— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156609
The lesson of my youth – I work, immediately after school, young, of course, inexperienced. The boss next door. The phone is ringing, still a disk, the conversation is heard throughout the room without loud communication.

Do you need a master? My son is looking for a job, can you get him?

and hello. How old is he?

– 25

No, I do not need it, thank you.

The master was needed. I ask :

You are what? Did not even talk, did not look at him?

More than 20 years have passed since the incident, I remember the answer as now:

At the age of 25, his mother is looking for a job. such a. The Master. not needed!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156608
Xxx: There was a guy in our company, like a prominent one - a tall, wide-armed blonde with blue eyes, well-educated and educated. But with the female sex, shy to mindfulness, because of which the relationship with the girls he did not develop at all, and was a virgin. We often went to the country with the whole company, all but him, in pairs, which caused some inconvenience - the pairs adore, and he craves. And one day our brilliant minds decided to pick up a prostitute for him, said, it is our acquaintance and also wanted to go with us to the country. The choice was entrusted to us, the girls. Well, we looked in advance, selected one, booked it for a day, explained the role. The girl turned out to be very cute and companion, shutterly captured the attention of our virgin friend, the whole evening murmured with him, he just shone of happiness. In the morning we ask this girl, said, well, how did it all work out? Oh yeah thats. Nobilely rejecting all attempts to drag him to bed, our friend inspired her to read poetry almost all night. Jesse is fucking.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156607
Xxx: I went to the service and gave the car. Everything was barely carried out. after 3 days brought spare parts for repair, I go to the box (they had 3 lifts there) I look there empty sitting guy in the corner telek looks. I tell him that I brought spare parts to Murano, and he told me I don’t know about any Murano. I say and where all and he said there is no one empty room. I call that steel to whom he repaired and he is not a subscriber. It turned out that the shirt went to the neighboring boxes and there the phone does not catch, after a couple of minutes he called again. But it was a wretched minute.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №156606
Xxx: On the day I came to the TC, while I parked, I saw a picture. A 50-year-old man was not allowed to enter the hospital without a mask. He approached the garbage-cinder at the entrance, cuddled, found something, burned it and went in. Lifhack, his mother

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156605
Some people, after leaving their mark in history, would not be bad to clean up after themselves.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №156604
Mishka is a veterinarian from God. He has a private house, a plot under the protection of two of his friends - a rottweiler and an alabay, thrown out by the seasons and rescued by Mishka in one of the cold winters. He doesn’t talk to them at all, they surprisingly understand the owner without words by one eye movement or a stirred forehead. God and King for these dogs under the center weight.

It must be said that Mishka himself has some amazing magic for animals. Accept at home. Any whispering and pulling creature, being in the hall of his reception room instantly turns into a frozen and obedient doll, with which you can do anything. Since the area is large, there is a lot of space, neighboring holidaymakers, people very famous and respected, often bring their pets to the lodge. No any problems. After hearing about the regime and time of feeding of these Oscar and aristocratic cattle, Mishka loads the refrigerator with their supplies and sends the owners to their deserved rest. On the first day, the aristocrat receives a hercules bowl on the water as breakfast. Desperately turns his mouth. The mouse says Agah and hides the bowl in the refrigerator. The next day he gets a bowl of flour from the refrigerator. The aristocrat looks even more contemptuously at the harvest. Again, Agha and Miska are coming back. For more than a week, none of the aristocrats can withstand this procedure. A week later, he happily eats hercules on his mouth and moves around the courtyard in search of tasty and useful strawberries. After two weeks, he passes through all the diatheses of allergies of incontinence and a bunch of mops and bulldogs is worn on the lawn, driven by the rick of the alaba and rottweiler. Returning burning owners will not recognize their pets, but after a month all the dog’s appetite for pets disappears and again they eat for breakfast only steamed beef under the sauce of dušamel. But what’s curious, when they’re brought back, they instantly recall the favorite taste of Hercules on the water and the teams of the Alaba and Rottweiler. Mouse - he is not evil, he just behaves like the most important in the herd. Achilles is him. And it is right. Animals understand a lot, but they don’t speak. One day, Mishka decided to save a village housewife, bitten by a fox and ill with rabies, for the sake of an experiment. For almost a week he did not leave the dog, making her droplets, intestinal massages, enema, washing. The entire dog bonbon walked on chickens, literally staring into the eyes of the Mouse - you do, we will not bother you. He pulled out that dog. True, she has a defeat of the CNS, she walks like under the shelf, but alive and healthy. It lies on a hill and gives a signal to the main dogs about the approaching of strangers. They really talk to each other... It’s hard to say why Mishka doesn’t have a private life. But let’s wish him to find his half that will accept and love his whole family and his cowardly friends.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156603
I have understood correctly that the rich get vaccinated to go to restaurants, and the poor to go to work?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna