— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130593
In the chat of one online game appeared a new superhero. Captain of Tautology. Angering the developers for the crazy update he wrote: "blue gay gay".

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №130592
"Surious Uncle"

"I am going to":

You understand how you become an adult when you stop convincing your parents that you need a powerful computer to study. And you start convincing your wife that you need a powerful computer to work.

Growing up, it was when he earned himself, and bought a computer without asking his wife.

What is it like to live without a sense of humor?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130591
History repeats itself twice: the first time as a tragedy, the second time as a farce

ZZZ: Yes, it has already happened twice: first in 1917, then in 1991. Now for the third time: for the fools.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №130590
Look at the planet from space. The continents are yellow, the oceans are blue. Color of the flag of Ukraine.
The earth was created by the Ukrainians.
And the soil from excavation of the Black Sea became the Moon?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130589
> after the question: "and there is what?" from the pants extracted a flute, and another scene :D, and so the idea is interesting

You won’t believe it, but Bohm’s flute (modern orchestra), Irish low-wistle and many other spirits are made of metal. And in general, looking at the hands of familiar musicians and the instruments they make in their own workshops, I do not advise to stumble on them in the basement.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130588
A sociological historical:
by Зав. The humor department of the Literary newspaper in the early 1980s in the broadcast “Around Laughter” (there was still Ivanov alive) read the best pearls of the department for the year. Among them is the miniature "Silent Rush":
Family quarrels cause a lot of inconvenience to neighbors, irritate children. From now on, this will be over. In the sale appeared sets of cards "Silent Rubbish". Now the spouses will be able to sit at the table, and silently present each other cards of their choice. The whole dispute looks like a game of a fool.

I have after this story (I am 43, I even loved this show as a child, I was funny. But sometimes I didn’t understand why my parents didn’t laugh with me) there were 3 sensations, growing up:
1) naive Chukotka boys;
2) the wise men;
The galaxy is in danger.
What do you think?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130587
People simply need to have second-class people in society. In the USSR there were those who lived in the occupied territories, we don’t have them now, we took the gay people. In 100 years, the gay will end, the chess players will be chased, and so on.

Wow... It’s easier! Let’s take the curlingists. Less than chess players.

[ + 23 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130586
We have so many IT's, and almost everyone knows that you need to send Yarova in the right direction, and the sending of something fucking goes!
Let us all go and send it together!

All of you BOBRA!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130585
I come from the store. With me a large bag with all sorts of things, in my hands packed in a transparent box of clay flower pot in the form of a giant cup of tea with a dish (2.5 liters).

Meeting two tormented narcissist citizens of indefinite years. They look at the cup, and each other says dreamingly:

There is no price for this cup in the morning.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130584
With stack overflow in the topic delete vs delete[:

xxx: If I use delete instead of delete on the array, will this lead to memory leakage?

yyy (best answer): Whether it’s a memory leak, a complete erasure of your hard drive, the demons flying out of your nose, starting to mock you, it doesn’t matter. and unspecified. It can behave this way in one compiler, and differently in another, it can change with the compiler version, with each compilation, depending on the phase of the moon, your mood, or depending on the number of neutrinos flying through the processor in the last sunny day. Or maybe not to change.

All these infinite possibilities are put together in one term: Undefined Behavior.
Just avoid him.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130583
You know why I am an adult, but I look, you understand?
YYY: Well what?
xxx: There was a series where a woman made cute dresses to her friends, and they didn’t appreciate it, I said, I didn’t ask for it. She gave them what they asked for, and they got a full fist that only liked them.
YYY: And what then?
This is my wake up! First you make a genetic site, and the customer asks for brighter colors, to play with the fonts and his photo in the middle. No explanation that it just looks horrible doesn’t work.
And here you are doing something of such an acidic color that it is impossible to see and not blind, a huge photo of a customer whose smile will give way to the crocodile and everything else, which makes the site more like a diary of a 12-year-old girl on Beon than a site.
The employer likes it!
So after work, I sit down, turn on this series, and I realize I’m not the only one.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №130582
I took Karelski Balsam for the weekend. Four bottles of 275 re.

Total of 1100. In the head plays Aria – a thousand hundred, a thousand hundred... Death in the face breathes us.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №130581
There is a woman at work, her name is Alla Mikhailovna. In her position she is a businessman. A dealing process can not be stopped when, for some reason, the dealer is absent. Therefore, when Alla Mikhailovna goes on vacation, her work is entrusted to one comrade.

We call him simply the Alloimiter.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №130580
X: Fuck, no matter how much I cook an omelette, I’m still dissatisfied. It is delicious, and it seems to be simple somehow. Well eggs, well cheese, well mushrooms.
X: It seems like you need some special cheese.
Y:...or special mushrooms.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130579
The husband and the cat are two idiots of concern. I take in the bathroom, turn - stand (the husband's cat on his arms). And then the husband, looking at the breasts, in full seriousness says to the cat: "Give you for one, and I for the other!"And it’s getting closer and closer. I was envious of the surprise! They are now sleeping together on the couch in the kitchen.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №130578
You are an idealist, Daddy.

"I am going to":

You understand how you become an adult when you stop convincing your parents that you need a powerful computer to study. And you start convincing your wife that you need a powerful computer to work.

Growing up, it was when he earned himself, and bought a computer without asking his wife.

In the circumstances of the average family, where both work, provide children and barely bring ends to ends, take and buy a gaming machine for a hundred percent of money, without consulting the family - suddenly more important than spending is, for example, a child brakes to put, this is just called infantile egoism.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №130577
I got a new employee. Young and ugly. Later in the smoking:
Director: How is he?
Master: Hamit as if he had already received his salary.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130576
The Poroshenko administration said that Canada was founded by Ukrainians.

You should be small...

Look at the planet from space. The continents are yellow, the oceans are blue. Color of the flag of Ukraine.

The earth was created by the Ukrainians.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130575
When I passed by a group of boys 10-12 years old, I heard:
First, what are we playing? As last time?
The second: let’s go.
Repair the generators!
Third, you are a maniac!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №130574
"On the new Russian banknotes proposed to depict Manpuneer".

Well, then, when you read the note, it becomes clear that it is a geological monument in the

It is one of the Seven Wonders of Russia.

But the first reaction from the name is that of ох@eвайтунг.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna