Appreciated 84% of citizens. I inform you that there is no place for you in the anti-nuclear bunker...All, thank you...All are free.
I work in a hotel.
For a long time I joked about the boss that he was a Jew because he was able to cut costs to something cheaper—just for free.
Suddenly, a tax check came to us.
In the hotel, for the payment of accommodation, there is a bank terminal.It is clear that the transfer, and especially the return, you will not be asked.
Good people from the tax money to the terminal sunny, and then only the xives deployed.They wrote acts, began to gather, as suddenly...They prompted a return.
We have no way back!
Tax: and now a man will come, you do not put his money in the terminal, and give it to us!
Write a claim for return, we will consider it, and we also have a fine of one night for cancellation of booking day by day.
As a result, taxpayers did not find violations, 1.5 rubles left us and left sad and angry.
We want to eat by instincts and not to recover (while the level of natural run-hop a priori is tens of times smaller than that of the ancestors under whom those instincts are strained), we want to be inseminated by instincts as much as possible, but so that no mistress, steep the sky, does not trick and the truth fly (again, the instincts are sharpened during the time when they gave birth fifteen times, so that the children seven survived and the forces of three survived to adulthood), we want to be justified by instincts, but so that this in any case has no consequences!
In general, the enthusiasts of self-justification in Freud's theories for some reason completely ignore the moment that since the time of these theories there has been evidence that although the phenomena of the psyche described by Freud exist, they are far from being limited to them. This is understandable for teenagers with a rebellious desire to break down all the foundations, but still not for adults who have grown up before their own childhood. Don’t you want to rely on the backbone of Morals, Traditions, Religions and all that? The good guys! But you do not need this support in the event that you are able to stand and walk without this support, on your own, and if you have thrown it off from the pure principle and now roll in the pit - the bones were exactly what you needed. Atheism, nihilism and so on are good for freedom of conscience, not for freedom of ignorance. For a real-thinking person, they are good, but here the biomass, unfortunately, deprives the last frame of self-control.
You can read this post here:
"Aha, the rabbits are raised! In the city apartment, fucking! She swallowed itself! I made the fabric myself!! Have you ever heard of division of labor? What about working for a state, if you can sustain yourself? Only natural farming, fucking who will allow you to contain..."
Or this:
If you are not aware - the desire to spread its genome is laid down in almost every male. Therefore, the mistress is a basic necessity..."
And you think what am I, so beautiful, doing among these fools here?
Continued or not funny?
The snow falls straight –
Enjoy the look.
80 to EUR.
The dollar is 60.
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On the screen, Turin, looking at visions and revising priorities, throws the crown on the golden floor. The voice in the room: "Oh all!"
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XX: Was at the symposium of implantologists, then at courses. I’ve met some special doctors :D
I quote one of them:" The tooth, it is an organ that INCONCEPTLY takes the place of an implant!"
When I stunned, several people even looked at me with condemnation.
UUU: I read "at the alien symposium".
XXX: Believe me, it’s almost the same thing.
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I didn’t know what to do on Sunday. Cleaned, washed and prepared. She went to her husband - useless, playing. I decided to wash the cats. All day busy! Catch, wash, calm, dry))) I have five of them))) And as they worry about the washer, he cries, they try to take me off my feet...Friends, cats))All in a reward pack of food! And my winch.
>>>It happens that the driver is ahead of the schedule, but on the next ride no one will miss it outside the schedule, and it slows down where it is possible and pleasant.
A man from Orenburg told the '90s, we get the train Tashkent - Moscow spare parts on Deu (he had a spare parts store - prm.) once we come to the station, and there is a climbing one, a person suits: are you waiting for such a cargo? I have to go to town. We go 20 km away from the city, we brake near the forest strip, he tells us: now the train will go, you will go to him by farms, he will stop. We are like those with square eyes, we sit, the train runs, we blink, it stops, we approach it... And this is not the train...
As a child, I was studying in a rural school, in the primary classes, we quietly put the lighting lamps under the contacts of the humidifier, soaked with salt water. While the wet pump was wet, the lamp burned, and when it dried out from heating, it suddenly went out. And in the winter, the first 2-3 lessons without lamps are dark. So I walked through the lessons and at the same time loved applied physics - from the private memories of a famous academic, nuclear physicist.
A woman in a bus with serious sight asks the conductor:
Does the bus go online?
The conductor hangs for fifteen seconds and unwaveringly gives.
Go to the school, go.
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The penis injected into the rectum received a set of specific bacteria living in the intestine, and due to the spongy structure to get rid of them with soap was impossible.
Dear man, tell us from what deaf province are you, where so far schoolchildren transmit such sacred information from the mouth, not afraid of this word, mouth?
Patriarch Kirill condemns the Russians. The foreign words. Remind him, please, that "Patriarch" and "Kyril" are foreign words.
The sellers filled with delicacies for 60 thousand dollars, threw a cat into the window (I watched the video where the chickened cat walks on an uneatable snake for him), and now a bunch of idiots come up with a name for the unfortunate animal, which is probably already rotten in one of the garbage.
Now Daddy is walking around the apartment with the cat on his shoulder, hit her tail and shoots from it, like from the basuki O.o. And this man is 50 :)
If you are not aware - the desire to spread its genome is laid down in almost every male. Therefore, the mistress is an elementary necessity (do not agree - argue with psychologists and the subconscious of the male, it is a limited number of eggs and a long time of delivery, and, for example, I will cut off enough seed material for a small village at night ;-) ) If the husband is suspected of betrayal, congratulations - the problem is in you. You cannot / do not want / can not build a family life - do not complain.
Look for the problem in yourself, not as a cleaning.
Same with Sam. Evolution has passed by me, I am still at the level of a monkey and I vigorously defend my right not to become a reasonable man, but to live as a primate. or the desire is justified and even read a couple of wise articles written by the same near-leaving apes lovers to inject their seed material to the right and to the left. Call things by their names, you are a martyr. Well, or a Neanderthal, it’s up to you. The brain is not sufficiently developed.
I had a full Azaz yesterday. Do you know, there are some smart drivers that drive around traffic jams on the sidewalk?
The Sunshine: U
I'm going home yesterday, I'm already approaching the alphabet of taste. There’s another thing in my back. I am walking on the sidewalk. I specifically slowed the step, but I was already approaching my path through the snow on which I was bending, so without turning, I showed the fact and turned. Behind the door, someone knocks me "You are fucking, go here fucking". I turn around - a man, forty years old, with a huge mouthpiece, in a jersey with a spat. And then I get a brilliant idea... while he is doing something there, I retreat a little more on the snow, glue the snow and throw it in. He threatens to kill me and is chasing me. I calmly, in the winter comfortable shoes, scratch this fat chmo in the shoes on the snow, and still bother to run "Isn't it cold? You were there in the traffic jams, out of the place in the tail". And so I ran around to his car and with the scream "AZAZA TRALLED" took the snow in the clutches and threw him into the salon.
Sunrise: What is it, right? and'd
I didn’t know you were capable of such a desperate act.
Red Bull: It ended well. We were both called out - "Well, this is Bennyhill, Harosh". I see there are three mentions. They have been watching for a long time. To the man fit "Sergantakoi yourdocuments", and judging by the smile of mint, the man slipped. They did not ask me, and I went home.
There is justice in the world :'D
We will be working on 12 December:
XX: And before it was a weekend - Constitution Day.
Previously, there was a Constitution.
here here here:
and we? I don’t marry a fool. It is simple, try it, you will like it. You will be watching and cooking for pleasure, not for fear that these mocked kiwis will be in someone else’s ankle.
— — — —
The real man does not drink, does not smoke, does not walk to the left and... does not exist!
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It is just wonderful! I will go "please" my wife, because I am now an Imaginable Husband. And the child is still small, so I will not talk to him about an imaginary father.
M is
Wouldn’t it be easier to replace the SIMC?
by J.
and Noah
I love her...
She is still with a bee.