— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151076
The human brain is so arranged that it constantly generalizes incoming information. Thanks to this ability we can learn quickly: we just show a couple of photos of the gepard, and we will know exactly how the gepard looks.

This same ability helped our species to survive, because generalization helped to identify and avoid danger. Dangerous animals, situations and so on. Everything has certain signs that our brain is trying to identify.

No one doubts that such signs as "sports suit", "seed slide", "sitting on the courts" can hide a danger. And we know that the hoops are worth bypassing.

But also, our brain doesn’t care what signs to identify. It can be both beard, ethnicity, and hair color, etc.

So, if the Chechens are not treated very well, it means that a sufficient number of their representatives behaved inappropriately, so the brains of other societies simply made a generalization.

It is just nature.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151075
I sit, I don’t touch anyone, I fix the force. Suddenly the door ringed and I looked in the eyes of a neighbor. Immediately it is worth noting that my neighbor is gently speaking a woman who has gone, a post of the Balzac age. She’s one of those neighbors who scream “Naarcoman” and can’t sleep because of the music at 19: 00. I open the door and the neighbor says:

Your cat is screaming at my door! Go to clean!

I have no cat.

Who was joking then? ! to

Take care of your own petty affairs. to Goodbye.

I close the door and go into the room. After 10 minutes, again the door rings, I open, the same neighbor:

I took your cat’s shit on your shoulder and threw it under your door. You will clean yourself!

I squeeze down, and there is a piece of squeezed black isolant, I say:

It’s not shit, it’s a piece of isolation that I have nothing to do with. I still don’t have a cat.

You are HAM!

Then she finally left. About an hour later I came out on the street. I go downstairs and see the same neighbor on the staircase. Next to the unfortunate piece of the isolant, which lies already under another door into which, that is the force of our heroine.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №151074
When a woman beats her mouth, she cuts the fist on which she sits.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №151073
Grandma three days in a row buys a bucket of mushrooms on the market. Buy cool, recycle in the evening, buy cool again tomorrow - the winter is long, the family is big. In the mushrooms, the whole kitchen, the whole apartment was drained with mushrooms. The grandmother does not rest, on the third day again brings a bucket of mushrooms from the market. What to do? The little one can’t stand:

Did you buy these mushrooms again? Why do I think they’re called scammers?! to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №151072
In the light of the latest news, only one point remains unclear: will Kokorin and Mamayev visit Salisbury?

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №151071
One day, at one auto forum, I decided that there was nothing to do to burn up over another fool who put a Chinese silencing pad on his budget car. I asked him, and Naphika did it at all. The opponent did not give me a single chance to scandalously continue the discussion, answering with the utmost sincerity:

I am a minor idiot. I don’t need a reason 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna