But the first places there are mainly occupied by the principle of "your, see what kind of fig got on the stage!".
You directly sounded my thoughts when I watched the victory of Bilan :)
It shouldn’t die :)
Yulia Agapova, BAHTYC (Bantyk), the man of three wishes, SKYPIDAR, Olya Death, Pushticks and the talking ass, the firefighters who stumbled, the friend of the vapors of Kesha, the orange uncles, the students with the puppets at the stop, people, where are you all?! Go back!! to
The author is this:
Rogozin: From July 1, the transmission of the GPS signal in the Russian Federation through American stations will be stopped.
If the negotiations on the placement of GLONASS in the United States do not come out of a deadlock.
What about maps and stars?
Not the transmission of the GPS signal in the Russian Federation will be stopped, but the work of the ground control stations of the orbital grouping of the GPS system will be suspended, which will lead to a maximum to some decrease in positioning accuracy for receivers supporting only GPS. Read the primary sources not diagonally and do not misinformation the public even on a humorous site.
Let us enjoy the moment.
Is it a toxicoman?
XXX: What is your favorite color?
Look at me and tell me what my favorite color is.
XXX is black?
Yyy: not guessed, dark green
You are dressed in black.
Yyy: very dark green.
On the third night I suffer from insomnia. I look at the cat and envy - he is well, any food for him acts as a sleeping pill.
Read the news tape: "Russia will send the largest reconnaissance ship"
First thought: they are not burning anymore.
The Investigative Commission of the Parliament of Ukraine, which is headed by People’s Deputy Gennady Moskal. andquot;
Commentary :
He hates the mosquitoes.
A tribute to China for the fact that when they showed the Eurovision winner in the news, his (her) e*alo was closed with squares, so as not to traumatize the psyche of its people.
[ +
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This is:
Smart people, I am not concerned at all about how many critical days girls begin; whether they have parents or not; whether they know or not. This, your mother, is not my problem. Why should I watch the bullshit advertising of tampons, pads and drops?
For the same reason that I should look at the advertising of prostatitis treatment and remedies for impotence.
XXX: "It is necessary to write an interesting article on the topic "What swimsuit to choose full ladies".
YYY: None
YYY: Welcome
YYY: None
And when for us individual beaches will do, where these excessively nervous people would be banned from entering, and we could freely take sunbaths. People because of such personalities have not been on the beach for 15 years. Think about it when you are grinding along the fence.
XXX: I went to the tank today. I filled a full tank of 95, and I say, action today. 95 for the price of 92.
92. they were not in that container.
The xxx:
I need to move something.
I was not taken to work.
Do you know why? Because the grandmother
I do not have to gather compasses and wrap bolts with anything.
Member is not
Oh looool
Instead of computer technicians instead of screwdriver.
This is:
From the Russian Post:
Packages with bees, plants,
Fresh fruits and vegetables,
Transfer without acceptance
The value of the investment"
Package with bees. A dog with bees!! to
It is right, in principle. Beekeepers are usually sent by post, because there is no alternative.
Examples of how people ignore what they have under their nose:
I walk past the printer, there the architect clings to me:
- Anton, here the printer writes that the MBk cartridge is over, tell me, I picked right, is this? It is not written here. - stretches me a box with a two-centimeter font with the inscription "Protectional Cappuccino" and a picture of a man in that same capuccino... How? →? to
And I am deeply violet about your Eurovision. I watched hockey.
From the hub, the answer to the question: "It is not just not to hold the door in the subway, but to dust back from the scale?"
It’s just another way to hold the door – you need to catch the moment and swim through the door that opened up to you.
To maintain the door in a resonant swing, it takes much less force but more snoring for its passage.
This is a nightmare level for entering the door!
Being a mother of many children is not only happiness, pride and social status, but also the opportunity to collect the entire collection of zodiac signs!
[ +
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to this:
Imagine you have a closet.
And then there were May holidays and you left to rest, and when you arrived... found that someone moved your shelves in places, moved things, the doors began to open to the other side (they became more, but they became small)...
Welcome to the next release of Mozilla Firefox 29.0.1"
But imagine the feelings of the fans of Opera, when in the morning of February they did not find their things at all, because instead of the usual closet at the wall was a glamorous toilet made by Google...
baxus: Tell me, what do you mean in your understanding of the phrase "cultural man"?
mantix:It was, I remember, the criterion "do not squeeze in the counter".
BG: What about the curtains?
darklight_red: just about the fold!
How about the scratch scratch!? to
darklight_red: What if you sit in the middle of the side? Going through the neighbors?
byglyckp: As you move to the brush, you can use several folds at the same time!
darklight_red is here. You are already thinking like a true cultural Russians!
BG: We will win!
darklight_red: YES! And only so!
Bays, folds... I look, life passes by me.
the_lb: for the enth, the collision, in the cultural society can and candelabromy shrink!