased the population of chakals, which led to an increase in the number of rabbits and mice, and those in their direction attracted the park of frogs, chickens and foxes. Bears came to the park, as they could feed on wolf undernourishments, plus the number of berries in the park increased.
But most surprisingly, the wolves forced the rivers to change their behavior. Their streams were straightened and stabilized, and the erosion of the shores decreased. This happened because the influence of wolves on deer led to the explosive growth of trees and grass on the banks of the rivers, which led to their strengthening. The geography of the park itself has changed, and all thanks to the fourteen wolves released there less than thirty years ago.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №150746
If you steal, then the most vulnerable and weak.
Are you the head of government?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna