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Ageing is when you write your real age when you create a character in Fallout 2.
Not all is so bad, if you can still choose the real age.
>> Gay people in the Russian Federation never had the opportunity to get married. Their rights were not infringed because they never existed.
They are descendants of aristocrats. If I drag a rocket to them on the lawn, they will be very surprised, but this will be expressed in the fact that they will raise their eyebrows and say, "O. Rocket installation. We’re not sure if it fits the style of landscape design, but we appreciate your taste and be sure to consult with the gardener.
This is what girls mean.
Once he said his about the fun, said, on which side do not insert the flash, you will always first fall on the wrong side.
What she got her, where the usual nail lacquer is marked on the upper side. Genius and simple!
Here, say, synchronous translator P. enters very steep and very expensive training courses. At the same time, this is all happening around - and here, therefore, British pronunciation, upper-German intonation and other cute chamber tasks. And the synchronist translator P. complains to his friend, the civil servant E., that he feels seriously confused. What will I do after my training courses? He is asking. - I invest a year of time, a lot of money and effort - and who in the current political atmosphere in a year will need Russian translators-synchronists?“Learn, learn,” said the official sadly. Don’t worry, they will be needed.” “Who, who?” the synchronist translator asks. “And in Nuremberg, in Nuremberg to translate,” replies sadly the civil servant.
Destroyed by Linor Horalik.
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xxx: Is the radius of the defeat of the bull so severe that after hitting Kiev - London will remain in ruins?
Scotland: Don’t take Scotland! The new federal district.
here here :
Oh the hoodie!! Write all your debts on debt.ly! Why write here? And about the appearance and about the eyebrows and about everything else... And write here funny and you can sometimes sad, but with an anecdote at the end. Thanks to everyone :)
Where is an anecdote?
xxx: эх, would give up everything and do landscape design...
Do you dig the rocks?
In the interior of space at a distance of about 6500 light-years from Earth there is a giant cloud of alcohol.
Where are the astronauts recorded?? to
It is mainly methyl alcohol (commonly known as wood alcohol), not suitable for drinking.
So brutally breaking the dreams of mankind!! to
XXX: I worked for a couple of years under the leadership of a woman-energist, in technical terms there were norms, the man was smarter and more experienced than me, and this from the bosses is pleasant to see. More complicated with character, you do not chew matte, you will not talk about breasts, you will not play cards, you will not drink vodka at all.
YYY: If I drank vodka with her, I could not just talk about breasts.
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How hard it is for a woman to get a man to marry her if she only knows his nick.
A family falls into the shuttle: a dad-mama with beer bottles and two kids spinning each other with their elbows. Daddy asks the driver, “How much is the trip?” The driver: “Well, count yourself: four tickets for 45 rubles.” He just stood on his feet and said, “I don’t know. I was a duo at school.” The driver said, “What a meeting! I was a trio. You have 280 rubles.”
Why have we developed so badly before? We had no sanctions.
You know the answer, Maine Liebe 12:28:54
Epic is to look at the mouth on the engri berz marmelade before eating.
by Mikhail
And I bite the Barney mice first the legs, then the legs, then the head, and then only eat the body.
<x_x> Now visitors to the elevator can not only hear the driver, but also see him. In other words, now they will be able to see the controller putting his screw on their problems.
Now I understand why we don’t lose weight.
...??? to
A little ass can’t accommodate so many adventures!! to
Discussion of the game on a major gaming portal:
Is the Russian language expected?
2: not yet, the petition was rejected
Many Japanese companies do not know that the Stone Age in Russia has already ended.
The Bronze Begins
At work, in the winter, everyone thinks about how to heat the room:
The employee offers to take ceramic heaters, telling about them what he has read on the Internet: "With significant areas of infrared radiation, high efficiency is achieved, with small electricity costs."
An employee in full seriousness, with a knowledgeable look: “No, I don’t want to expose myself to infrared radiation anymore. This is very harmful to the body!"
Today I did a feat, possibly posthumous.
I threw three large packages out of the house.
At the price of the new iPhone, you can buy 366kg of potatoes, a ticket to Madrid and a ticket for delivery.