— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №155162
The neighbor complains:

- Ask to go out at night, pay 5000. Nothing was paid, there were violations.

They didn’t find violations, they just didn’t want to pay.

Maybe maybe...

Why are you going out at night?

They pay well!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №155161
Once upon a time, after a date with a girl, I ran away from her to my home in order to get time for another epic in LA2.

That day, my mother asked me to buy some shit at the pharmacy, and there were only 10 minutes left before the event.

I go to the pharmacy and see a line of six men in front of me. I think, “Well, don’t let me participate in the distribution of epic bijee.” The clan’s policy was quite unambiguous on such issues.

I take from the shelf what my mother asked and look down on a pack of condoms. I understand that they still need them and dusted, and then at three streams I get up in a row. One of the men (M) turns to me, sees in my hands a packet of Gandons and asks:

M: Are you in a hurry?

How did he know about Raid? ! to »

I am... yes at all.

M – The men! He said to the crowd and they turned around. A guy runs out to a girl! Let’s miss it, or it won’t break down if it’s too late! The case is young...

Everyone broke up, understanding Kiev with the heads and I broke my purchases.

He smiled and ran home to stumble.

P.S Ride was done.

[ by

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №155160
I had such a classmate. He was constantly injured: then he swung his hand on the ice hole, then he ran away on the slope in the village, and his foot stumbled on the armor. I went to the same doctor all the time. One time the surgeon even asked Lesha’s parents, “When will you get it?”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155159
Aaa: The main thing is that there is no one behind the wheel of the poor car. He squeezes and says, “A few more times and give me a lexus.”

BBB: No, nothing terrible will happen. I will explain why. She sucked you and took your lexus, so you must already suck her out and you can count on her lexus. A loop appears. To rule out the appearance of cockroaches in this column, nature ruled out the heterosexuality of men who believed in the correspondence of the cost to the status of a cockroach.

CCC: Hello to you. I am a professor of applied biology of Voronezh GvPFGU. Please leave your contact details to contact you from the department of research deviations, we are ready to offer you cooperation on mutually beneficial terms.

Ddd: Do not agree, man. Should be placed on the approved table.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna