— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №152270
My sister told me.

She goes to bed, her husband has been shaking for an hour. The sister pulls a blanket on her, accidentally hits her husband, he doesn't wake up, begins to waver slightly and, through the dream, gives out:

Well, I’m telling you, not Alan.

My sister’s name is Alena. She was not illusoriously interested in what there is such a husband's beloved dream. She also knew that if you asked questions carefully and loudly, the spouse would answer without waking up.

And who am I? My sister asked stealing.

and Alena! My husband replied confidently.

What kind of alena? The most important question went on.

The husband still, not waking up, turned to the other side and said:

It is correct! He cried without responding to any questions anymore.

That kind of information has been lost...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №152269
In the past, fear prevented the truth about power, today it is the law.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №152268
In the bedroom with his wife found a painting with a pen on the wallpaper. tk. My daughter was 12 years old and the suspicion fell on her 5-year-old son. We call them two into the bedroom, when asked who did, the daughter naturally says: not me!
Small, looking at her, also goes to rejection, type not at all in business...
Two or three questions were not able to "split" the partisan.
Here the wife says, and what do we do with this cockroach on the wall?
This is a robot at all!! Oh...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №152267
Of all the religions, the Bolsheviks did not like Judaism the most.
What did you take?
They invented the Sabbath for the Jews. Not only is it necessary to work on this day, but also for free.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №152266
I am a leading tech engineer. Thanks to my grandmother, to whom I always go to the village, all the neighbors know about it. And I am pursuing the fate of a thin engineer. To the questions: "And what angle at the roof of the greenhouse should be? Will the car start from another car? How do you not know? The engineer!” I am used to. But a day ago, a neighbor almost killed me by asking, "Can you hold your son's wedding?"

And why me? ! to

I told you that you are a leader!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №152265
My mother’s dog is already very old. No one requires a security guard anymore. A year ago he was deaf. We treat him as a pensioner on a deserved vacation. We barely sit on the chain. He mostly sleeps in the shade. But because of his bad habit of stealing eggs from the chickenhouse, his mom sometimes plants him on a chain in the morning to get time to collect eggs. And when Mom shakes her necklace and cries out loudly, he turns back and sits stubbornly with her back. Because he hears nothing. And no one will force you to follow a command unless you hear it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna