— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №158191
My friend’s brother resigned and moved to a new job.

I ask :

Who is working now?

Vasa is now a big boss. More than a thousand people under it.

Oh well solid. Who was he arranged for?

Director of the cemetery.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №158190
The car industry crisis is when you sell an old car more expensive than you bought.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №158189
At work, I’m sitting in the office with five pretty cracked-looking aunts: jeans, sweaters, unwashed beads (I’m an ordinary kind of guy with a bit longer hair than usual). The courier comes in, looks around the office and asks, "Who of you was Vadim?" The next day, everyone (except me) came in shirts and dresses.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №158188
In the sixth grade we had such a funny thing. Students prepared various fun tasks or examples in mathematics and told at the board. And here comes out excellent Lena to the board and begins to explain for Jules our Verne, what kind of shit he wrote about 20 thousand lieues underwater. He writes with a crumb how many lieues will be (it is 5556 m), multiplies by 20 thousand, and op - there is no such depth, and it can not be. Jules Verne was wrong, and our Soviet schoolgirl embarrassed the Frenchman.

I, who then read Verne and even carried books with me to school to read on the shifts, raise my hand and say, forgive me, but Verne in the books calculated everything very accurately and although of course I was wrong in determining the maximum depth (not much), but 20 thousand lieues is the length of the way that Nautilus has gone underwater, and not the depth at all. In my opinion, in the publication there was also a map of the route, only there was written about 80 thousand kilometers... And my teacher is like this – sit down, don’t be wise, and Lena is good, Lena is five.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №158187
xxx: Can you attach at least a small biography of the model to such photographs? Not to search on the internet.

YYY: Could I still be younger for you?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №158186
I remember one day I went to a camp. Ordinary Soviet model. And somewhere on the 4th day of my stay there, we were led to play the Intellectual Games. My team and I answered various questions. The last question was: "Note the name and surname of the President of the United States depicted on the 100-dollar bill." Since I was interested in such facts, I was able to answer that none. Franklin was not a president, he was more in science and public activity. I laughed in my face, saying that this could not happen. That only leaders print on banknotes. But the question was counted as B. Franklin sounded out of my mouth. The first place. However, I had a bad feeling at the time, because I was tried to be exposed as a fool in collective perception.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №158185
A five-year-old son spent his savings on toys. I ask, well, son, are you happy now? Yes, he says, but some toys are not enough, more money is needed. I begin to explain that money is simply not enough to be, you need to behave properly, study well and, in the future, work decently. Type, the usual strategic scheme of the appearance of money, and life in general. The son sinked, thought and went out to play the tablet. After a while, I checked his queries on Google: "how to make money from paper", "how to make the ATM issue a lot of money".

Now I think how to understand a child in the language to explain some articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna