A Singaporean airliner has landed in Bali because of the spouses who are sumoists.
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Society must form in the minds of the new generation the understanding that this is abnormal, that it does not correspond to what nature has laid down, etc. This generation will pass on to the next.
And thank God that we call them PIDORAS, expressing relationships and shaping an image. And gay people live in Europe, grow beards, try to raise children, and so on.
— — —
I will tell you an interesting story. So, there was (and there is, but about it later) a great friend – a wonderful smart person, a programmer, an interesting interlocutor, all that. I am a girl, and when I was lonely, I even thought about putting an eye on him, although outwardly he is not quite in my taste.
Then he admitted to me that he was gay.
Tell me, "imaging image", how did I expect to react to this? Send it somewhere away and say "I am not friends with p##rams"? Just abandon a friend, and convince him once more that in this world he will never be able to rely on a normal human attitude? Naturally, I did not do so. And before he confessed to me, I couldn’t even assume that – because outwardly and behaviorally he is a normal normal guy. Not manned, not painted, not wearing pink, Moses's Bilan's Beast is not quite similar. So I overcame the broken pattern and did not change my attitude. Think – maybe among your friends will be "not like"? It’s not easy to recognize them if they don’t want to.
My grandmother from Kiev says:
"The Americans were secretly hijacked. They were guided by these, like their "generators of stupidity". They built Maidan.
I forgot to turn off...
If you have a holiday and you decide to clean up at home, do the following:
Turn up the bed and don’t look at it.
2) Turn off the computer and do not approach it.
3) Discharge the phone and eat the charging.
and all. Now you can start.
I sit on Big Bond.
Big Bond :DDD
Q: What is funny?
Wow, superhero lunch: big bond snack, bet-man snack, sprinter-man sauce and dessert cookies chick-chick norris HDD
Ohuet, the parcel has long been received by me, unpacked and long forgotten, and the Russian Post suddenly decided to admit that they lost it.
A miracle happened! Today I saw a man in an electric car, hanged with Apple devices, who, when the controllers entered the car, did not drop, as usual, but showed a ticket!
Our lawyer linguist (y) reads letters from foreign partners.General Director (d)
And now again, only in Russian.
(with doubt): in Russian, or still in Russian
D: Is there a difference? O_O
Believe me, it is huge :)
There are two women in the store today:
My favorite half-sweet has been purchased.
Okay, I add a spoonful of sugar to the bag and okay!
The Explanatory:
Fourth grade students gave a lecture on religion. Reason: The rage is over.
I work in an office, a man of 30 of us, and I am a single girl. My boss is very good. When my critical days begin, he lets me go home, get sick) It’s all cool, but now the whole office knows when my critical days begin. They counted sitting...
Communicate with a friend. We talked about the Soviet powder. And as everyone knows, the Soviet technology did not differ in particular diversity:
What color do you have: blue or red?
Oh yeah the green :)
I think this is another model.
What causes the disease in the middle of May? From the phrase "When the condom in the car is badly cold, you need to travel to refuel."
You shouldn’t turn on the TV and the brain at the same time. These are incompatible things like a fireplace and air conditioning.
News: "The most stressful work in Russia is named". First the insurance, then the management of personnel and marketing.
The comments:
What about miners, steel workers, firefighters?
They don’t have time to get depressed, they’re too busy for such a shit.
I work in the pharmacy, the customer is pleased.
The guy (P) comes, asks for Vitrum tb.and vitamins)
Q: Who is the manufacturer?
I: Unifarm, United States
P: OOOO... no, I have sanctions on America, let me say something else!
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Sometimes I feel like you were born with the wrong leg.
Sakura, what about the site?
Alexander is
With which?
With my own! ?
When will you take him?
Alexander is
When you come and prepare the borscht
As if there was a contract - you make a borst, I - a website
One thing stops me...
If only the border...
Alexander is
Only Borges
I don’t need anything more)
Give me your content too!!! to
Alexander is
Oh, you are talking about it ?))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
On the topic of bees in mailings of the Russian Post:
So can you send a bee in boxes of under-iPhone iPads and other highly stolen equipment? Even though the week is similar (:
In the work:
Do you have Chrome sensitive to the register of letters?
Like, you start entering PrIFK in the address line, and chrome begins to cry.