I’ve been watching Gismeteo’s website for the second month.
Today it is a small wolf.
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"Gorbachev believes that the United States needs a “restructuring”"
Zevaki organized an amateur photo session
On the backdrop of a seized café in the center of Sydney.
The corresponding photos have been posted on social networks,
It provoked the outrage of the majority.
Commented on the photos of Internet users.
Zzz – “People take selfies in the background of a café with hostages,
You cannot admit the fact,
“Selfie is brain dysfunction.”
I have known for many years an Indian leader named Sitting Bull.
And it was only now that it was the stage of many leaders’ careers.
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In my early childhood, I was taken to an oculist. As my parents suggested, I was prescribed glasses. And no one knew that I just didn’t know the alphabet.
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Read the laws before you pay.
It is unreal! Just unrealistic. The language of legislative acts is so specific, complicated and ambiguous that the ordinary citizen who reads Dontsov or Harrison simply cannot understand what it is all about. It is hard to issue laws for lawyers, and an adapted edition is for normal people. It is good to have a lawyer at work. This is also a rarity. Not everyone can be a good lawyer. And among the lawyers, I got such mistakes that half of the norms didn’t understand themselves...Yes, if something goes out in our industry, I blaspheme, then I lock myself in the office, read carefully, then decrypt, and then report at the meeting that it came to us. Suki, began from the neighboring offices to come to the political department... Deer said, tickets will sell)
As a person who spoke in his time with the tax, I know exactly: in fact, you only need to pay for a receipt in some cases, and in all other cases - to go to disassembly and send the forest. Transport tax on sold a couple of years as a car - easy, receipt for property or transport with violation of deadlines and immediately with foams - easy. And, judging by the reaction when weaved with the nose, most still pay without looking.
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It is certain. When we changed the apartment, we three years in a row sent tax on both: on the old and on the new. Fucks to fight. It was as if in the first year they ran with statements, everything was found out, everything was explained, proved - and the next year the same petry...
Before computer games, the main cultivator was cinema, before it theatre, and even before literature. I think some ancient people were suspicious of rock painting.
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here here :
Regarding advertising, I disagree. You can also reload the article here:
Article of 159. fraudulent
Well, my friend, I beg you. Have you seen the advertisement? These people can lie, telling the absolute truth. Just remember the legendary vegetable oil "FREE CHOLESTERINE!!11 RAS" You should take it, right? Or somewhere else it is probably cholesterol, and it is immediately written that it is not... And the fact that you do not know that in vegetable oil cholesterol does not exist in principle, it is already your personal problems. We didn't lie to you, cholesterol is really not there - check it out.
And in the poster of a very boring religious play with a bunch of brainstorming can be written, for example: "This wonderful story will immerse you in the magical world of the beginning of our era." Go and prove it is not true. Is there history? There is. The world is magical? He is a magical God. The beginning of the era? The beginning of the era. A wonderful story? No is? Well, this is a subjective assessment, the author thinks it is delightful, and you first, and then criticize. What does "propaganda" mean? Which? Where is? There is no propaganda. This is a reconstruction of events!! I am absolutely sure that the magicians were speaking so!!! Go, prove that you were deceived with the money on the ticket.
Verbal equivalence, brother, the matter is subtle. Especially when it comes to the objects of art – movies, books, performances here... "I see it" and all.
This is:
Over: This does not cancel that it is a nuclear missile, i.e. a device for violating the sixth commandment in large sizes.
Where did you serve in the army?
He was engaged in landscape design.
to build?
But remember, Cinderella, if you don’t have time to get off the oil needle and develop production, at midnight your currency will turn into a pumpkin!
That’s why you can’t find a girlfriend, right?
WOW, WOW, WOW and WOW, WOW, WOW and WOW, WOW and WOW. I can’t find my glasses in the morning.
Tags: and cigarettes
and self-evaluation too.
WOW : :(
In connection with the idiotism surrounding us, the wisdom was formed in my family: “To be an anarchist in Russia, it is enough to follow the rules.”
5 is The plane was intercepted for one reason - the pilot mistakenly showed the aircraft
That is to say, according to the instructions, he had to constantly fly with a creampie of 90 degrees?
180 is twice as reliable.
What would you change if you could go back to the past?
and rubles.
I sit at work. The director comes in, sits on a chair and removes one shoe: the socks, what, repaired. I write to an ICQ accountant to the neighboring office: "Lusya, say loudly: "Who removed the shoes?!“”
She did so.
The director said frightened:
Oh yeah, b to b! He put on his shoes and ran away.
...so be careful, read the laws yourself, before you pay anything.
And sending tax notices on a long-sold car and not responding to statements with all attached documents for several years is generally in order of things.
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Okay okay?
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The story of the Cat Matroskina from Vladivostok does not badly reflect our mentality. Turn off eat someone else for fabulous money and you 1. nothing will be 2. you will become famous and popular with accounts in Instagram and Twitter
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To tell you how "sensitive" is calmar or (!) The Campaign? The special joke is that this "horrible incident" happened in a seaside town, which (surprise!) is Vladivostok (for reference - a large port). There is a problem with hamsters, but this seafood bread consumption...Well, I don’t know how, in order to consider it “delicatess,” you need to starve. And, glory to all mythological entities...Cambala is a delight...Rju ;-)
They just wasted, I’m sure. It is cheaper to run a cat "accidentally" than to justify it.
Cooked shrimp in a plate to try on the market is the norm (and fuck you will find such in Moscow, and there it is normal), and here it is eaten less than a thousand and the final price? I beg you...
Comment on the video "Robert Pschel in the studio of Russian television."
Marcus_Octavius: Reminds us of how Roman historians describe the attempts of the Romans to talk to the Carthaginians. Typically, such Quintus Fabius Maxim comes to the Carthage Senate, and let all the rules of rhetoric push them to talk about how bad it is on their part to cut out the city of the Roman allies, and that now they need to either apologize and deliver Hannibal, or start a war with Rome. And they are like this: “You are a fool and shit, Hannibal has done everything wrong, but he is good, we will not hand him out, we don’t want war, but we are killing you all, we have captured Sagunt unlawfully, but he is ours and go on.” What does it mean to a person who is accustomed to thinking logically?
However, there is an opinion that Roman historians somewhat exaggerated (for understandable reasons) the inadequacy of the Carthaginians, and there is nothing to exaggerate.
Vacheslaugh: You are a Roman, that is to say, you are already a cartaginophob!
A lounge for lunch instead of a salad leaf is a crazy luxury for a woman, because then you need 2 hours of gym, sauna and clock massage, so that there are no traces of it on the perfect body.
And the perfect skeleton not to forget to polish!!! to